
Details of this "Trump family grift" please.

Not that I expect you to get past the sources as all being biased libtard rags, but on the outside chance you do and actually read any of them with objectivity I'd hope that you'd begin to recognize the pattern... I'm certain that you'd likely stop throwing the rocks from the balcony of your glass house on what is certainly not located on moral high ground.

Trump's pernicious grift

'Conmen, grifters and criminals': why is Trump's circle so at odds with the law?

The Law May Finally Be Closing In On Yet Another Alleged Trump Family Grift

The Family That Grifts Together

Mary Trump is suing the president and his family, claiming millions of dollars in lost inheritance

How Donald Trump's Kids Have Profited Off Their Dad's Presidency

How Trump Is Trying—And Failing—To Get Rich Off His Presidency

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

Trump's children take in millions overseas as president slams Biden's son

Ron Reagan calls Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner 'grifters'

Nepotism and the 2020 election, explained

Pattern of Deception: From Trump Family Business to Grifter in Chief
Rules to enforce order also teach compliance. The thing is, in a school filled with kids, you can't argue that order is important. Of course it is. But many teach compliance without explanation for the need. It's "do as I say because I said so". JMO, but I think it's important kids understand the why of those rules. That encourages the development of thought process.

But most don't want you actually thinking so much as they want you obeying.

I understand when classes are walking in the halls to stay in line but when a kid wants to go to the bathroom and they are in the hall by themselves they still are supposed to follow the lines.
Not that I expect you to get past the sources as all being biased libtard rags, but on the outside chance you do and actually read any of them with objectivity I'd hope that you'd begin to recognize the pattern... I'm certain that you'd likely stop throwing the rocks from the balcony of your glass house on what is certainly not located on moral high ground.

Trump's pernicious grift

'Conmen, grifters and criminals': why is Trump's circle so at odds with the law?

The Law May Finally Be Closing In On Yet Another Alleged Trump Family Grift

The Family That Grifts Together

Mary Trump is suing the president and his family, claiming millions of dollars in lost inheritance

How Donald Trump's Kids Have Profited Off Their Dad's Presidency

How Trump Is Trying—And Failing—To Get Rich Off His Presidency

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

Trump's children take in millions overseas as president slams Biden's son

Ron Reagan calls Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner 'grifters'

Nepotism and the 2020 election, explained

Pattern of Deception: From Trump Family Business to Grifter in Chief

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I understand when classes are walking in the halls to stay in line but when a kid wants to go to the bathroom and they are in the hall by themselves they still are supposed to follow the lines.
Well that's just dumb.
He will lose the popular vote and win the EC handily.

It will likely come down to the swing states...which is why it worries me. Its true that Trump rallies are like an Elvis concert..and he will win Bigly in red states and just about everywhere besides the Dem strongholds of CA, NY, MA etc....very few people like Joe even a little bit, but those Dimwits want Trump out of office so badly that they are rabid. The swing states will once again determine who is President. The EC just gives so much power to CA, NY etc that its nearly impossible for an R to win without dominating swing states. I am ready for this election to be over....

I Structured my business For the “just in case“ about a year ago. We are operating on minimal essential. If trump wins then I’ll gear back up. If he doesn’t I’ll be one of the 20% who are still in business when the Biden/Harris horror show is over.

Lots and lots of good craftsmen lost their businesses and everything else last time a Dimwit was elected in 08, as you well know. Many ended up driving trucks etc since changing careers wasn't optional with zero construction taking place. I know several good men that had been in business 20 or 30 years and had good customer bases that lost pretty much everything they had. Glad to hear you are prepared bro....we are finally starting to slow down now....due to lumber price gouging .

A year ago...a 2x4 stud retail even at Lowes was about $3.30 each.... we bought an 18 wheeler load of 2x4 studs last week for $7 EACH....120% price increase....we are under contract to build another apartment complex turn key, us furnishing lumber, that we bid last year with last year's prices. My boss said if we were forced to start it today, that he would LOSE well over a million $ just because of the lumber cost. These crooked lumber mills need to get their crap together, and double their current 1 shift per day output...scarce supply is causing the cost increase, there is no reason to not be running 2 or 3 shifts per day now like they were pre covid. They are getting rich while killing the industry that feeds them....
Not that I expect you to get past the sources as all being biased libtard rags, but on the outside chance you do and actually read any of them with objectivity I'd hope that you'd begin to recognize the pattern... I'm certain that you'd likely stop throwing the rocks from the balcony of your glass house on what is certainly not located on moral high ground.

Trump's pernicious grift

'Conmen, grifters and criminals': why is Trump's circle so at odds with the law?

The Law May Finally Be Closing In On Yet Another Alleged Trump Family Grift

The Family That Grifts Together

Mary Trump is suing the president and his family, claiming millions of dollars in lost inheritance

How Donald Trump's Kids Have Profited Off Their Dad's Presidency

How Trump Is Trying—And Failing—To Get Rich Off His Presidency

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

Trump's children take in millions overseas as president slams Biden's son

Ron Reagan calls Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner 'grifters'

Nepotism and the 2020 election, explained

Pattern of Deception: From Trump Family Business to Grifter in Chief
Let's say all of this is 100% true. (Not going to take the time to read it, but for argument's sake) Does that justify if Biden is corrupt as well? I'm just curious if you think t's okay for one side to act inappropriate just because the other side acts inappropriate?
This dude and his entire family needs to be in witness protection...

His evidence and testimony should be enough to imprison Hunter Biden and impeach Joe, if he manages to get elected...

That makes him enemy no1 for the entire billion dollar machine that is the Dimwit party. Desperate folks will kill a man for pocket money...these multimillionaires can get him whacked easy.

What yall think? Seems like based on his testimony here....TB can testify against both Joe and Hunter to the Feds, in court, the senate and congress, you name it.. and he is a lifetime Democrat who has personally donated $12k to the Dimwit party, from a family of Dimwit way to paint this guy as a Trump hitman.
I know nothing about this guy, but he has a great name if he ever wants to open a Polish bubble tea store.
Can someone give me a quick rundown from the frothy right-wing circle jerk echo chambers as to what's going on here?
I'm not shrugging off anything, I've stated numerous times I think Hunter did all of that sht.

Ironically, your accusation of me letting it slide is EXACTLY why I can't help but laugh at the feigned outrage by the Trumpers who've turned a blind eye to the Trump Family grift over the last four.


I know a lot of accusations have been made about Trump and his family, but none of them are dumb enough to drop off a laptop at a computer repair shop full of incriminating evidence and then forget to pick it up.
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Let's say all of this is 100% true. (Not going to take the time to read it, but for argument's sake) Does that justify if Biden is corrupt as well? I'm just curious if you think t's okay for one side to act inappropriate just because the other side acts inappropriate?

Of course not, I've never attempted to justify it. I've simply pointed out that the accusations against him aren't any more or less significant than what the Trump family has been attempting for the last four. Just that the outrage by the trump supporters on grifting is now on the menu for disqualification where it's been elusive as the McRib for the last four years.

In fact, it's kind of fascinating that I keep having to point out that I've repeatedly noted that Hunter is very likely as corrupt as he's being portrayed.

I know a lot of accusations have been made about Trump and his family, but none of them are dumb enough to drop off a laptop at a computer repair shop full of incriminating evidence and then forget to pick it up.

If calling out hypocrisy is a "whataboutisim," then yeah. This whole thread is an exercise in looking the other way, ginning up outrage while refusing to acknowledge reality that whichever ****** side you support, they're just as guilty.
Of course not, I've never attempted to justify it. I've simply pointed out that the accusations against him aren't any more or less significant than what the Trump family has been attempting for the last four. Just that the outrage by the trump supporters on grifting is now on the menu for disqualification where it's been elusive as the McRib for the last four years.

In fact, it's kind of fascinating that I keep having to point out that I've repeatedly noted that Hunter is very likely as corrupt as he's being portrayed.
Trump was investigated. Do these new charges against Biden warrant an investigation?
It will likely come down to the swing states...which is why it worries me. Its true that Trump rallies are like an Elvis concert..and he will win Bigly in red states and just about everywhere besides the Dem strongholds of CA, NY, MA etc....very few people like Joe even a little bit, but those Dimwits want Trump out of office so badly that they are rabid. The swing states will once again determine who is President. The EC just gives so much power to CA, NY etc that its nearly impossible for an R to win without dominating swing states. I am ready for this election to be over....

Lots and lots of good craftsmen lost their businesses and everything else last time a Dimwit was elected in 08, as you well know. Many ended up driving trucks etc since changing careers wasn't optional with zero construction taking place. I know several good men that had been in business 20 or 30 years and had good customer bases that lost pretty much everything they had. Glad to hear you are prepared bro....we are finally starting to slow down now....due to lumber price gouging .

A year ago...a 2x4 stud retail even at Lowes was about $3.30 each.... we bought an 18 wheeler load of 2x4 studs last week for $7 EACH....120% price increase....we are under contract to build another apartment complex turn key, us furnishing lumber, that we bid last year with last year's prices. My boss said if we were forced to start it today, that he would LOSE well over a million $ just because of the lumber cost. These crooked lumber mills need to get their crap together, and double their current 1 shift per day output...scarce supply is causing the cost increase, there is no reason to not be running 2 or 3 shifts per day now like they were pre covid. They are getting rich while killing the industry that feeds them....

My daughter wanted to build a small deck on back of her home this spring, estimate was $4300. The builder, which is a friend told her lumber was climbing and maybe wait till the fall and after covid settles down.
Last week she called him to see if his price had dropped, he laughed and told her now it would be about twice of original quote, and needless to say she is now waiting to check on next spring.
How is anyone building a home now, or even remodeling?
Can someone give me a quick rundown from the frothy right-wing circle jerk echo chambers as to what's going on here?


Joe Biden’s crackhead son left a laptop containing messages and emails of Joe involved in a pay for play scandal with foreign governments and businesses.

The laptop is alleged to contain child pornography of Joe’s granddaughter and he knew about it.

Contains pictures and videos of hunter with underage girls including the daughter of Obama.

there’s an alleged video of Joe with Chinese call girls who are peeing on him.

a picture of Joe with Putin naked on a bear skin rug.
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Sure, but wasn't Burisma alleged access to Biden already investigated? I'd hope that Biden would simply ignore, like his predecessor, any Congressional subpoena though.

Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden
Is the Boba Looey guy new? I'd never heard of him before, so I'm assuming he is. Haven't read the story or watched the interview, but if he's just now coming forward with allegations, should they not be looked in to?
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