Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

I hope he blows his knee out, and his career is over.. goes broke and has to live in the streets... is this poor taste by me? Yeah probably, but he is gonna get this university in a whole lot of trouble. .

Easy muchacho
But but but they get a free education. Who cares if they have money to live.

So we get rid of all sports that dont produce money to pay the athletes. I understand from a football players point of view but the money that football and basketball supply more scolarzhips than theirs. On top of that yearly there are roughly 20 athletic departments that make a pfofit.
Watching entitled fans kvetch about entitled athletes is quite amusing.

I would feel sorry for them if they had to buy their uniforms, pay their own way through school, pay for their own meals and then were made to play football

Except, they are not made to play. It's a choice. If I apply for a job and I know I'm only making $8 dollars an hour and getting no benefits, then I can't complain if I'm not getting $30 an hour and full benefits. If they don't like what they are getting in return, then the can get a real job, in the real world, at a real salary. Then pay to go to school if they desire

I don't shed one frickin tear for them. They know and in Foster's case knew what he was getting in return for his 4 years at UT. Nobody twisted his arm to play football. Therefore, its voluntary and he could leave the game at anytime he thought he was being "exploited"

Lets see how much his name and signature would be worth without UT

Screw him
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I despise him for this. What he has effectively done is thrown our whole program under the bus. He is safe, there is nothing the NCAA can do to him anymore, but they can come after our athletic department.

His actions show he cares more about making sure the 1% of college football players good enough to make it worth paying them get a little more money over and above the ~$100,000 scholarships they already receive than caring about and looking out for the program that put him in the position he is in today.

I say we wipe his name from our record books and ban him from ever coming near the program for life, not that he will care anyways.

This, plus the revelations about Couch and Bray will likely mean more serious punishments in the near future. What a selfish a**hole. :furious3: :finger3: :finger3: :finger3:
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I would feel sorry for them if they had to buy their uniforms, pay their own way through school, pay for their own meals and then were made to play football

Except, they are not made to play. It's a choice. If I apply for a job and I know I'm only making $8 dollars an hour and getting no benefits, then I can't complain if I'm not getting $30 an hour and full benefits. If they don't like what they are getting in return, then the can get a real job, in the real world, at a real salary. Then pay to go to school if they desire

I don't shed one frickin tear for them. They know and in Foster's case knew what he was getting in return for his 4 years at UT. Nobody twisted his arm to play football. Therefore, its voluntary and he could leave the game at anytime he thought he was being "exploited"

Lets see how much his name and signature would be worth without UT

Screw him


This stuff happens everywhere, in every college sport, some get caught, some don't...In this day of social media, 24 hour sports coverage, there will be more than ever before. The list below are just the highlights over the years, it's by no means exhaustive.

USC - Reggie Bush


Arizona St. Baseball - "improperly recruiting one player and giving improper benefits to multiple players. Arizona State was a repeat offender."

Auburn - Besides Cam Newton...Pat Dye, Eric Ramsey and "Corky" Frost

The OSU - Pryor

SMU - Death Penalty

Minnesota Basketball - Clem Haskins

Alabama - Albert Means

Oklahoma - Barry Switzer era

TAMU - Jackie Sherrill era

Wichita St. Basketball - early 80's

Wisconsin Basketball and Football -2000

FSU - Free Shoes University...Warwick and Coles later

Memphis Basketball - Derrick Rose - narrowly escaped the death penalty in 1989.
He is a great Vol. People don't like when athletes speak the truth. UT and everyone else has athletes getting extra benefits. Which they should. Amateurism in sports was only put in so that rich people can train all day and not have to compete against regular people who needed sponsors or jobs to be able to train and compete. Time to change that. Even the ancient greeks paid their Olympic athletes.
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"I'm a firm believer that an employee should get paid for his work," Foster added. "And, 100 percent, I see student athletes as employees. Hiding from it is just cowardly."

He won't have the 20k college debt that I have because he played football. How is that for pay?
He is a great Vol. People don't like when athletes speak the truth. UT and everyone else has athletes getting extra benefits. Which they should. Amateurism in sports was only put in so that rich people can train all day and not have to compete against regular people who needed sponsors or jobs to be able to train and compete. Time to change that. Even the ancient greeks paid their Olympic athletes.

This is exactly right and I agree. Today's Olympians are even paid, through endorsements, autographed Memorabilia and their country's Olympic Commission. They've been doing it for years and it sure hasn't hurt the Olympics any. They are among the most watched sports events in the world.
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"I'm a firm believer that an employee should get paid for his work," Foster added. "And, 100 percent, I see student athletes as employees. Hiding from it is just cowardly."

He won't have the 20k college debt that I have because he played football. How is that for pay?

So you brought in millions of dollars to the university you attended?
He is a great Vol. People don't like when athletes speak the truth. UT and everyone else has athletes getting extra benefits. Which they should. Amateurism in sports was only put in so that rich people can train all day and not have to compete against regular people who needed sponsors or jobs to be able to train and compete. Time to change that. Even the ancient greeks paid their Olympic athletes.

No, he's not a great Vol. He unnecessarily threw UT under the bus and for what? It's easy to dismiss the consequences like he did when you don't serve the consequence. He's a self centered POS and is no longer a Vol. Period. It's called a pell grant or student loan like the rest of us. Sorry the cafe wasn't up to Fosters yuppie standards.
He is a great Vol. People don't like when athletes speak the truth. UT and everyone else has athletes getting extra benefits. Which they should. Amateurism in sports was only put in so that rich people can train all day and not have to compete against regular people who needed sponsors or jobs to be able to train and compete. Time to change that. Even the ancient greeks paid their Olympic athletes.

He is a liar and a coward.

He waits until he is secure with his millions to expose the "truth."

We all know this goes on, he did nothing but put UT and current and future players at risk of being punished for something he did.

Absolute loser.
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No, he's not a great Vol. He unnecessarily threw UT under the bus and for what? It's easy to dismiss the consequences like he did when you don't serve the consequence. He's a self centered POS and is no longer a Vol. Period. It's called a pell grant or student loan like the rest of us. Sorry the cafe wasn't up to Fosters yuppie standards.

Exactly. He got his education paid for, I didnt, food, I didnt, room, I didnt, and he got maximum exposure, I didnt. He's dead to me.
"I'm a firm believer that an employee should get paid for his work," Foster added. "And, 100 percent, I see student athletes as employees. Hiding from it is just cowardly."

He won't have the 20k college debt that I have because he played football. How is that for pay?

Not to put too fine a point on things, but you also chose to have that 20K in debt too. Better decisions in HS could have saved you from that debt. Getting a job or a better paying job, while in college could have paid for that debt, or simply going to a cheaper school could have done it.

Lets face it, Foster and the other athletes at Tennessee and every other big time schools have made loads of money for their prospective schools and their student bodies. Don't forget that a lot of the money that comes through those gates during the fall, ends up in the schools coffers!
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:realmad:fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffing snitch:rtfm:
No, he's not a great Vol. He unnecessarily threw UT under the bus and for what? It's easy to dismiss the consequences like he did when you don't serve the consequence. He's a self centered POS and is no longer a Vol. Period. It's called a pell grant or student loan like the rest of us. Sorry the cafe wasn't up to Fosters yuppie standards.

I disagree and would add that most people here are missing the point where food is involved.

He is criticizing what HE deems as a silly rule. He's pointing out what HE sees as an unfair and btw unenforceable system. Kind of like what Commissioner Slive said yesterday in regards to the NCAA's inability to work with the conferences on a solution to the agent problem.

"I feel like the current NCAA rules and regulations are part of the problem, they're not part of the solution," Slive said Thursday in an interview with The Associated Press.
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