Ashley Biden's diaries

Then post a link to them. I haven't seen what you're talking about.

... but of course, that would still be taking the word of Project Veritas ... which isn't worth much.

And that is a lie. We have talked about this before.

See the post above. Hog gave you thr link to the diary. Yesterday you told me nobody had seen her handwriting for a comparison.

How else do I read this than you had never seen this?
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Subject of Project Veritas voter fraud story says he was offered bribe

^^^^ Project Veritas offered this guy $10,000 to lie for them. ^^^^

You can't get around the involvement of Project Veritas here. They had the diary in between the time Ashley Biden had it ... and when it was turned over to the police. They were also responsible for leaking it to National File. Those facts make them highly relevant to the overall story.
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See the post above. Hog gave you thr link to the diary. Yesterday you told me nobody had seen her handwriting for a comparison.

How else do I read this than you had never seen this?
I meant that I hadn't seen the actual physical diary, including the cover. I wasn't talking about what National File has had.
Can you damn read?

I'm basing my opinion on the fact that the couple who found it, was trying to make as much money as possible from selling it. For that to happen, they needed it to include entries that were damaging to Joe Biden's campaign. The first place they tried to shop the diary was at a fundraiser for Donald Trump's 2020 campaign.

I'm also basing my opinion on the people who bought the diary. Project Veritas has a long track record of lying, committing forgery, bribing witnesses into lying, and creatively editing videos in order to suit their political agenda.

In it's totality ... this story is not credible.
Correct, nothing you have proposed is credible.
I meant that I hadn't seen the actual physical diary, including the cover. I wasn't talking about what National File has had.

Ok, I apologize if I misrepresented you. The things you are saying make it seem like you’ve never seen what we’ve been talking about.

But now it’s starting to make more sense.

That is a lie. Ashley Biden has confirmed that the diary belonged to her.

Ashley Biden has not confirmed any of the content. If she ever does ... I will admit that I was wrong, and eat crow.

At no point has Ashley Biden disputed the contents and even the released damaging info from the diary. If it was my dad being accused of something this salacious I would come to his defense. Biden took a shower with that girl and she won't refute it.
At no point has Ashley Biden disputed the contents and even the released damaging info from the diary. If it was my dad being accused of something this salacious I would come to his defense. Biden took a shower with that girl and she won't refute it.
She has neither disputed or confirmed the authenticity of the contents of the diary. If she did deny that she had written the entries concerning showers with her dad, it wouldn't change anything. You would just call her a liar.

I have said that in about 100 posts now.
I think it’s probably her diary but that was another possibility.
I think it’s hers too. And I lean towards Luther’s view of the entries.

Ambiguous entries from an addict in recovery, recounting episodes from 30 years prior.
I really am tired of this damn thread, and this subject altogether.

Basically, as I see it ... the story has no credibility because it involved a gold digging couple and Project Veritas. They both had too much incentive to tamper with the diary, if it didn't say what they needed it to say in order to maximize profit for the couple and damage Joe Biden's chances of winning the 2020 election.

I understand the right-wing echo chamber believes the story ... and that's cool. Believe whatever makes you feel good.

There is nothing else to say. Have a good one.
I really am tired of this damn thread, and this subject altogether.

Basically, as I see it ... the story has no credibility because it involved a gold digging couple and Project Veritas. They both had too much incentive to tamper with the diary, if it didn't say what they needed it to say in order to maximize profit for the couple and damage Joe Biden's chances of winning the 2020 election.

I understand the right-wing echo chamber believes the story ... and that's cool. Believe whatever makes you feel good.

There is nothing else to say. Have a good one.

Very few people doubt the diary and entry aren’t Ashley’s.

A tell tale sign of a conspiracy theorist is that they more people who disagree with the theory, the truer it must be. And those other people are out of the know and in their own echo chamber.

Don’t go too far down the rabbit hole tonight. We want you back tomorrow. 💪🏻
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Very few people doubt the diary and entry aren’t Ashley’s.
On VolNation? That is true, but this forum is a right wing echo chamber. I don't think the average person is even aware of this story.

Now ... Stop replying to me in this thread.
On VolNation? That is true, but this forum is a right wing echo chamber. I don't think the average person is even aware of this story.

Now ... Stop replying to me in this thread.

I’m going to try to get you to see the light on this one last time.

If you’ll just go to page 47 you can read it and be horrified for yourself.

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