Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

I didn't read one word he said that I disagreed with. And I'm also sure he isn't concerned what the fanbase thinks considering the excellent treatment we gave him while he was here.
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So let me get this straight. You guys believe that he didn't have food in his fridge? Give me a break. If he didn't have food in his fridge then his money was being spent on something else. Unless UT does something totally different from other universities for student athletes. I know for a fact my wife who played at UGA and then at Armstrong Atlantic lived off campus and never had to worry about food. Her money was more than enough at both places for everything including partying.
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Just another young guy that has the mind set that he's owned something when in fact he's not. He was paid rather nicely with an education for his play. If your not cool with that then don't play. You were given the chance of 1 in millions and still think your owed something or being pimped out
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Almost every upperclassman prefers to get out of the dorm into an apartment. It's not unreasonable for these guys to want to live like normal college students.
Doesn't change the fact that if he needed food, it was a choice he made, not a consequence of being a football player.

To toss your school out there like this is a slimeball thing to do.
So let me get this straight. You guys believe that he didn't have food in his fridge? Give me a break. If he didn't have food in his fridge then his money was being spent on something else. Unless UT does something totally different from other universities for student athletes. I know for a fact my wife who played at UGA and then at Armstrong Atlantic lived off campus and never had to worry about food. Her money was more than enough at both places for everything including partying.

I know I didnt.
Why not keep your mouth shut? I don't understand.

Because he's shedding light on a pervasive problem in big time college athletics? Like it or not, this is becoming a huge problem, not just for Tennessee, but for all big sports schools. The NCAA is facing major backlash and a growing number of players taking cash. I think a major misconception is that these guys are getting thousands upon thousands of dollars. In a vast majority of the cases, it's small amounts of money to cover food and know, basic things that should be provided to them anyway.

I'm all for a system that would be like a per diem that a student athlete would get to cover food at the campus grocery store or a special meal plan. The problem with that is that because of Title 9, ALL student athletes would have to get the same benefits. Which would in turn put stress on schools financially.

Sure there will always be the star players getting money under the table from agents or the school themselves, and that should be dealt with accordingly. But to sit here and say "WE (The School and NCAA) can make billions off your sweat and labor, but YOU can't because that would be wrong" is complete BS. Yes, they get free tuition and room and board (Questionable on the board part), but at some point the NCAA will have to address this to just improve the situation and move on.
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Just another young guy that has the mind set that he's owned something when in fact he's not. He was paid rather nicely with an education for his play. If your not cool with that then don't play. You were given the chance of 1 in millions and still think your owed something or being pimped out

I dont disagree, but a guy has to eat.
What's his point?
He was poor in college and had an empty fridge?

Guess what?

You are poor. FACT.

And if someone offers you money, you're not going to take it right?

Most of you angels are either FOS or have never seen a hard day in your life.

College athletics for some is the equivalent of indentured servitude.
Wow. Thanks Arian. Way to throw us under the bus and bring the NCAA knocking on our door. :mad:

This will not end well.:banghead2:

"But there's nothing wrong with it. And you're not going to convince me that there is something wrong with it."

What an idiot. Yes, there is something wrong with it. It's against the rules.

"I don't know if this will throw us into an NCAA investigation -- ". Umm, yes it will.

Stop being afraid of the NCAA. They're not going to do ****. This is nothing compared to other things going on in college football, and they're not going to do **** about that either.
That's just utter stupidity!!! Just keep your damn mouth shut and go on with your life. Telling media you took my while in college does nothing but your school in hot water.
And if someone offers you money, you're not going to take it right?

Most of you angels are either FOS or have never seen a hard day in your life.

College athletics for some is the equivalent of indentured servitude.

If you are student and you walk into a mcallisters, and they give you a free chili potato are you saying you would say no the NCAA will not let me have this, or you would eat said potato. Check and mate.
I didn't read one word he said that I disagreed with. And I'm also sure he isn't concerned what the fanbase thinks considering the excellent treatment we gave him while he was here.

So he doesn't care about the 100,000 people that filled Neyland every home game he was here. And the ones that traveled to see his sorry ass?

Or that he represents this university that is the sole reason he is anything right now?

Or that we could get screwed because of this? That he sounds like a little beyotch?

Yeah. Good point bro.
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