Baby Boomers U.S. Worst Generation?

got some news for you--Obama increased the debt by 8.9 trillion dollars and the way ole Joe is going he will blow that number out of the water--and if you look at the voting demographics the boomers did not put either one of those guys in office.

Obama was a boomer.

I'm sorry guys. You just have to face the facts that your generation ran this country into the ground. Just own it and move on.

The fact is if anything does actually get better it will be the generations after the boomers that fix it.....which I doubt will happen.

By the time the last boomer leaves office we will no longer be the world's leading country in anything.

Ps. A generation is a massive group. We are talking the whole not the parts. There were some great boomers.
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Obama was a boomer.

I'm sorry guys. You just have to face the facts that your generation ran this country into the ground. Just own it and move on.

The fact is if anything does actually get better it will be the generations after the boomers that fix it.....which I doubt will happen.

By the time the last boomer leaves office we will no longer be the world's leading country in anything.

Ps. A generation is a massive group. We are talking the whole not the parts. There were some great boomers.
so you are saying that the age of the President decides it more than the people who gave him the power? Do an age breakdown of the political parties and then give me your thoughts.
Obama was a boomer.

I'm sorry guys. You just have to face the facts that your generation ran this country into the ground. Just own it and move on.

The fact is if anything does actually get better it will be the generations after the boomers that fix it.....which I doubt will happen.

By the time the last boomer leaves office we will no longer be the world's leading country in anything.

Ps. A generation is a massive group. We are talking the whole not the parts. There were some great boomers.
You are right that Obama is a Boomer by three years--Ole Joe who is going to blow Obama's record out of the water is not.
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so you are saying that the age of the President decides it more than the people who gave him the power? Do an age breakdown of the political parties and then give me your thoughts.

I hate both parties.

The first thing needed changed is the 2 party system.
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I hate both parties.

The first thing needed changed is the 2 party system.
Absolutely Brother!!!! While we are at it put in term limits across the board and give the President line item veto. Also a pretty good idea to move the seat of our Federal Government into the middle of a cornfield somewhere so they don't have that feeling of entitlement and make it a lobbyist free zone.
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Absolutely Brother!!!! While we are at it put in term limits across the board and give the President line item veto. Also a pretty good idea to move the seat of our Federal Government into the middle of a cornfield somewhere so they don't have that feeling of entitlement and make it a lobbyist free zone.

They'd just manage to turn the cornfield into a swamp. Since Columbus was cancelled by the woke, DC v2 would be out as a name. With all that's going on it might just have to be a void and remain unnamed on maps since nothing would be politically correct enough.

Squatters and lobbyists would still move in and demand statehood since they'd be paying taxes and forced to live in a place where they can't vote.
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Some of us did a hell of a job raising our kids.

After reading all the comments about boomer kids left free to roam and forced to fend for themselves, I'm beginning to think our two boys were right. My wife and I were Nazis as parents apparently. One night our oldest son came home late, and I met him when he came in. Before I even had a chance to say anything, our bird (cockatiel) jumped him; it was impressive. She was loud - bouncing back and forth from shoulder to shoulder screeching in his ears. She never learned to talk, but I imagine whatever she had to say started out like "Do you know what time it is?" When she finally wound down she flipped his hair and said something that was probably "And get a haircut." We both stood there laughing.
Damn, these Boomers can get butthurt and more sensitive than these wokesters...
First video...

Second video after butthurt Boomers responded...

I swear... these Boomers are very tender and sensitive. Exactly why I blame them for where we are at now.
Damn, these Boomers can get butthurt and more sensitive than these wokesters...
First video...

Second video after butthurt Boomers responded...

I swear... these Boomers are very tender and sensitive. Exactly why I blame them for where we are at now.

To be fair she did paint that picture with a big broad brush while hitting some key points . They lived in a subdivision after their schooling , she spent time with her grandmother and g-grandmother , I’m assuming , they didn’t live in the subdivision . My parent split that , my mom went on to school my dad didn’t . we lived out in the country , had a garden every year , I was taught everything important by my Boomer parents , but also by very close Boomer aunts and uncles along with my grandparents which most were the exact same way as my parents . That’s why GenX’ers on a whole , have such independent survival skills , and DGAF attitudes along with a lot of knowledge living in a time when the knowledge access was exploding all around them . @hog88 and I have hit on it a little in the past , I don’t like it , and I mean I really don’t like it , but there’s a case to be made that we ( GenX) may be the worst and best generation , depending on your point of view . We have and still have more knowledge available to us than any other generation in the history of the planet and somehow we raised Millennials and now we have Gen Z’s that just baffles us . ( keep in mind , I’m painting with broad strokes myself )
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Baby Boomers: The Selfish Generation | SENTRY JOURNAL

In addition to unfunded entitlements, the dollar has lost value, debt increased, college and healthcare costs skyrocketed, two wars, outsource of US jobs, etc.


My thought is that this is really dumb. Yes, baby boomers vote for entitlement spending. So did the generation before them. So do the generations after them.
The idea of older generations bitching about current ones is funny. You raised these people dumb asses!
Not really. I have two great kids that are very successful both professionally and personally. They're sickened by their generation. I am 100% able to bitch about their generation.
First verse of The Living Years by Mike & the Mechanics

Every generation
Blames the ones before
And all of their frustrations

Come beating on your door
Later verse

So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future

It's the bitterness that lasts
Obama was a boomer.

I'm sorry guys. You just have to face the facts that your generation ran this country into the ground. Just own it and move on.

The fact is if anything does actually get better it will be the generations after the boomers that fix it.....which I doubt will happen.

By the time the last boomer leaves office we will no longer be the world's leading country in anything.

Ps. A generation is a massive group. We are talking the whole not the parts. There were some great boomers.
You are so misguided. If we are so bad and you guys are so great why are technical companies begging us to stay on the payroll? The follow on generations, specifically the last two are what is going to sink this country. Wake up, smell the coffee and pay your taxes!
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