Baby Boomers U.S. Worst Generation?

The idea of older generations bitching about current ones is funny. You raised these people dumb asses!
The two I raised are very successful millennials. I don't know what the rest of you dumbasses did. They ask me why the rest of their generation for the most part are **** ups. I have to tell them it's the parents and the liberals running the school system for the most part.
I hate both parties.

The first thing needed changed is the 2 party system.
Then change it and quit bitching. As soon as you can come up with a third party candidate that isn't on the fringe, he will get votes. I don't like it either. Tired of voting for the lesser of the two evils.

Keep paying your taxes though. The day is coming when I am going to start voting with the rest of your kids for every free thing I can get!!!
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Damn, these Boomers can get butthurt and more sensitive than these wokesters...
First video...

Second video after butthurt Boomers responded...

I swear... these Boomers are very tender and sensitive. Exactly why I blame them for where we are at now.

These Boomers are POS...
Yep and we gonna send you to the poor house. Pay your taxes.....I'm gettin ready to vote for free **** all day!
Both sides making money over promulgating conflict.

I'm beginning to think the only thing that could bring this country together is China blowing up Guam (our largest naval base in WestPac).
After Millennials it's hard to accuse them of that, except they did in fact raise or "not raise" that generation too.
The baby boomers like every generation before them are leaving this country far wealthier than they found it. I’m not seeing the problem
The baby boomers like every generation before them are leaving this country far wealthier than they found it. I’m not seeing the problem
You can't even say that with a straight face. $31 trillion in debt with no end in sight is not building wealth.

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