biden's niece's diary

who knows the real truth but we do know that Biden has a habit of touching young girls (and women) in ways that are cringeworthy. Whether or not that's sexual or not I don't know if even Joe knows. He likes to be nude in the pool as we learned when he was VP and this was disturbing to some female SS members.

I'm saying I would not be surprised at all if this was true given the behavior he's displayed.

BB needs a source on the creepiness of JB. Eyes cannot the way YOU are gullible.
You must be talking about this opinion piece from Maureen Callahan. She hasn't fact checked the story. She just repeats what National File has said about the contents of Ashley Biden's diary.., but in the text of her column, she makes it clear that she has not verified the validity of the story herself. She is simply taking their reporting at face value.

Bidens as dysfunctional as the Kennedys — and protected by the press

About halfway down Maureen Callahan writes this :

"If these entries aren't Ashley Biden's why not publicly say so?"

^^^ That ^^^ is not confirming a report. That is taking a report from National File at face value, just because Ashley Biden hasn't publicly denied it. That is not a fact check... and her reasoning is terrible. She is basically saying that anything is true, unless it's denied. It doesn't work that way.
Sorry, it’s The NY Times.
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Ashley Biden seems to be pretty solid. She wrote it until proven she didn’t. If she didn’t write it, why the all in on getting the diary back?
No, that is not how it works. How do you prove a negative? You can't. So she is better off not saying anything about it. The burden of proof rests with those who are making the allegations. The burden of proof rests with Project Veritas and National File.
I would have concerns for Ashley Biden, if she had actually written those things in her diary ... but she didn't.
It's sad that your political affiliation has you in such denial. I agree with you that the diary was obtained in an illegal manner. It was left behind, abandoned, and apparently not secure, by Ashley Biden, but it was still not their property to take. It seems they tried to sell it to the Trump campaign, but the Trump campaign actually encouraged them to take it to the FBI. But as you continue to say Ashley hasn't come forward to verify she said those things, I also can't find where she's said she didn't say those things. The diary has been verified as belonging to her, and she hasn't come forward to say the published excerpts are false. It seems you're willing to overlook possible child molestation to support your political beliefs. You're proving everything I've told you in other threads about how you put your politics above all else. You're showing yourself to exactly what you claim Trumpers to be, but for the Democrats.

JMO, but this deserves to be investigated by a nonpartisan agency, which I'm not sure the FBI is atm (and not because of the Trump raid but basically because they ultimately answer to Garland, a Biden appointee). This needs to be looked into. Remember, "no one is above the law". Do you really want to support someone who (potentially) by his daughter's own words is a child molester? Or do you want to sweep this under the rug as categorically false because it eases your political mind?
Facts ...

The diary has been confirmed as real.
The diary has been confirmed to have been sold for thousands with the promise of thousands more.
The FBI is up to its neck in this.

Questions I have ...

Why is the FBI all in on diary that has absolutely nothing damning to the Biden’s in it as alleged ?

Why would Project Veritas pay for the diary if it had none of the damning info being alleged ? Are we to believe they paid thousands of dollars for a book with Ashley Biden’s school lunch menu items only ?

One can draw his own conclusions here, but it ain’t all that complicated.
If it's false, why isn't Ashley Biden on every liberal news network saying such? This isn't something "you don't dignify with a response". You categorically deny it if it isn't true.

Even then, you let an investigation happen to prove it isn't true.
It seems you're willing to overlook possible child molestation to support your political beliefs.
Not at all, but this logic that something is true until it's denied is ridiculous.

I doubt the validity of this story for 2 reasons :

1) The sources aren't credible. Everyone should be familiar with Project Veritas and their agenda.

2) It's too similar to PizzaGate, and too convenient to a narrative that these sources have wanted to advance - that Joe Biden is a child molester.
Facts ...

The diary has been confirmed as real.
The diary is real, but it has not been verified that Ashley Biden wrote passages concerning sexual abuse at the hands of her father. If you know of a source that isn't National File, Project Veritas, or The Gateway Pundit, which has verified the contents of the diary then post a link to that source. I've looked hard for a source and National File and The Gateway Pundit are all I can find.
No, that is not how it works. How do you prove a negative? You can't. So she is better off not saying anything about it. The burden of proof rests with those who are making the allegations. The burden of proof rests with Project Veritas and National File.

Was it in her diary or not? It’s a yes no.

Let’s say it’s true and timing. You arrest the sitting US President for child molestation charges. Again, sweeping under the rug is what Washington does and protect. Believe her seems to be forgotten.
Not at all, but this logic that something is true until it's denied is ridiculous.

I doubt the validity of this story for 2 reasons :

1) The sources aren't credible. Everyone should be familiar with Project Veritas and their agenda.

2) It's too similar to PizzaGate, and too convenient to a narrative that these sources have wanted to advance - that Joe Biden is a child molester.
The "source" is a diary that's been acknowledged is hers. She hasn't come out and denied it, thus far. Even if she does, I hope it's investigated to prove one way or the other. I actually hope it's not true but combine this with his creepy actions towards women and little girls, and yes, I have serious doubts. Child molesters are the most evil people among us, IMO. I hope our POTUS isn't one, even if I'm not a fan of his. But if he is, he should be put down like a dog. And yes, I think all child molesters should be put down, this isn't singular to Biden.
The diary is real, but it has not been verified that Ashley Biden wrote passages concerning sexual abuse at the hands of her father. If you know of a source that isn't National File, Project Veritas, or The Gateway Pundit, which has verified the contents of the diary then post a link to that source. I've looked hard for a source and National File and The Gateway Pundit are all I can find.

So what is your theory as to why the FBI go so involved over the theft of a diary? Potential classified information?
Not at all, but this logic that something is true until it's denied is ridiculous.

I doubt the validity of this story for 2 reasons :

1) The sources aren't credible. Everyone should be familiar with Project Veritas and their agenda.

2) It's too similar to PizzaGate, and too convenient to a narrative that these sources have wanted to advance - that Joe Biden is a child molester.
PV has exposed a lot of the protections/corruptions in Washington. You don’t have to believe them, the video speaks for itself.
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I honestly hope this is somehow proven to be false because the idea that our President is a child molester makes me sick to my stomach.
If it's false, why isn't Ashley Biden on every liberal news network saying such?
Because these claims have been made by very low profile sources which are not credible. If she was to "go on every liberal news network" denying that she wrote those things, she would be bringing attention to a story that not a lot of people are aware of = giving it oxygen. If Fox News was to report this as factual, then yes, she should speak out against it if it isn't true.
Because these claims have been made by very low profile sources which are not credible. If she was to "go on every liberal news network" denying that she wrote those things, she would be bringing attention to a story that not a lot of people are aware of = giving it oxygen. If Fox News was to report this as factual, then yes, she should speak out against it if it isn't true.
Okay, why not go on one network, CNN, and categorically deny everything. Why not nip it in the bud before it turns into a raging fire?
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Because these claims have been made by very low profile sources which are not credible. If she was to "go on every liberal news network" denying that she wrote those things, she would be bringing attention to a story that not a lot of people are aware of = giving it oxygen. If Fox News was to report this as factual, then yes, she should speak out against it if it isn't true.
Fox news did report on it. There 40 different entries reporting on it. You must have missed them all.
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Okay, why not go on one network, CNN, and categorically deny everything. Why not nip it in the bud before it turns into a raging fire?
It won't turn into a "raging fire" as long as it stays in the realm of sources like Project Veritas, National File and The Gateway Pundit. However, if a more high-profile source picks it up, then you have to act ... assuming it isn't true.
Fox news did report on it. There 40 different entries reporting on it. You must have missed them all.
There is not a report in The New York Times which has confirmed that Ashley Biden wrote passages in her diary about being molested by her dad. There are reports in The New York Times that have confirmed the existence of the diary, but not its contents. You are dead wrong. On other sources, you might have a chance here... but not The Gray Lady. I read it every day.

Post a link to Fox News verifying the contents of Ashley Biden's diary. I don't believe you.

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