Bernie Sanders Thread

I'll randomly, and temporarily, interject myself into a discussion to simply state, one of the best ways to begin fixing most of these problems is to quit devaluing our own currency and driving inflation through an artificially grown market.

Until we burst this inevitable bubble, and take on every financial pain and consequence or correction that follows, it doesn't matter how you label a program or ideology.

It's all related to our own monetary policy, and odds are 700:1 we even hear debate about budget / economy/ monetary policy in the next debate. Apparently they have to keep arguing war, walls, and personal net worth.
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It isn't idiotic. If this is the case, you deserve to use no more of the roads than a billionaire who pays more taxes than you. If we're going by a person's contribution levels, you basically pay as little as the "nothing" a poor person does when compared to a person like Donald Trump.
Well here again, do you believe that government is better able to distribute monies destined to "help" people like your brother, or would private charity better do that. Hint: If you say the government is, then you and I can discuss this no further as it would be pointless and I will wish you a good night.

But another story. My sister in law worked for the state of TN years ago talking to welfare recipients about their prospects for getting work. She told me that not a few (but rather many) would come in to her office demanding... demanding to know when they "were gonna get paid". Paid. Therein is the problem, and it is not nearly as small as you want to believe.

I haven't seen anyone else offer to help him outside of family, friends, and occasionally his church. However, he did get to go see an NHL draft in Nashville (and one free hotdog) on behalf of the Jerry Lewis foundation a decade or so ago. Private charities are wonderful, I truly believe that, but they must coexist with government programs. Neither are the sole answer, unfortunately, because neither can possibly help everyone who needs help.

I understand that there are entitled people who abuse the system (and they annoy the hell out of me too), but like I said earlier, I don't condemn all rich people as being greedy bastards, just as all welfare recipients shouldn't be lumped in with the people you mentioned.
I haven't seen anyone else offer to help him outside of family, friends, and occasionally his church. However, he did get to go see an NHL draft in Nashville (and one free hotdog) on behalf of the Jerry Lewis foundation a decade or so ago. Private charities are wonderful, I truly believe that, but they must coexist with government programs. Neither are the sole answer, unfortunately, because neither can possibly help everyone who needs help.

I understand that there are entitled people who abuse the system (and they annoy the hell out of me too), but like I said earlier, I don't condemn all rich people as being greedy bastards, just as all welfare recipients shouldn't be lumped in with the people you mentioned.
Welfare needs to be reformed.... not expanded. I'll leave it at that.
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What is it with you liberals that make you think since you force people to give to your cause that is makes you more compassionate?

I don't feel like I'm "forced" to help people. The idea that a person feels forced into helping people blows my mind. I feel compelled to help people in any way I can. If that's how you feel, then that's your prerogative.
I'll randomly, and temporarily, interject myself into a discussion to simply state, one of the best ways to begin fixing most of these problems is to quit devaluing our own currency and driving inflation through an artificially grown market.

Until we burst this inevitable bubble, and take on every financial pain and consequence or correction that follows, it doesn't matter how you label a program or ideology.

It's all related to our own monetary policy, and odds are 700:1 we even hear debate about budget / economy/ monetary policy in the next debate. Apparently they have to keep arguing war, walls, and personal net worth.

Yeah, all of this is for naught in the event of this scenario. What would you suggest the Fed do?
I don't feel like I'm "forced" to help people. The idea that a person feels forced into helping people blows my mind. I feel compelled to help people in any way I can. If that's how you feel, then that's your prerogative.
I would rather give money to an organization that I know will use a bigger portion of that money to help the people it is supposedly going to. Not provide some government bureaucrat with a lifetime pension after 20 years of shuffling papers from one slot to another. THAT is what is wrong with the system as it is today. I would be glad to help your brother, but not support his social worker in the process for the rest of his/her life as well. You want to help people, doing it at the point of the government gun is not even remotely the most efficient way to do it.
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"Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid."

Roads are public goods provided by all, for all. Your welfare (health, well-being, happiness) has been preserved by roads paid for by more people than you, and by roads you've not contributed a cent to. Your home will be quickly saved by the fire department, in case of a fire, as they travel on those roads. The goods and services that make your life better and/or make you money, as a possible business owner, are shipped to consumers and the marketplace via roads. So yeah, roads are a form of social welfare.

Where did the quote come from? Very deceptive of you to put something in quotes like it is a fact. Welfare (being on the dole) claims to assist an INDIVIDUAL. I personally can't go to someone using food stamps and use the card for myself. (Side note, the last 2 times I have been in Kroger the people in front of me, completely healthy people dressed in the latest fashion, used their government provided EBT cards to get a plethora of food stuffs). But a road is something that every single person in the country can use.

Some may even call roads "infrastructure". Not the same thing as using an EBT card.

And you know it.
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All leftist please read the following. I post this to reiterate that if many people will actually take command of their own lives they can realize amazing potential. It would have been easy for this guy to just let the wonderful government provide him with food stamps, section 8 housing etc. but he found inspiration in a place leftist tend to hate: Church. I am not a church goer but I realize the positive influence it can have.

Louisville Man Goes From Being Homeless To Owning Three Restaurants | urbanmaxx
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It's hard to take a poster who says these kinds of things seriously when one knows for a fact that what they're saying just flat out isn't true.

Roughly 50% of our fellow citizens pay little or no income tax and costume the vast majority of govt programs...The vast majority of programs are consumed by Democrats.. Game over
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The mindset of compassion?

If only that were the case.
It is the mindset of buying votes from an engineered permanent underclass.

If there were no goodies to give away it would be more difficult for the left ever win an election.

They STILL create issues about "Us vs. them"

Complain about the 1%
A "war" on women

Really preying on ignorance, jealousy and entitlement.

What a pathetic way to win, what a pathetic life.

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Roughly 50% of our fellow citizens pay little or no income tax and costume the vast majority of govt programs...The vast majority of programs are consumed by Democrats.. Game over

A Center for Budget and Policy Priorities analysis of budget and Census data shows that more than 90 percent of the benefit dollars that entitlement and other mandatory programs spend go to assist people who are elderly, seriously disabled, or members of working households — not to able-bodied, working-age Americans who choose not to work.


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If only that were the case.
It is the mindset of buying votes from an engineered permanent underclass.

If there were no goodies to give away it would be more difficult for the left ever win an election.

They STILL create issues about "Us vs. them"

Complain about the 1%
A "war" on women

Really preying on ignorance, jealousy and entitlement.

What a pathetic way to win, what a pathetic life.


Except the majority of poor Americans don't vote, unfortunately.
A Center for Budget and Policy Priorities analysis of budget and Census data shows that more than 90 percent of the benefit dollars that entitlement and other mandatory programs spend go to assist people who are elderly, seriously disabled, or members of working households — not to able-bodied, working-age Americans who choose not to work.


It's 2015...
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Where did the quote come from? Very deceptive of you to put something in quotes like it is a fact. Welfare (being on the dole) claims to assist an INDIVIDUAL. I personally can't go to someone using food stamps and use the card for myself. (Side note, the last 2 times I have been in Kroger the people in front of me, completely healthy people dressed in the latest fashion, used their government provided EBT cards to get a plethora of food stuffs). But a road is something that every single person in the country can use.

Some may even call roads "infrastructure". Not the same thing as using an EBT card.

And you know it.

The constitution speaks of promoting the general welfare, so the term doesn't just apply to the SNAP program - we are promoting the general welfare of our people through a variety of government programs, including ones you and I use and benefit from every single day.

As for that person appearing to be perfectly healthy and dressed in the latest fashion? What do you know of that person's mental state? Did you give them a full physical and deem them perfectly healthy? There are so many things that could have gone wrong in that person's life. As for them dressing in the latest fashion? How do you know they aren't thrift shoppers? Go to the Goodwill in Franklin, TN and you'll find new name brand clothes for sale. What if they were on their way or returning from a job interview? Are all welfare recipients supposed to wear a burlap sack or what?
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