BUTCH JONES said: This is unacceptable when you play football at the University of TN

We have a 5 win team during the preseason. If Jones wins 7, then he's doing a damn good job. You're overrating our talent.

Nope. Not by a long shot. I'm comparing which most of you refuse to do. I am comparing to the '10 roster that Dooley won 6 games with... This one is better. The schedules are about the same. Now we can compare the coaches... apples to apples.

In the first relevant comparison.... Jones was outperformed badly by Dooley vs Oregon.
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We need to get our act together on offense--and I'm talking about the coaches! Do I expect this group to score 30? No. But I know this: Good offensive coaches can take mediocre or young talent and MAKE FIRST DOWNS. They can do that by playing to strengths, by emphasizing execution on a manageable number of plays, and by good play calling. We had one good drive and then the offense completely imploded. We seemed to run the same slow-developing play all day--getting two yards. And let's not pretend that Oregon is alabama defensively. They aren't.

Completely agree. They had the whole summer to prepare for this game (their first meaningful game at UT) and the game plan they came up with was a complete joke.
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So you expected Jones to take a team that was by no stretch that undermanned and lead them to the worst loss since 1910?

Yeah, I know. It's Dooley's fault or the Ducks are just that good or yada, yada, yada. The flat truth is that was an extremely poorly coached and executed game.

Oregons talent is that much better. Keep telling yourself this TN team isn't undermanned.
What specifically should he have done? You can't spend all night writing up plays and a game plan I know, but what would you have done exactly?

Who chose and "coached" that QB? Who called the plays?

Ah yes... Its Dooley's fault that the OL wasn't made the focal point of the game. It was his fault that Jones kept punting on 4th and short. It is certainly Dooley's fault that Neal is now so scared of getting chewed out that he won't even take a wide open cutback for a big gainer. It is DD's fault that UT kept kicking to their playmakers.

Shall I go on? If I were complaining about a reasonably good showing... then you'd have a point. This was a historic loss and a VERY poor coaching job.

Yes it does. When you hire someone to be better than the guy you fired then you expect them to perform better than the guy you fired. This wasn't better... by a long stretch.
This is such an overused piece of BS. MUCH more often than not, the "right coach" makes an IMMEDIATE impact by BEING A BETTER COACH on the field. NOTHING done today suggests this staff is an upgrade. Maybe they'll pull it together.... but this is a huge strike against them.

No. Evaluate constantaly and cummulatively. This was pathetic. Give me one reason... just one... from the performance of this coaching staff today that should make me believe that. Just one. UT was out of the game by the end of the 1st qtr.

Yeah, that makes sense. A team without confidence needs to lose by the largest margin in 100 years on national tv.

Maybe the coaching staff needed it... but the team did not. Now let's see who gets blamed and pays the price.

I think you missed mine answering other people.
Sure. I am not saying to blindly follow but to guess how good of a coach we have after one loss is absolutely asinine.

Read more carefully. This is an indication against him being the right coach... not the conclusion. He has 9 more games. As I have said for months now.... 6 wins proves he can coach to the level of his talent. UT will never win championships with a coach that is no better than the sum of the talent on his roster.
Oregons talent is that much better. Keep telling yourself this TN team isn't undermanned.

Exactly, It's gonna take a little while folks. Of course, I guess the only logical thing to do is fire Coach Jones. Hey, there's some guy name Kiffin who will probably be available before too long.
Anybody that would take the 2013 defense over the 2010 defense should get their head checked for a concussion.
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Also, Matt Simms and Tyler Bray>>>>>>>Justin Worley and Nate Peterman
They were undermanned, no question. However CBJ and company's gameplan played to ORs strength!

CBJ and company didn't have a great gameplan. I would agree with you.

Anybody that tries to use this as any case of evidence that CBJ isn't the guy doesn't have a clue.
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BUTCH JONES: This is unacceptable when you play football at the University of Tennessee.

: We need to regroup. It's a very, very long season. We're going to find out our competitive spirit.

Our fan showing was outstanding. This will not be tolerated. We can NEVER accept this performance.

This football team is prideful. It's all in the week of prep. Florida isn't going to feel sorry for us. We have to get better.

Your damn right this is unacceptable. New season same story its like we are watching a rerun of the last 7 yrs
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So you expected Jones to take a team that was by no stretch that undermanned and lead them to the worst loss since 1910?

Yeah, I know. It's Dooley's fault or the Ducks are just that good or yada, yada, yada. The flat truth is that was an extremely poorly coached and executed game.

You're doing the exact same thing you decry in the other direction . . . Making a subjective argument that can't possibly be refuted and acting indignant about it.
Exactly, It's gonna take a little while folks. Of course, I guess the only logical thing to do is fire Coach Jones. Hey, there's some guy name Kiffin who will probably be available before too long.

Right now I"m so angry I would take Kiffin back as OC.
What specifically should he have done? You can't spend all night writing up plays and a game plan I know, but what would you have done exactly?

With 4th and short and Oregon with momentum, you put the game in the hands of your best unit- the OL.

They actually had some run plays that worked... and went away from them. Even the stupid announcers noticed that Oregon wasn't even trying to rush the passer most of the time. They dropped 8 into coverage to make Worley beat them. Not once did they use the receivers to run the coverage off and then run a QB draw. Worley would not have to be fast to pick up enough to make that an unworkable plan.


How many times does the TE do nothing but run to the middle of the field and stop before you say... Hey, we ought to stop that play?
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I have yet to see anyone explain to the idiots on this thread that ths is his first year.
He is using the players tht fooley gave him.
You can't make chicken soup from chicken **** like some people think, even if it smells like it.
Let him get his players tht he wants then see what happens.
He only had a couple of months to salvage a class....
Let him do his thing.
I back butch 100%
ESPN gave butch love today and said good times are coming to TN with Butch.

However, I hope dobbs and ferguson are ready for next year....
CBJ and company didn't have a great gameplan. I would agree with you.

Anybody that tries to use this as any case of evidence that CBJ isn't the guy doesn't have a clue.

I'm not saying he is the wrong guy. I'm saying his gameplan today was wrong. He better figure this out quick or he will not be around long enough to know.
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I'm not saying he is the wrong guy. I'm saying his gameplan today was wrong. He better figure this out quick or he will not be around long enough to know.

I wasn't pointing out you in particular. Sorry for the confusion. I was basically agreeing with your post while adding on to it. :hi:
This is an absurd overreaction.

We have a poor secondary and a poor quarterback, a good offensive line but very middling running backs. We were playing a team that was able to easily exploit all of those weaknesses.

I'm disappointed, too, but I don't know that I'm ready to abandon ship.
This is an absurd overreaction.

We have a poor secondary and a poor quarterback, a good offensive line but very middling running backs. We were playing a team that was able to easily exploit all of those weaknesses.

I'm disappointed, too, but I don't know that I'm ready to abandon ship.

Who hasn't show they can run block consistently for four years now with three different O-line coaches.
You're doing the exact same thing you decry in the other direction . . . Making a subjective argument that can't possibly be refuted and acting indignant about it.

There is nothing subjective about 59-14. That's very concrete.

It can most certainly be refuted. Name the adjustment that was made to what Oregon was doing. Name one thing you could say that this team did better than one year ago against the real competition they faced today. Name anything at all that I can latch on to from today that would give me hope that Jones is the right guy.

I would LOVE for him to turn things around. I would LOVE for this to be an aberration. Give me just a single reason to believe that.
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