Build a fence; a high-wall; buy the property next to yours so that your neighbor will not build a dump, there. Your property rights pertain only to your property, not to your neighbor's property.
Why not exclude your neighbor from grilling or using a barbecue smoker because the smoke makes its way into your house and you enjoy having your windows open? Why not exclude your neighbor from enjoying a pipe in his backyard for the same reason? Or, exclude your neighbor from playing music, because you want to keep the windows open and read in your study? Exclude your neighbor from playing basketball, because, again, the sound keeps your from focusing on reading?
There are things you can do on your own property to fortify yourself against whatever it is you find bothersome; if you do not want to do these things, you can always retaliate by making your own noises, smells, or smoke, or you can move.
You are not entitled to dictate what someone else does with their property; you are only entitled to dictate what you do with your own property.