Border Fence

And earned $million + doing it. Trump was a grifter.

Maybe, but unlike most grifters in DC, he used business rather than "representing" us as a politician to earn his wealth. You might like to debate the details, but business is in business to generate income, and our politicians are supposedly in office to represent us and work to our benefit rather than theirs. So who do you see as more honest: the guy who earns millions before becoming a politician, or one who earns millions while a politician? Do I see Trump's path to wealth as "honorable". Nope, not in any way; I don't even like the guy and swore I'd never vote for him. However, he did business (including business bankruptcies) according to the laws our "representatives" established. If you see his path as different/privileged, I'd recommend you take a look at a couple of recent bank failures before deciding that Trump is in any way different from the rest of the very wealthy.
Maybe, but unlike most grifters in DC, he used business rather than "representing" us as a politician to earn his wealth. You might like to debate the details, but business is in business to generate income, and our politicians are supposedly in office to represent us and work to our benefit rather than theirs. So who do you see as more honest: the guy who earns millions before becoming a politician, or one who earns millions while a politician? Do I see Trump's path to wealth as "honorable". Nope, not in any way; I don't even like the guy and swore I'd never vote for him. However, he did business (including business bankruptcies) according to the laws our "representatives" established. If you see his path as different/privileged, I'd recommend you take a look at a couple of recent bank failures before deciding that Trump is in any way different from the rest of the very wealthy.

Trump even gave his salary away or didn't take it while POTUS.
He actually earned it by being born

That works for some others, too. "Kennedy" comes to mind for one. You are right, though; a silver spoon works for some born that way. Others born rich manage to squander the opportunity.
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I guess walls are only ineffective when placed between US and Mexico.

Finland Unveils 1st Section Of Russian Border Fence After Joining NATO | ZeroHedge

Who told you that? There are plenty of countries with borders as porous as ours.
As a developed nation we refuse to secure our border because of optics from the Democrats and the media. How can we call ourselves sovereign when we can’t control our borders? Most people don’t care about other countries porous borders. We should care about ours though.
As a developed nation we refuse to secure our border because of optics from the Democrats and the media. How can we call ourselves sovereign when we can’t control our borders? Most people don’t care about other countries porous borders. We should care about ours though.
Of course we should care about ours.
The claim was made that our southern border is the world's most porous. It isn't.
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Who told you that? There are plenty of countries with borders as porous as ours.
Sure. But what kind of countries we talking?

We hear variants of “no other advanced country on earth deals with X” from people usually screaming about guns.

Is there another “advanced country” on earth with a controlled border as porous as our southern border?
Walls are ineffective as a stand alone. The only walls in history were manned with soldiers with orders to kill.
Using Rome and China as an example, we would require roughly 50-100 guards per mile over the 2000+ miles. 100k to 200k guards.
I would argue walls are “less effective”, not “ineffective”, as a stand alone.

Raise a 30 ft wall anywhere, and it will impact crossing.

Drones & Sensors were not at the disposal of the Romans or Chinese either.
The ability to simply patrol via motorized vehicle was a capability they lacked as well.
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Trump (once again) had it wrong when he said we needed Mexico to pay for the southern wall.

We should be offering to pay for a southern wall - and it needs to go on Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala.

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