Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

Seriously, Foster tries to word it sympathetically, but all he's really doing is making excuses for poor decisions. He was no worse off than any other typical college student. The biggest difference is his parents weren't scraping together every penny they could find just to pay for his school. Where were they when he needed food money? Oh, that's right, buying plane tickets to come see him play. Don't get me wrong, I understand their desire to see him play, but sometimes you sacrifice so your child is better off. I'm not against some kind of stipend for athletes, not too large, since they cannot work like other students. As for Foster's comment about getting paid to work, most students work to pay for school, which is what football provided him. I just find it sad when athletes paint themselves as victims. Arian Foster was not a victim. He made bad choices. Now he's airing his laundry and UT is getting caught up in it.
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The guy that bought the Tacos hired Dave Clawson which cost the coach his job. IMOFWIWTACO

If Foster doesn't fumble those two fumbles in 2008 Fulmer goes 8-4 and is still the coach. Think about it..

The guy was, is, and will always be an arrogant jack-***

Every game he plays I hope he does poorly. Always have. He's not a good guy.. not someone your want to route for. Someone you want to see fail.

The definition of arrogance:
"an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions "
Seriously, Foster tries to word it sympathetically, but all he's really doing is making excuses for poor decisions. He was no worse off than any other typical college student. The biggest difference is his parents weren't scraping together every penny they could find just to pay for his school. Where were they when he needed food money? Oh, that's right, buying plane tickets to come see him play. Don't get me wrong, I understand their desire to see him play, but sometimes you sacrifice so your child is better off. I'm not against some kind of stipend for athletes, not too large, since they cannot work like other students. As for Foster's comment about getting paid to work, most students work to pay for school, which is what football provided him. I just find it sad when athletes paint themselves as victims. Arian Foster was not a victim. He made bad choices. Now he's airing his laundry and UT is getting caught up in it.

1. I don't think Foster thinks he's a victim.
2. He clearly doesn't think he did anything wrong, nor does he even remotely think it was a bad choice.
3. UT isn't caught up in anything that Mo Couch didn't have us caught up in already.
Foster is the gift that keeps on giving..
1. Giving up the ball on the goal line about to go in for a score that would have put us up two touchdowns at UCLA costing us the game
2. Giving up the ball coming out of our end zone at Auburn that cost us the game.
3. Giving up his senior year and helping cost the coach that bought the tacos his job.
4. Giving up family secrets.. Keep your mouth shut you arrogant jack-***

He was malnourished...geeze, come on guy.
Finebaum just commented on ESPN about this situation. He mentioned something about the statute of limitations having ran on the NCAA being able to punish UT over this. Does anyone know anything more about the details about the statute of limitations he is referring to? If this is true, and we can no longer be punished over this, I might be able to breathe a little sigh of relief, but I don't particularly trust Finebaum on his face.
If Foster doesn't fumble those two fumbles in 2008 Fulmer goes 8-4 and is still the coach. Think about it..

The guy was, is, and will always be an arrogant jack-***

Every game he plays I hope he does poorly. Always have. He's not a good guy.. not someone your want to route for. Someone you want to see fail.

The definition of arrogance:
"an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions "

You may not remember the "8 is enough" drama around here. Fulmer had lost a Fulmer sized portion of the fan base who would have screamed for his head with an 8 win season.

We should not confuse what we would be happy with today with expectations back then.
Who in their right mind believes that a coach, even an assistant, is going to drop what they're doing to run a guy some tacos.

"Arian, can I run your laundry to the cleaners for you, please, please?"


Of all the things he could have said, this is one of the least believable imaginable.

If Fulmer's coaches were making taco runs, no wonder everyone that was anyone in the conference was handing him his head on a platter. One that had a side of tacos.

I don't believe a word of it.

Money maybe, but the taco story is an outright lie.

Think about it. :loco:
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You may not remember the "8 is enough" drama around here. Fulmer had lost a Fulmer sized portion of the fan base who would have screamed for his head with an 8 win season.

We should not confuse what we would be happy with today with expectations back then.

Agreed.. but in Fulmer's contract he had written in a 1 year extension for each year he got 8 wins. Hammy wouldn't have been able to take him out.

I'd take 8 wins a year right now over firing Fulmer. Foster cost use more than two lost games.. Try 6 years of irrelevance with atleast one or two more coming.
I see Foster is trying real hard to reach the top spot on the list of most hated former vols and I think he just did it. Sorry Kelly Washington but Foster has really gone above and beyond to earn the hatred and he deserves the title.
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Was ambivalent toward Foster but the more he is out there, the more he seems like an arrogant prick.

And if the NCAA tried to do anything to UT over this after Auburn got off free, I'd hope the administration would grow a pair and take the NCAA to court.
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Agreed.. but in Fulmer's contract he had written in a 1 year extension for each year he got 8 wins. Hammy wouldn't have been able to take him out.

I'd take 8 wins a year right now over firing Fulmer. Foster cost use more than two lost games.. Try 6 years of irrelevance with atleast one or two more coming.

Now I've heard it all...I guess we should call it the Foster Curse, change the name of the Fulmer Cup to Foster's Cup.
Arian fosters Mom is a proud member of Volnation. If she reads this, please, let your son know we undestand it can get confusing on a good night to forget you are a scholarship player at a major university. The benefits associated with that , which many would give up a limb to attain, he simply assumed he was entitled to for being a gifted athlete, never seriously considering the academic path also afforded to him. I can understand his circumstance, but we here stand behind him. He is now a two time pro bowler that had to work to get where he is. How does it serve him to use specific's when generalization's would have proven his point across all major universities? Vol4Life ....
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Who in their right mind believes that a coach, even an assistant, is going to drop what they're doing to run a guy some tacos.

"Arian, can I run your laundry to the cleaners for you, please, please?"


Of all the things he could have said, this is one of the least believable imaginable.

If Fulmer's coaches were making taco runs, no wonder everyone that was anyone in the conference was handing him his head on a platter. One that had a side of tacos.

I don't believe a word of it.

Money maybe, but the taco story is an outright lie.

Think about it. :loco:
Maybe they were really pigs burgers from the old Brother Jack's on University, near Knoxville College . He didn't want to be stereotyped by the soul food thing.
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Too many people letting sports fandom get in the way of an economic situation. It's simply about dollars and cents. Your argument is way off. Show me one law firm making millions of dollars off nothing more than interns. Student teachers? Public schools are not even private businesses making a profit. Show me one hospital making millions of dollars on the work of nothing but Med students doing clinical. It's an economic abuse caused by the unique nature of sports extreme popularity.

How much money are the hospitals saving by having the med students there, in turn not having to pay for actual clerks? Lots and lots of money. Do these future doctors whine and complain about being taken advantage of? No, because it is all a part of the process. If you actually read what I posted, it also said "and saving".

Edit: misread "clinical" as "clerical". But nonetheless, how much would hospitals have to pay the students to do what they do while in school? The point is, the athletes currently get benefits that are not available to all undergrad students, and they are a greedy bunch of self entitled people. Why are they? Because fans like you put them on a damn pedestal and they get big heads.
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Has fostermom, weighed in yet

No way in hell he can be defended with rational logic. He didn't have to have non dorm rent and athletes get stipend for when the athletic cafeteria is closed on the weekends.

Sure she loves him. But she can't defend him and it doesn't make him any less of a worthless POS.

On a side note, they (commentators, not call in's)blasted Arian on XM College Sports this afternoon.
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Foster should have stocked up during one of those canned goods drives so he didn't have to go to bed hungry.
No way in hell he can be defended with rational logic. He didn't have to have non dorm rent and athletes get stipend for when the athletic cafeteria is closed on the weekends.

Sure she loves him. But she can't defend him and it doesn't make him any less of a worthless POS.

On a side note, they (commentators, not call in's)blasted Arian on XM College Sports this afternoon.

It's funny to me what people get caught up on. He said something like, I didn't do anything wrong, you can't convince me that I did anything wrong.

So, what is there to defend?

He did what thousands of players over decades have done, and he's saying he did it, which thousands of players who do it, DO NOT DO.

It's not about whether the cafeteria is open on the weekends, GEESH!

He also said his team mates were selling drugs. Anybody, Bueller?

Shine a light, fine by me.

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