Biden Lowers Price of Oil

Do you really think that the potato head going to war with the oil and gas industry from his first day in office had a positive effect on bringing down oil prices?

If he went to war with them then somebody needs to let him know he's losing. We're currently burning $19mil barrels per day and Exxon stock is at an all time high.
So you agree a sitting President is responsible, but Joe likes to blame Putin and everyone else. So which is it?

I'm just yanking the not so smart folks who are forever blaming Biden for everything, like the price of oil and food going up, up, up after Putin started a war in Ukraine. not sure if it's parody or sarcasm.
I'm just yanking the not so smart folks who are forever blaming Biden for everything, like the price of oil and food going up, up, up after Putin started a war in Ukraine. not sure if it's parody or sarcasm.
But the prices were going up, at an extreme rate, well before Putin's invasion.
But the prices were going up, at an extreme rate, well before Putin's invasion.
Yeah. But that was Trumps fault. Here, let me walk you through the last 22 years according to the left.

2000-2008: Bush destroyed America
2009-2016: Obama, in his deity, restored America
2017-2020: Trump, AKA Literally Hitler, destroyed America again
2021-Present: Everything is Putins and Trumps fault. Joe just inherited this mess.
I'm just yanking the not so smart folks who are forever blaming Biden for everything, like the price of oil and food going up, up, up after Putin started a war in Ukraine. not sure if it's parody or sarcasm.
You act like Ukraine is some utopia that controls the world. It’s not. Biden cut 60k jobs his first few hours after being sworn in and hasn’t stopped ***** things up since.
I'm just yanking the not so smart folks who are forever blaming Biden for everything, like the price of oil and food going up, up, up after Putin started a war in Ukraine. not sure if it's parody or sarcasm.

Hilarious. You guys blamed Trump for everything but now when the shoes on the other foot, you just can’t handle it.
You act like Ukraine is some utopia that controls the world. It’s not. Biden cut 60k jobs his first few hours after being sworn in and hasn’t stopped ***** things up since.

Don’t you just love how liberals are now using Putin as the scapegoat for everything? Any excuse to take away from the fact we have a demented circus monkey as a president.
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You act like Ukraine is some utopia that controls the world. It’s not. Biden cut 60k jobs his first few hours after being sworn in and hasn’t stopped ***** things up since.

Why do you so often say things that are ridiculously untrue? Your posting style is much better suited for the Football Forum.
Do you really think that the potato head going to war with the oil and gas industry from his first day in office had a positive effect on bringing down oil prices?

I don't think him "going to war" had any effect.
He said he was gonna put an end to their business. He threatened the livelihoods of thousands of Americans.

He went to Saudi Arabia begging for more oil. He is draining the strategic oil reserves to artificially lower gas prices to save the midterms and put America in a weakened state.

He is a complete disaster. He will go down by far as the worst president in the United States history.

For someone who doesn’t like Joe, you spend a lot of time defending him.

Didn’t you say that Joe was a good man at one point?

All of those things are true (except good man?), but it doesn't change the fact that drilling more isn't going to lower the cost of gas. Surplus oil is being exported NOW, it's not being refined domestically and shoehorned into our supply chain to ease gas prices.

Its a bit hilarious that this material fact translates into "supporting Joe", heck - really anything counter to "blame Joe" is seen as carrying his water.
All of those things are true (except good man?), but it doesn't change the fact that drilling more isn't going to lower the cost of gas. Surplus oil is being exported NOW, it's not being refined domestically and shoehorned into our supply chain to ease gas prices.

Its a bit hilarious that this material fact translates into "supporting Joe", heck - really anything counter to "blame Joe" is seen as carrying his water.
You don't think that finishing that Canadian pipeline he cut the 1st week and maintaijing our energy Independence wouldn't have kept prices least in the US? If so why not IYO?
It's really simple, but people hate facts these days.

We have roughly 1,000 active oil sites in America.

During Covid we shut down roughly 80% of these sites.

During Covid a massive number of oil workers (and workers from all sectors) retired

The demand for oil quickly recovered.

The inability to hire enough oil workers has made it difficult to reopen all the active drilling sites and keep pace with consumption, so prices spiked.

We have slowly worked our way back up to 700 of the sites now functioning. As with other industries, hiring continues to be difficult.

It's that simple.

Joe could authorize drilling on the White House lawn but there still are not enough bodies to get the work done.

Sometimes things just happen and it's nobody's fault.

If you want to criticize Joe, talk about out of control spending, the fledgling educational system, infrastructure, healthcare, etc.

There's no doubt he's a moron and there's plenty there to pick on, but this is simply isn't one of them.
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You don't think that finishing that Canadian pipeline he cut the 1st week and maintaijing our energy Independence wouldn't have kept prices least in the US? If so why not IYO?

That oil was to largely have been exported. As far as crude goes, we already have a surplus. Read that last sentence again. "Energy independence" is a political buzz word that has nothing to do with our oil supply. I think there's a deep sense of misunderstanding about how gas prices are affected and why oil companies have LITERALLY NOTHING TO GAIN by building new refineries to turn crude into gas. It's a 10+ year construction project and the ROI would take just as long to recoup.

You want to know why gas costs more than has to? Shareholders.
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It's really simple, but people hate facts these days.

We have roughly 1,000 active oil sites in America.

During Covid we shut down roughly 80% of these sites.

During Covid a massive number of oil workers (and workers from all sectors) retired

The demand for oil quickly recovered.

The inability to hire enough oil workers has made it difficult to reopen all the active drilling sites and keep pace with consumption, so prices spiked.

We have slowly worked our way back up to 700 of the sites now functioning. As with other industries, hiring continues to be difficult.

It's that simple.

Joe could authorize drilling on the White House lawn but there still are not enough bodies to get the work done.

Sometimes things just happen and it's nobody's fault.

If you want to criticize Joe, talk about out of control spending, the fledgling educational system, infrastructure, healthcare, etc.

There's no doubt he's a moron and there's plenty there to pick on, but this is simply isn't one of them.

The rule is that if you don't blame him EXCLUSIVELY and slap "I did that" stickers on gas pumps, you're carrying his water and are clearly a Biden fanboi.
That oil was to largely have been exported. As far as crude goes, we already have a surplus. Read that last sentence again. "Energy independence" is a political buzz word that has nothing to do with our oil supply. I think there's a deep sense of misunderstanding about how gas prices are affected and why oil companies have LITERALLY NOTHING TO GAIN by building new refineries to turn crude into gas. It's a 10+ year construction project and the ROI would take just as long to recoup.

You want to know why gas costs more than has to? Shareholders.

You've posted some doozies in the past but this one is Lutheresque.
The only thing Biden has done is wear sunglasses while giving speaches so he looks less like the old creepy undead preacher from Poltergeist and more like a old creepy kid toucher.
Speaches? Is that like a special peach or something

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