Baby Boomers U.S. Worst Generation?

Could you imagine trusting a teenager today with your entire livelihood?

My parents luckily didn’t have to rely too heavily on farming for the majority of income because they owned and operated their own business. But you are correct. I live on a little over an acre of property now and my 12 year old daughter complains about having to pull weeds.
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Honestly, I think less and less parents teach kids to be prideful. Its hard for me to type into words, but my dad always told me to do a task/job like my name was written on it. Also, to behave in a way that would not embarrass your family name. I was either too scared to get out of line, or had too much pride to let my family down to not do "what you are supposed to do".
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Other than his dad serving in the Marines during Vietnam his parents were the typical hippies.

That probably explains a lot; there was a huge difference in the hippie boomers and the rest of us. So, yeah, I could see that other group doing stuff like that. Our son was in college the first time we left him home alone when we went on a trip; otherwise they stayed with grandparents if we traveled.
On a complete side note, who else watched the challenger live in elementary school and when it blew up the teacher just turned off the TV and tried to act like nothing happened?

Back to class kids. Nothing to see here. Ask your parents about this later. Your on your own here emotionally.
On a complete side note, who else watched the challenger live in elementary school and when it blew up the teacher just turned off the TV and tried to act like nothing happened?

Back to class kids. Nothing to see here. Ask your parents about this later. Your on your own here emotionally.

I was in HS, it was a snow day and I was over at the GFs house watching it.
On a complete side note, who else watched the challenger live in elementary school and when it blew up the teacher just turned off the TV and tried to act like nothing happened?

Back to class kids. Nothing to see here. Ask your parents about this later. Your on your own here emotionally.

lol - I was in catholic school with a Nun as our teacher. She turned it off, wheeled the TV cart out of the classroom and we all said a Hail Mary.
lol - I was in catholic school with a Nun as our teacher. She turned it off, wheeled the TV cart out of the classroom and we all said a Hail Mary.
You went to a great school
On a complete side note, who else watched the challenger live in elementary school and when it blew up the teacher just turned off the TV and tried to act like nothing happened?

Back to class kids. Nothing to see here. Ask your parents about this later. Your on your own here emotionally.
I watched it live from work. Oh yeah, the worthless boomers were working by then.
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lol - I was in catholic school with a Nun as our teacher. She turned it off, wheeled the TV cart out of the classroom and we all said a Hail Mary.
I went to a Catholic school with nuns as well. My first grade teacher, Sister Maria, wheeled the TV cart into our room and we watched the Reds and Orioles in black and white☺
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