Bashing needs to stop

Go check out the pregame poll for the Vandy game. By the way.. how'd you vote. I was one of the very few that picked Vandy. If I'd would have let that be known I would be referred to as a negavol, troll, and what ever other descriptive you could come up with.

I feel like I'm a very rational poster, since I have gotten away from volnation after the alcohol and definentley not a negavol and I picked Vandy. I had a bad feeling all week and felt what was coming.
let's take it a little deeper than the "talent" issue.

VU was playing minus all 4 of its starting DBs. and iirc they also lost a starting LB. they turned the ball over 3, or was it 4, times and two of those turnovers essentially took away TDs.

UT had home field advantage, and was perfectly set up to wax the commode doors and ride a wave of momentum on to a bowl game and into 2014.

instead, according to tim priest, "the entire UT team was sleep walking through the first half." poor clock management gave VU an extra 80 seconds or so for their winning drive. UT could not get a yard for a first down that would have iced the game, calling for a run play with the RB starting 9 yards behind the line of scrimmage. and on and on.

if Randy Sanders (remember him?) can coach up Ric Clausen to play 2004 Auburn (one of the strongest SEC defenses that I have seen) to a tie through 3 quarters of the SECC game then it is certainly reasonable to expect Barcalounger and the rest of the Greatest Coaching Staff in America to be able, with two solid weeks of prep time, to coach up their hand picked freshman QB to a competitive level against iffing Vanderbilt.

CBJ might be the messiah, and i hope that he is, but the crapfest against VU was a pretty damning indictment.

Most common sense in this topic.
I wish that it had been a steal, instead it was $3.1mil compared to the what, $900k that CO was offering?

That salary plus the UT facilities plus the largest recruiting budget in all of college football ...... CBJ would have been a fool to turn it down yet the masses chant that he is here because he "loves UT."

We just throw money at unqualified coaches. Not a good sign. I do hope CBJ works out, I just feel that there are plenty of red flags waving around this staff.
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See, your problem is, I have no problem. Well that and a lack of understanding that Vandy had the better team Saturday night. You can coach a kid all you want on how he is supposed to react in a given situation but when it comes time to make it happen it is all up to him. We as a University and a fanbase let the team down for their entire collegiate careers with substandard coaching and yet we expect Coach Jones to make up for it in ONE season. The entire premise that we SHOULD have beaten Vandy Sat. night is bordering on ridiculous. Vandy whether we can admit it or not is a good football team and UT is not. If your freshman QB is scared to stand in the pocket, your receivers can't catch the ball if he throws it, your "experienced" O Line gets whipped, your "experienced" leader on the D spins the ball costing you 15 yards, you miss a chip shot FG, on and on and on........

The overused phrase "winning culture" is all important and we have lost it. The intangible "winning culture" takes years to develop. Hell, right now the fans can't even get behind the team because many are still acting like a bunch of spoiled kids who want it NOW! It "just don't" work that way.

Get over yourself reverend. Nobody is listening to the sermon. "We as ... a fanbase let the team down for their entire collegiate careers with substandard coaching..." Listen to the garbage. How exactly is it possible for a fanbase to let a team down with substandard coaching? Please account for this statement before posting more senseless rubbish. As members of the fanbase, my wife and I have travelled to game after game, leaving our voices in the stadium for days afterward. That's about all we as fans are responsible for. So no Sparky, the fanbase did not let anyone down with substandard coaching. The substandard coaches did that. Simply put, Butch Jones evaluated the talent, depth, coaching staff, speed, and discipline of this team. He knew how many underclassmen were on the two deep, and how many ranked opponents were on the schedule. Yes Auburn and Mizzou were better than expexted, but UF and UGA were decimated with injury. After all of this careful evaluation, Butch Jones, not the fan base, set the goal at six wins. He failed to achieve his goal. That doesn't make him a bad coach, but it also doesn't make me a negative fan. It makes him a coach who failed to meet the criteria he set before and during the season, and it makes me a fan who still supports the team while hoping the head coach meets his goals starting this offseason and next year.
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Bashing.... or legitimate criticism? Everyone's emotional, some are irrational..... some are fairly criticizing and trying to hold a staff who has performed poorly the last month accountable. Discern between the two, there's a distinction.

Dirty secret is, 99% of the guys criticizing Butch in here, guys that dont have the same amount of faith in him that they had 5 weeks ago.... are still behind him 100%.

Trying to hold a staff accountable?
Who on Volnation has that authority?

No, it's sad mindless *****ing and name calling at this point with very little discussion of football.
Vandy played a terrible game. UT defense played well until late. Offense was horrible and part of that seemed to stem from unwillingness to pass the ball which is entirely a coaching decision with a freshman qb who is not calling audibles at the line. Fake fg was gutsy but otherwise it didn't look like we were playing to win. This team got worse after SC when that should have been the springboard. Jones is here for a couple more seasons but I don't see how that entitles him to be immune from criticism when his staff underperformed.
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For example I see a lot of posters on here saying things about the starting 4 D backs being out. I'm not sure that the 4th string true freshman QB should have a record day against an SEC 2nd string. Even if that 2nd string plays for Vandy.
Vandy played a terrible game. UT defense played well until late. Offense was horrible and part of that seemed to stem from unwillingness to pass the ball which is entirely a coaching decision with a freshman qb who is not calling audibles at the line. Fake fg was gutsy but otherwise it didn't look like we were playing to win. This team got worse after SC when that should have been the springboard. Jones is here for a couple more seasons but I don't see how that entitles him to be immune from criticism when his staff underperformed.

I think Worley getting hurt killed the springboard forward.
Not throwing after 2 ints on what should have been easy throws makes since to me. Burning the other red shirt was the only way to play a different QB, and I think should have happened. The fake FG call was a bad call imo
Get over yourself reverend. Nobody is listening to the sermon. "We as ... a fanbase let the team down for their entire collegiate careers with substandard coaching..." Listen to the garbage. How exactly is it possible for a fanbase to let a team down with substandard coaching? Please account for this statement before posting more senseless rubbish. As members of the fanbase, my wife and I have travelled to game after game, leaving our voices in the stadium for days afterward. That's about all we as fans are responsible for. So no Sparky, the fanbase did not let anyone down with substandard coaching. The substandard coaches did that. Simply put, Butch Jones evaluated the talent, depth, coaching staff, speed, and discipline of this team. He knew how many underclassmen were on the two deep, and how many ranked opponents were on the schedule. Yes Auburn and Mizzou were better than expexted, but UF and UGA were decimated with injury. After all of this careful evaluation, Butch Jones, not the fan base, set the goal at six wins. He failed to achieve his goal. That doesn't make him a bad coach, but it also doesn't make me a negative fan. It makes him a coach who failed to meet the criteria he set before and during the season, and it makes me a fan who still supports the team while hoping the head coach meets his goals starting this offseason and next year.

Reverend?...Sparky?......Fan of the cheap shot aren't you? I think Coach Jones gave the UT fanbase too much credit for their understanding of how deep a hole the program was/is in when he made that statement. That of course is where the term "delusional" comes in to play. Of course, he could, and maybe should have said, "Look folks, our team as of right now would have difficulty consistently competing in the OVC but I will correct the problem, given enough time."

As to the comments about the fanbase? Yeah, the same members of the fanbase that clamored for the firing of a HOF coach and now can't deal with the long process of rebuilding.
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If you don't like the direction of the program and are miserable then go find another program to support. Bammer is doing well right now!

Comments like this are honestly just stupid....."If you don't like it here in mediocrity just leave!!!!" :banghead2:

Jones failed to meet his OWN expectations, criticism is not only OK...but it's to be expected. Jones was the best UT could do, and I still hope he can at the very least pull this program out of the doldrums it finds itself in, but he has yet to prove that he can so far. I'm not saying he's a bad coach, or that he's Dooley 2.0...what I am saying is he wasn't able to produce on the field what he was selling this year, and that never looks matter what business you're in.

The bright side is the great recruiting class that will hopefully jump on board come NSD. However aside from a few exceptions here and there, true freshman do not win SEC football games. They will take at least a year or two to catch up to the speed of the game.

This, in my opinion, spells the end for the assistants unless there is a huge improvement. An improvement that will be hard to come by considering the amount of starters this team is losing. I hope I'm wrong, I hope these guys turn it around pull out 6 or 7 next year and have a great tenure....But as of now the possibility of that has not been shown.

Constructive criticism is OK.....and Jones needs to live up to the expectations he puts on himself...AKA, I'm a mean ol' negavol (can this word please be banned haha)
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Trying to hold a staff accountable?
Who on Volnation has that authority?

No, it's sad mindless *****ing and name calling at this point with very little discussion of football.

Fans and donors like myself that help fund UT athletics and help pay coaching staffs salaries have every right to hold paid employees of VOL athletics accountable for their performance or lack there of.

There is plenty of talk of football, maybe you just see want you want to see. Plenty of rubbish too but you can wade through a lot of the garbage pretty easily if you try.
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I feel like I'm a very rational poster, since I have gotten away from volnation after the alcohol and definentley not a negavol and I picked Vandy. I had a bad feeling all week and felt what was coming.

70% picked them to win by 6 or more, 30% to win by a two touchdowns or more. This is why we see these meltdowns after losses. Tennessee is probably the 13th or 14th team in the conference. That will be determined this weekend. People need to realize this and accept it. Next year will not be any better. This is not coach bashing nor is it player bashing, it is simply the reality of the current situation. You can argue all day that it's the coaches. You can argue all day it's the players and lack of talent. But the cold hard fact is that the Tennessee football program is at the lowest point in it's long and glorious history. The sooner people come to realize this the better it will be for your personal well being.

These losses used to bother me to the point of anger. Not anymore. I have moved Tennessee football way down on my list of priorities. Does this mean I don't care, NO! I do care but I have come to expect UT football is just what it is, a shell of it's former self. Does that mean I need to turn my fan card in? I don't know. I still cheer them on and hope they win each and every Saturday. I 'm not going to band wagon another team.

I guess it comes down to that I'm a very apathetic fan that's come to realize that we may have seen the best times of UT football that we'll ever see.
The people that bash can't stop bashing. That is because it is their character. The only way that the bashing will stop is when everything is perfect. Then the basher's instincts will not be triggered to bash.
Get over yourself reverend. Nobody is listening to the sermon. "We as ... a fanbase let the team down for their entire collegiate careers with substandard coaching..." Listen to the garbage. How exactly is it possible for a fanbase to let a team down with substandard coaching? Please account for this statement before posting more senseless rubbish. As members of the fanbase, my wife and I have travelled to game after game, leaving our voices in the stadium for days afterward. That's about all we as fans are responsible for. So no Sparky, the fanbase did not let anyone down with substandard coaching. The substandard coaches did that. Simply put, Butch Jones evaluated the talent, depth, coaching staff, speed, and discipline of this team. He knew how many underclassmen were on the two deep, and how many ranked opponents were on the schedule. Yes Auburn and Mizzou were better than expexted, but UF and UGA were decimated with injury. After all of this careful evaluation, Butch Jones, not the fan base, set the goal at six wins. He failed to achieve his goal. That doesn't make him a bad coach, but it also doesn't make me a negative fan. It makes him a coach who failed to meet the criteria he set before and during the season, and it makes me a fan who still supports the team while hoping the head coach meets his goals starting this offseason and next year.

Solid ... :thumbsup:
Yeah I'll say this Butch Jones has repeated lied. He has said numerous times that Tennessee has one best fan bases in the entire country. Give me a break. Places like this show that Tennessee fans have to the largest collection of dumba$$e$ on the planet. I mean you have seen 3 starts from a quarterback and you know his full potential. Hell Peyton threw for 138 yds with 2 ints and no TDs against Bama as a freshman and if anybody we have does that against any team you people want him out. You have no clue what you are talking about. I'm glad Butch is our coach and that none of you people have bearing on who plays for Tennessee. I love Tennessee football more than anybody but the fans have got to get a grip. You're acting pathetic and as tired of that as I am losing. Go VOLS and Go BUTCH.
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This seems to be a "personal thing" with our fans, they seem to be missing the so called bragging rights...sure its been gone but its a time to be humble, its all a cycle and soon to return.

Support your coaches and players because they picked TENNESSEE
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Yeah I'll say this Butch Jones has repeated lied. He has said numerous times that Tennessee has one best fan bases in the entire country. Give me a break. Places like this show that Tennessee fans have to the largest collection of dumba$$e$ on the planet. I mean you have seen 3 starts from a quarterback and you know his full potential. Hell Peyton threw for 138 yds with 2 ints and no TDs against Bama as a freshman and if anybody we have does that against any team you people want him out. You have no clue what you are talking about. I'm glad Butch is our coach and that none of you people have bearing on who plays for Tennessee. I love Tennessee football more than anybody but the fans have got to get a grip. You're acting pathetic and as tired of that as I am losing. Go VOLS and Go BUTCH.

There is a big difference between a 12-1 Bama team and Vanderbilt.
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There is a big difference between a 12-1 Bama team and Vanderbilt.

I'm not disputing that and you obviously didn't read the next line. All I'm saying you don't know what Josh Dobbs or Riley Furgeson are going to be as quarterbacks after just three starts. There were a lot of people that didn't think Peyton was the guy in 94 when they named him the starter which took seven games to happen. He didn't exactly come in and set the world on fire either. . Now he's the most beloved Vol ever.
I'm not disputing that and you obviously didn't read the next line. All I'm saying you don't know what Josh Dobbs or Riley Furgeson are going to be as quarterbacks after just three starts. There were a lot of people that didn't think Peyton was the guy in 94 when they named him the starter which took seven games to happen. He didn't exactly come in and set the world on fire either. . Now he's the most beloved Vol ever.

Dobbs has looked bad, I don't care which one of them is the answer all I care about is that one of them is the answer. The play calling was scared, they had 0 confidence in him. Playing scared and coaching scared is a losing formula.
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Reverend?...Sparky?......Fan of the cheap shot aren't you? I think Coach Jones gave the UT fanbase too much credit for their understanding of how deep a hole the program was/is in when he made that statement. That of course is where the term "delusional" comes in to play. Of course, he could, and maybe should have said, "Look folks, our team as of right now would have difficulty consistently competing in the OVC but I will correct the problem, given enough time."

As to the comments about the fanbase? Yeah, the same members of the fanbase that clamored for the firing of a HOF coach and now can't deal with the long process of rebuilding.

You seem to have an incredibly inflated sense of how much influence the majority of the fan base has in coaching changes. If the amount of credit given to the UT fan base for their understanding of the state of the program has anything to do with a head coach setting his goals for the season, then maybe we are farther in the hole than I realized.

If stating the simple fact that the head coach failed to meet the very average standard of six wins means you are delusional and living in the nineties, then maybe we should redefine the term delusional.

I have now paid for the privilege of watching four different head coaches lead the Volunteers through the T, and through the ups and downs, I can tell you that the most heartbreaking moments as a fan for me have been watching Phil Fulmer's press conference, and watching him carried off the field after his last game. Butch Jones may very well lead this program back to where we all hope, but year one will conclude with unmet goals. Here's to hoping our top line goals of incremental growth will lead to meeting our bottom line goals of winning more football games in years to come.

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