Family? WTH? Auburn isn't our "family"; Auburn is a direct competitor and SEC football is a zero-sum game.
This ridiculous idea that "we all win when the SEC wins" is seriously the dumbest notion you read on this board, and that's saying something. All the recruits we're competing with Auburn for are going to get to have their picture made with that crystal football Chizik is taking home tonight. How does that help us?
So you have no loyalty whatsoever to your conference? Have you ever noticed the loud chants of "S-E-C" during March Madness... or even at at UT game? It matters. It doesn't always feel good, but it matters.
And how the hell does Oregon winning the national title help us with recruiting? Maybe this helps Auburn more than us, but it certaining helps us.
Thomas did not play well. Played like a sophomore. Not good with the reads. Typical at times cutesy play calling by Kelly. I appreciate the gutsy 4th downs at times, not the return team trying to get cute. Defense considering Oregon has not been stellar in that category played ok. Maehl played great. One highlight. On to next year...Where are all the Duck fans? C'mon now, I want to hear your thoughts on the game.
If it helps your direct competitor more than you, then it hurts you. Four of the six SEC schools that we routinely go against for top recruits now have recent-vintage national championships. All four of them have been helped a lot, and we have been helped a tiny smidgen. This is a net loss. Why is this so hard to understand?
Why should have any loyalty to the rest of the SEC? It's full of teams that I hate and we compete with. As far as I'm concerned, the only purpose of the SEC is to provide opponents for the glorification of the University of Tennessee. If they aren't orange and white, then fsck em. Seriously.
How many times do you hear Cowbodys and Eagles fans talk about how they've rooting for the Giants because they've gotta support their division? The whole idea is just ridiculous.
Did Alabama winning the national title last year hurt Auburn's recruiting? I think not. It actually motivated them. If we can't handle the competition, then it is our own fault..