Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

Why even bring this up? There's nothing positive that could possibly come of this. Very dumb move on Foster's part. Can't imagine why a former player would want to paint a bad picture on his alma mater. Whether it was accidental or not, he should've kept quiet on this one.
I agree. I think the fact that everyone is mad about it reflects how much people are afraid of keeping things from the NCAA. It does nothing to keep your mouth shut all the time.
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I think foster is more sticking up for players. Unless you have played, you just can't understand. Most of us come from no money.
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Paying players won't stop six figure paydays for daddy.

If something was ever instituted it would be for all student athletes and would be a small sum of money. Not every university has a money making athletic program. Nothing that would prevent buying players.

This all day. If one school pays players, they all have to IMO. And some schools can't afford to do that. Probably us included.
This travesty regarding a lack of player compensation has gone on long enough.

Based on the SI Article, I think Arian's approach is exactly what this issue needs. A high profile NFL player talking about how they needed money for basic living needs while in school. Not money for sweet cars, drugs, and girls. Money for simply living a decent college lifestyle.

If we get more sanctions, so be it.

We're already in the gutters as is - I'd gladly give up 5-10 scholarships to make real progress towards doing the right thing.

Great, lets make Butch Jones' job even harder than it already is.
I agree. I think the fact that everyone is mad about it reflects how much people are afraid of keeping things from the NCAA. It does nothing to keep your mouth shut all the time.

Did you copy and paste this same response in two threads?
I used to be of a mind that players shouldn't get paid, or get any extra benefits. They get a free education, room, board. Maybe its not great conditions, and sure the university is making a fortune. But if they are good enough they get paid at the next level.

I think the reality is indeed that it goes on all the time, everywhere. Its just reality. If its abuses we want to stop -- guys getting lured somewhere for some six figure payday for Daddy, etc. --then I say we open it up and regulate it.

I have thought about this, but people will stretch or abuse the rules no matter what the rules are. If they are getting paid, then it will just be easier to hide any outside or other extra benefits. It is a tough situation, but most of these guys are getting an opportunity that they normally wouldn't have.
Almost every upperclassman prefers to get out of the dorm into an apartment. It's not unreasonable for these guys to want to live like normal college students.

Take away their scholarships, clothes, housing, nutritional benefits, tutors, players lounge with X-Box, smoothies, etc... Then see if they want to live like normal college students.

And to blackmail the coaches is atrocious. "Come give me XXXXXXX or I will do something stupid."


Fine. And I'll kick your hind parts off the team, and make sure the rest catches up. Eat with the rest of the team.
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This travesty regarding a lack of player compensation has gone on long enough.

Based on the SI Article, I think Arian's approach is exactly what this issue needs. A high profile NFL player talking about how they needed money for basic living needs while in school. Not money for sweet cars, drugs, and girls. Money for simply living a decent college lifestyle.

What you don't know is he could have spent whatever money he had partying the night before instead of putting some away for any necessities.
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if your goal is to get money for players then there is a reason it was put out there. We may not like it but sometimes you have to break a few eggs

I understand that side of the story, and I agree that players who come up from a poor lifestyle back at home could use that extra money to live on, but Tennessee as a program will only suffer even more than we already have. It's simply not a good situation.
well, here comes the investigation, players selling drugs and fumblin' foster with no food or money, wonder if he fumbled that money way on things (alcohol and women come to mind), and didn't think about not having food to eat. what a !@#$. thanks for being a vol for life and causing our football program tons of more turmoil. i am glad i never got your autograph. your not a tennessee legend. please don't ever come back to the university, i am guessing a former bama player paid you to tell the story.
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Great, lets make Butch Jones' job even harder than it already is.

OK - let's look at it from a completely self-interested fan perspective:

Worst case scenario: More NCAA sanctions - lose some scholarships, make rebuilding job even more difficult. Setback = 1-2 years.

Best case scenario: Arian & Tennessee are seen as the forefront of actually getting players paid. Suddenly, Tennessee is indirectly the institution most closely tied with tipping the scales for the players. Insert Recruiting Explosion and endless good PR.
The NCAA is fueling up their private jet as we speak to investigate all Taco Bells within a 30-mile radius of the UT campus.

Hold on to your butts, VolNation.
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I think foster is more sticking up for players. Unless you have played, you just can't understand. Most of us come from no money.

Sticking up for players and ratting out your coach who gave in and helped you out are two different things. Not to mention basically blackmailing said coach by telling him if he doesn't bring food you're going to go out and do something stupid.

I never realized Arian was from such a poor family that they could not afford a little grocery money every week and Arian was going to be forced to "do something stupid". I learn something new every day.
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So , he wants us to feel sorry for him because he wanted the luxury of living off campus? He could live in the dorms and eat 3 square meals a day in the cafeteria , but he wanted more . He gets a free education , free dorm (if he had chose to take advantage of it ) and free food . I realize the cafeteria isn't open 24 hours but he was in no danger of starving . Also he is now getting paid millions of dollars because of the opportunity he received . We should feel sorry for him for this ? He's just trying to justify breaking the rules . I got news for Arian , there are alot of people who would feel lucky if all their basic needs were provided for . We all have things we would like to have , but don't because we can't afford it .
yeah right.

First, you don't know my morals nor my character, so you are in no position to judge me. Second, you don't know how many times I've turned down tips and such at my jobs because it was against company policy and I don't want to get fired. Third, you don't know how many times I wasn't able to "be a college kid" because I had enough self respect and respect for the Pride. So, yeah, I would have enough self control. Forgive me for doing the right thing when you obviously wouldn't.

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