Biden 1st News Conference

Pathetic, but then again he's not my president.

I’ve seen a lot of “stuttering and gaffes “ .. not one , ever sounded like that . I can’t wait for our liberal pro Biden pushers to show us some examples though .
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I've seen the look in his eyes and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
My father died of Alzheimer's disease. HIS life from HIS perspective was not all that bad. All his basic needs were taken care of. He was clean, he was fed and he was warm when cold and cool when it was hot. Alzheimer's is hard on those that know who an Alzheimer's patient was before the decline. It is hard to watch. My mother on the other hand was sharp right up until the end, but her body was a train wreck. She was in constant pain, and I mean real pain for the last year of her life. If I have the choice, I will take dad's way out.

The problem is that Biden is the one with the disease, and it is the rest of the country that is suffering. The 'cure' will be the train wreck that is Heels Up. And I don't GAF about Joe Biden or what he is 'suffering'. **** him. His POS wife has allowed this to go on like it has, so most of this is on her. He's a POS politician that has bilked Americans for 50 years.

God help this country

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