* Neighbors fight Salman and win. He cant build a church in his back yard. Salman withdraws his church plans and then submits plans to the city planner to build a game room in his backyard. The city planner, recognizing him from five minutes ago, asks if hes going to use this game room as a Church. Michael Salman says he will not use the room as a public church. This is a lie.
* Neighbors tip off the cops that Salman might be having church in his game room. Salman says its merely a bible study and not a church. In his game room are 140 seats, a podium and a portrait of the last supper. You know, like a church. Theres a six foot white cross on his front lawn next to a four by eight foot sign for announcements. You know, like youd see in front of a church. 50 or more people (numbers vary depending on who you ask) gather there every Sunday to hear Michael Salman, who they call pastor, talk about the bible for 1-2 hours. You know, like a church.
* Cops and city inspectors remind him that they said he cant have a church there. They also point out that his game room is horribly unsafe and theres a reason commercial zoning is different than residential. See, if you plan on having over 50 people in a place on a weekly basis, you need to make sure that theres fire sprinklers, properly marked exits, handicap access and permanent wiring as opposed to just a bunch of extension cords (just a few of the dozens of code violations).
* Salman gets warnings, tickets and numerous letters from the city stating he cant have a church in his back yard. Rather than trying to reach a compromise with neighbors (all who hate him now. His next door neighbor successfully filed a restraining order against him) or complying with the city, he just keeps on Churching and ignoring everybody. Eventually the citations pile up and now he has to go to jail.
So there you go. Michael Salman didnt go to jail for hosting a home bible study. Despite what Fox, Glenn Beck, The Examiner etc. would have you believe, nobodys going to jail for having a few friends over to read the bible. Michael Salman went to jail for having a church in his backyard, lying about it, pissing off his neighbors, putting his parishioners in danger by gathering in an unsafe building and ignoring multiple warnings from the city. Hes not a martyr or an example of the erosion of religious freedoms. Hes a stubborn man who thinks religious freedom means immunity from everything.