Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

The issue of whether Div 1 football players deserve a stipend (or salary if you prefer) is an important one and worth discussing. Foster's problem is no one believes HE was starving or couldn't pay rent. Once you lie to try to prove a point, you lose all credibility. I doubt you will see Foster answer follow up questions about his experience or lifestyle while in college.
This should bring out the Foster haters...

Honestly, though, I don't see a lot of positives coming from this.

Unless it can be shown that UT staff or administrators knew something of this , I can't see a lot of negatives coming from it either.
Why not keep your mouth shut? I don't understand.

Because what the NCAA and college football are in the wrong!

There is too much money in college football. The coaches, administrators, media, and bowl committees make huge salaries and it all at the exploitation the players.

The selling of the players image for video games was appalling. Stop ignoring the elephant and pay the players something.
Ok, tell law firms to pay all their interns. Tell all school systems to pay all their student teachers. Tell all doctors/hospitals to pay the med students in the clinicals. All these people make money (or save money) for these places and don't get paid. Why? Because they have to do to get the job they want later in life.

Too many people letting sports fandom get in the way of an economic situation. It's simply about dollars and cents. Your argument is way off. Show me one law firm making millions of dollars off nothing more than interns. Student teachers? Public schools are not even private businesses making a profit. Show me one hospital making millions of dollars on the work of nothing but Med students doing clinical. It's an economic abuse caused by the unique nature of sports extreme popularity.
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This is absolute bullcrap. He got a free education, free meals, access to the finest training facility in the nation, very generous meal money at games, a personal trainer, meal tables before/after every game and goody bags at every bowl that he attended. On top of all of that free stuff, he took out a Pell Grant and pocketed every single dime of that $5,650 per school year. Then, he gets to work at some stupid barely-there summer "job" that nets him another $2,000 per year. Is it easy? Hell no! Is it better than sitting in the dorm room eating ramen f'in' noodles like a regular student? Yep. Keep eating the bull that these pampered, self-indulgent babies are feedin' you.

I'm done. I'm choosing not to participate in this any longer. I have cheered on these asshats for 24 years. I have bought tickets so that he could look up in the stands with disdain and contempt? I will spend Saturdays with my girls and my wife. You guys can poke fun and let 'er rip with your snide "Not a VFL" bull****. Have at it. I guess I'm not a VFL.

Good luck tomorrow. I really hope Butch Jones gets it turned around for you guys.
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Here's an idea: if the cafeteria closes at a certain hour, and you're expecting to be hungry after said hour, invest in a one dollar piece of tubberware. With said piece of tubberware, go into said cafeteria, order from your meal plan, and load up. Go back to your dorm, and put said piece of tubberware into your refrigerator. Problem solved.
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So food and shelter is the only thing a college age kid needs? Transportation, clothing, entertainment, food after games/practices and on weekends when the cafeteria is closed?

I wonder how he paid for his awesome know, being broke and all?

I played D-IAA football at a small private school and we had meals provided for us after games and after practices on the nights we practiced later than the cafeteria was open. If you were ever hungry it was your own fault. I find it hard to believe that these guys aren't treated like royalty all of the time.

He may or may not have a valid point, but don't hide behind the "I had nothing to eat" argument.
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This alone doesn't seem like a very big thing.

But this combined with Kiffin's stuff and the Bray and Mo Couch story sure seems like a trend the last 6 years where we have had rules broken (and still sucked).

Hope NCAA doesn't decide to make an example of us.

This is true. Think about this in the context of Bruce Pearl... It's not like they will be tearing down banners from the rafters and pennants from the top of the stadium.

: (

We are the worst hillbilly cheaters of all-time.
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I wonder how he paid for his awesome know, being broke and all?

I played D-IAA football at a small private school and we had meals provided for us after games and after practices on the nights we practiced later than the cafeteria was open. If you were ever hungry it was your own fault. I find it hard to believe that these guys aren't treated like royalty all of the time.

He may or may not have a valid point, but don't hide behind the "I had nothing to eat" argument.

His dad wasn't broke.
Saying he had to pay rent means he didnt live in the dorm. Most players have apartments. Carry on.
Long thread, so I apologize if the obvious joke has already been made, but now we know why all his fumbles came at crucial times. Those costly fumbles cost us games, no telling what it cost the opposing teams' boosters.
How do you agree to do something knowing you're not going to get paid, sign the loi, and then whine about not getting paid? He knew upfront he wasn't getting paid. If he had a moral objection to being "exploited " he shouldn't have played.
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My kid is a scholarship athlete currently in college and she often can't get in the cafeteria when it is open due to class/practice/game demands. Her sport is not a revenue sport, but if it were I can imagine the demands would be even more. Foster's story is completely believable to me because just yesterday following a match my daughter told me she hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning. It's past time the NCAA brought it's rules into the 21st century in terms of taking care of the athletes.

Is she being forced to play? When I was in school it sucked having to pause our Madden tournament and run to the dining hall before it closed but we did.
My kid is a scholarship athlete currently in college and she often can't get in the cafeteria when it is open due to class/practice/game demands. Her sport is not a revenue sport, but if it were I can imagine the demands would be even more. Foster's story is completely believable to me because just yesterday following a match my daughter told me she hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning. It's past time the NCAA brought it's rules into the 21st century in terms of taking care of the athletes.
What school is she at?

Due to my job during the season, I missed the "cafeteria" meals too, but even my school, way back in the day, gave me a pass to eat at alternative campus dining. Tell me she doesn't have that option and I would find that very hard to believe.
Once again...CFB fans are fans of teams, not personalities. The personalities are followed because of the relationship to the fanbase. CFB fans are going to follow their teams whether there is a minor league or not. That is the problem, The NFL knows it would be a massive, money losing expenditure. A football minor league would not be a fart in a whirlwind against CFB.

While I agree with you, I think there could be room for minor league teams. In the spring, I would live to go watch a team in Chattanooga that was a Titans/Falcons farm team. Granted, I know this will never happen for the reasons I listed in my previous post, but I think it would solve the problem and give us something to watch during the spring.
My kid is a scholarship athlete currently in college and she often can't get in the cafeteria when it is open due to class/practice/game demands. Her sport is not a revenue sport, but if it were I can imagine the demands would be even more. Foster's story is completely believable to me because just yesterday following a match my daughter told me she hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning. It's past time the NCAA brought it's rules into the 21st century in terms of taking care of the athletes.

Tubberware. Seriously, it might help. Could just carry it with her and eat between classes and/or practice.
Foster is the gift that keeps on giving..
1. Giving up the ball on the goal line about to go in for a score that would have put us up two touchdowns at UCLA costing us the game
2. Giving up the ball coming out of our end zone at Auburn that cost us the game.
3. Giving up his senior year and helping cost the coach that bought the tacos his job.
4. Giving up family secrets.. Keep your mouth shut you arrogant jack-***
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This is absolute bullcrap. He got a free education, free meals, access to the finest training facility in the nation, very generous meal money at games, a personal trainer, meal tables before/after every game and goody bags at every bowl that he attended. On top of all of that free stuff, he took out a Pell Grant and pocketed every single dime of that $5,650 per school year. Then, he gets to work at some stupid barely-there summer "job" that nets him another $2,000 per year. Is it easy? Hell no! Is it better than sitting in the dorm room eating ramen f'in' noodles like a regular student? Yep. Keep eating the bull that these pampered, self-indulgent babies are feedin' you.

I'm done. I'm choosing not to participate in this any longer. I have cheered on these asshats for 24 years. I have bought tickets so that he could look up in the stands with disdain and contempt? I will spend Saturdays with my girls and my wife. You guys can poke fun and let 'er rip with your snide "Not a VFL" bull****. Have at it. I guess I'm not a VFL.

Good luck tomorrow. I really hope Butch Jones gets it turned around for you guys.

I hear ya bro! Don't let Foster get you down. You will not be wasting time spending time with the family. A better choice these days. Foster has bummed out many Vols today.
Foster is the gift that keeps on giving..
1. Giving up the ball on the goal line about to go in for a score that would have put us up two touchdowns at UCLA costing us the game
2. Giving up the ball coming out of our end zone at Auburn that cost us the game.
3. Giving up his senior year and helping cost the coach that bought the tacos his job.
4. Giving up family secrets.. Keep your mouth shut you arrogant jack-***

Welcome.... And I was at the UCLA game. That fumble and a few other things made that expensive trip really crappy!
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Foster is the gift that keeps on giving..
1. Giving up the ball on the goal line about to go in for a score that would have put us up two touchdowns at UCLA costing us the game
2. Giving up the ball coming out of our end zone at Auburn that cost us the game.
3. Giving up his senior year and helping cost the coach that bought the tacos his job.
4. Giving up family secrets.. Keep your mouth shut you arrogant jack-***

The guy that bought the Tacos hired Dave Clawson which cost the coach his job. IMOFWIWTACO

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