Bowling Green interested in Bajakian

My perception of your point was that Croom had a year of experience IN THE SYSTEM..truthfully he had NO EXPERIENCE in any system...comparing him to Worley?..who had taken snaps and started games for two seasons?...ok it confused me
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If Worley can be considered EXPERIENCED (even though he had none under Butch), then so too, can Croom. Croom at least had a full 7-8mos head start on any of the incoming true freshmen.

You and the other goober are trying to count Worley's past experience as why he had the edge over the two freshmen...but when it comes to doesn't count for him. Sound logic. :loco:
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We were throwing a temper tantrum when Dooley got hired and some of us questioned the hire?

Really? Your "follow the herd" approach has gotten you where? You were among the goobers here claiming Sunseri was a Badass and going to instill some toughness and discipline.

Shows just how much you know and how far your opinion matters. You've been wrong so many times, funny you would dare to call someone else out...not with your record of failure.

Great rebuff to the specific points I brought up concerning your argument.

The desired result of an ad hominum attack is to undermine someone's case without actually having to engage it.

Whether I took a "wait and see" approach to Dooley or not... Whether I was correct about Sunseri or not...

...does not change the veracity of your argument per "best staff in the nation." It is little different than "he hired someone I didn't approve of.

Would you like to respond to that? Or are you content just to throw feces across the room and feel as though you've restored your internet badassedness?

I'm cool with either.
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Jancek in a package deal?

2 for the price of 1?

offer Martinez as a mail in rebate, maybe?

3 for 2.
I'll take Pease for OC, Muschamp for DC and send our OC, DC, and Martinez to Gators (they are probably even dumb enough to take it given what happened there this year).
I will ask again. Who are candidates if he leaves?

Jon Gruden
Bobby Petrino
Gus Malzhan
Chip Kelly
Nic Saban
Bear Bryant
John Madden
Pete Carrol

But to hear most "sunshine pumpers" on here talk they would all be down grades because we clearly have the best staff on level of football
You have been dead wrong multiple times in the recent past, and you ridiculed those of us who dared to question Hamilton's decision to hire Dooley. Then whether he should have been cut loose following the KY debacle. You were dead wrong about Sunseri.

Again, Mr. have been on the a$$-end of the argument every time.

Oh, so that's your answer. You ARE content to not address my case, and instead just sling feces across the room in an effort to reestablish your internet badassedness.

Well... Well done sir. You have established that you are, indeed, and internet badass that can't address the points brought against your argument per "best coach in the nation."

I'll leave you to your smelly hands now.

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If Worley can be considered EXPERIENCED (even though he had none under Butch), then so too, can Croom. Croom at least had a full 7-8mos head start on any of the incoming true freshmen.

You and the other goober are trying to count Worley's past experience as why he had the edge over the two freshmen...but when it comes to doesn't count for him. Sound logic. :loco:

I was mainly weighing in on the Croom is experienced because he redshirted logic...Worley WAS more experienced,not only because he had taken snaps against SEC teams in actual games, but he had also taken snaps in practices/scrimmages under the new staff's guidance while Ferguson and Dobbs were ordering their yearbooks...true freshmen QBs do have successful starts under new coaches in college football annals, but they usually we now know, this offense takes time to learn and longer to perfect...but if you hold your breath and thrash we'll get em learning this...don't breathe until we holleratcha...k?
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Kind of split the fence on this...

The question still lingers: Were our offensive woes due to the scheme or not having the horses to run it (I think Worley was doing a decent job before the injury)?

So do we hope he sticks around and see if fresh horses can/will run the offensive scheme?

OR - Do we let him go to BG and see what comes down the pike?

I'm okay with the second, IF we can get a guy that runs the spread pro-style like the players are all buying into and he is a proven OC somewhere else already.
In general? Or the current UT offense running it?

I just don't think teams have a good chance at beating the best coach and players at his own game. Only teams to have beaten bama over the last few years are spread teams, specifically where they gave up a ton of rushing yards, which would never happen without the spread.
This Thread is awesome , especially when you consider that Mack Brown is out at Texas and Saban could be on his way to Texas via horseback . Granted its probably a miniature horse.
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Really? So, it couldn't be that we simply expect our AD's to hire qualified coaches? :blink:....and not take 3-4 times to figure out that the candidates with winning resumes are the ONLY ones to consider? No, that couldn't be it. Not scandalous enough. Needs a heavy dose of psycho-analization and conspiracy theories.

And when a coach like Butch says he's going to hire the BEST STAFF IN it too much to ask that we hold him to his word? Nobody was beating down the door to hire either Bajakian or Janzek, when CBJ took the job.

There are better, more proven OC's and DC's than them every year. Ellis Johnson was a VERY good example. Why would Butch hire his bud, when he could instead hire Johnson, who had become available about the same time as Butch took the job here? Auburn snagged him, and they, instead of us, have THE BEST STAFF IN AMERICA.

Johnson had a distinguished record as a SEC DC. Janzek had a forgettable record as a DC in the SEC. WHY NOT HIRE THE MOST QUALIFIED POSSIBLE? Is that really so hard to grasp?

People that are focused on his best staff in America comment are so full of **** its ridiculous. Never seen a simple statement by a coach, that is trying to rebuild a program and sell to recruits, taken so literal.
I assume you want him to tell the world he has concerns and is not sure how this will turn out. That would be brilliant for recruiting, wouldn't it. Brilliant for the whiny asses on here to pick apart at best. Same posters want him to tell the world his coaching staff sucks after an L.
Best coach in America blew the sec championship game with multiple 4 th quarter coaching errors. Coaches aren't perfect, especially when they have inferior talent.
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People that our focused on his best staff in America comment are so full of **** its ridiculous. Never seen a simple statement by a coach, that is trying to rebuild a program and sell to recruits, taken so literal.
I assume you want him to tell the world he has concerns and is not sure how this will turn out. That would be brilliant for recruiting, wouldn't it. Brilliant for the whiny asses on here to pick apart at best. Same posters want him to tell the world his coaching staff sucks after an L.
Best coach in America blew the sec championship game with multiple 4 th quarter coaching errors. Coaches aren't perfect, especially when they have inferior talent.

this is a great on.
Some of our fans are idiots. They expect immediate results with a depleted team. It would suck to lose any of our coaches this soon BUT the only positive I see is it is CBJ's offensive system, so would this effect philosophy that much?

Good post but with one edit. I would change out 'some' with 'MOST' of our fans.
Thread is too long so didn't read. I was worried about Bajakian's offense when he first came here. After seeing it in action though I enjoy it. Once we get better players his scheme will open up more. However, it's an offense I would enjoy watching.
People that our focused on his best staff in America comment are so full of **** its ridiculous. Never seen a simple statement by a coach, that is trying to rebuild a program and sell to recruits, taken so literal.
I assume you want him to tell the world he has concerns and is not sure how this will turn out. That would be brilliant for recruiting, wouldn't it. Brilliant for the whiny asses on here to pick apart at best. Same posters want him to tell the world his coaching staff sucks after an L.
Best coach in America blew the sec championship game with multiple 4 th quarter coaching errors. Coaches aren't perfect, especially when they have inferior talent.

This pretty much times infinity
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