Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

My kid is a scholarship athlete currently in college and she often can't get in the cafeteria when it is open due to class/practice/game demands. Her sport is not a revenue sport, but if it were I can imagine the demands would be even more. Foster's story is completely believable to me because just yesterday following a match my daughter told me she hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning. It's past time the NCAA brought it's rules into the 21st century in terms of taking care of the athletes.

Sorry about your daughter. It's different at UT especially for football players.
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Then any plan you have will not pass due to the toledos and bowling greens of football. The BCS team aren't the only ones that play football.

Other than former VFL :) OC Dave Clawson being the coach at BG, WTF do I care about them?

You bring up a good point...The BG's of the world are the ones keeping the big boys from going to a full cost of tuition model. It's been voted down by the have nots twice I believe.

What is good for them might not be good for us and if Emmert thinks Slive and Delaney don't have the power to make change in the big boy's favor, well, he's misguided...but we already knew that.

Here's a little something from back in 1987

The NCAA Eligibility Committee voted yesterday to restore the eligibility of University of Pittsburgh defensive back Teryl Austin, a senior who acknowledged taking money last year from professional sports agent Norby Walters - a violation of NCAA rules....

Austin, who had been stripped of all his remaining eligibility, must now sit out only Pitt's first two games - against Brigham Young on Sept. 2 and North Carolina State on Sept. 12. The NCAA also ruled that Austin must repay the $2,500 that he received from Walters and be free of any contractual obligation before he can play again.

"By taking this action, we hope we can encourage student-athletes who have signed with agents to come forward with the knowledge that the eligibility committee will consider restoring a substantial part of their remaining eligibility," said Lew Cryer, chairman of the Eligibility Committee and commissioner of the Pacific Coast Athletic Association.

Do I think Mo Couch will get the same result with Emmert's NCAA...Do you?
they guy likely at the pregame meal in the late afternoon. He then played football for 3hrs and gets out at midnight. Acting like he would want nothing but a snack until breakfast is kinda ridiculous

So... he's incapable of taking home leftovers? Grab a meal that you know you'll want later.

Beats throwing your school under the bus publicly. Especially for some bull crap reason... he couldn't afford rent but chose to off campus? Are you going to make excuses for him passing on a free room as well?
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My kid is a scholarship athlete currently in college and she often can't get in the cafeteria when it is open due to class/practice/game demands. Her sport is not a revenue sport, but if it were I can imagine the demands would be even more. Foster's story is completely believable to me because just yesterday following a match my daughter told me she hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning. It's past time the NCAA brought it's rules into the 21st century in terms of taking care of the athletes.
Did she call and threaten the coach or fend for herself?
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Tennessee recruited him in order to be good in order to fill the stands etc etc

Tennessee didn't recruit him to fumble away the game against Penn State though.

You can't dock him for the f up but he should get more for everything else?
Why is anybody surprised by this? I would bet that 97% of top tier athletes in college are getting some sort of compensation.

I really wonder why Foster decided to come out with this information. Does he enjoy the attention that much, or does he want to kick the program while we're down?
So when he says he doesn't have enough money for food, he really means he doesn't want to eat dorm food like the "regular" kids.

This. All the football players have very generous meal plans and receive a hefty per diem any time meals aren't provided. If you think any of the UT players are starving, you'd be gravely mistaken.
Your second point is just dumb if you ever ate in athletes dorm cafeteria

You could very well be right. I have not eaten at the athlete's dorm cafeteria. Other comments in the thread lead me to believe the food is pretty good. Why would he not eat there?
Our problem is we did not enough to get the absolute best players or we would have a much better record. Just joking....kind of
But as a alum I would prefer we not break any rules regardless of how many others do. Yes I want to win, but I honestly would prefer to be know as a university that earns it with in the rules.
He is a great Vol. People don't like when athletes speak the truth. UT and everyone else has athletes getting extra benefits. Which they should. Amateurism in sports was only put in so that rich people can train all day and not have to compete against regular people who needed sponsors or jobs to be able to train and compete. Time to change that. Even the ancient greeks paid their Olympic athletes.

But without all of the student athletes over the years UT would not be the same. Its not just AF, but all the athletes who have brought money and exposure to UT and other schools. So without the athletes and sports UT would not be the same UT. If not for the athletes and sports no one would be on this message board. How many people post on the UT academic fan forum/message board? Is there even one?

Well hell then..when you put it that way, let's start paying HS players...hell lets take on down to peewee. Stupid effin horse***t.
Espn just reported the story as well. Possible scenarios fir this to play out.

1. Nothing happens
2. Media is up playing all of this to get players paid
3. Media demonizes UT and becomes the focus of NCAA becoming the SECs scape goat.
Heck yeah, it's great that a former player admits to breaking rules.

Look at it this way.

If every former athlete in every sport came clean about extra benefits, whether money, or tests taken by a tutor, money given by an agent, a course for athletes only, changed grades midnight, tonight...

Tomorrow there would be a sea change in how amateur athletics are perceived in the morning.

It's an archaic system that has NEVER really worked.
Regardless if the NCAA starts paying them something or not boosters n agents will just give them more so u r not going to stop the side money by paying them 300 or so a month.. plus here a question if an engineer or it guy is on scholarship n is comes up with a great invention n ut makes some money so u pay them... n the long run he will be worth more to ut than most football players because his net worth will be more over his lifetime.
This guy will donate back so point being where does it end n who decides who is worth more to the school...

So separate them n people that don't want an education n think they r good enough for the NFL start a league n let them pay them for 2 to 4 years.. if they get drafted they continue to get paid if not they go on food stamps for being a dumb ass for passing up a free education..

then let the other guys go to college get an education n keep the same n still let them get drafted or not n then they go to work with a degree.. 10 years like do an ESPN special on how the world has mistreated the pay players n society is to blame ...blah blah..... Jesus people get an education n do something with your life.. af is the lucky one.
He should have kept his mouth shut and ate his words like he did those tacos. Nobody likes a snitch. I hope he joins Aaron Craft on the not invited list to Bruce Pearl's barbeques.
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