Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

Granted a couple of "our guys" set the stage for this fiasco. My point is that the Dems decided to take a joyride at the expense of the GOP, irrespective of what may have been best for the country. The 200+ Dems are up to their eyeballs in the dysfunction.
The GOP has NEVER voted, to the best of my knowledge, for a Democrat for Speaker. That's not how this works. If you have the majority, you do the work, choose the Speaker, and elect them.

The Dems didn't do anything the GOP wouldn't have done. This has never happened in 240+ years that a Speaker has been removed because the party in power doesn't cut its own throat.

Anyone in America can see this is a small part of the GOP that the leadership can't control. It's not the Dems job to control the GOP......thank God.
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The GOP has NEVER voted, to the best of my knowledge, for a Democrat for Speaker. That's not how this works. If you have the majority, you do the work, choose the Speaker, and elect them.

The Dems didn't do anything the GOP wouldn't have done. This has never happened in 240+ years that a Speaker has been removed because the party in power doesn't cut its own throat.

Anyone in America can see this is a small part of the GOP that the leadership can't control. It's not the Dems job to control the GOP......thank God.
Both parties are on the same side. This is theater. Guess who they both are against?
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Both parties are on the same side. This is theater. Guess who they both are against?
It's theater that will cost the GOP seats.....power in shaping the spending and reining in the federal government. No matter who you think is evil in this, which side is less evil? Which offers SOME chance of a little control?

Why are we letting a few GOP members trash what we've worked hard to attain..... control of the House from Pelosi and the Dems?

It's going to cost seats, possibly also in the Senate, and possibly the White House. It's very bad politics to have a brawl on your side of the aisle.

I don't understand why everyone can't see this. It's not good for future elections of ANY GOP candidate for it to look like the party is in chaos.
It's theater that will cost the GOP seats.....power in shaping the spending and reining in the federal government. No matter who you think is evil in this, which side is less evil? Which offers SOME chance of a little control?

Why are we letting a few GOP members trash what we've worked hard to attain..... control of the House from Pelosi and the Dems?

It's going to cost seats, possibly also in the Senate, and possibly the White House. It's very bad politics to have a brawl on your side of the aisle.

I don't understand why everyone can't see this. It's not good for future elections of ANY GOP candidate for it to look like the party is in chaos.
I don’t understand why everyone can’t see the Uniparty that is right out in the open. GOP and Dems are the same.

The edges of each have radicals but the majority of both are the same. It doesn’t matter anymore because the folks up there detest the citizens of this country.

All of them need to be fired.
I don’t understand why everyone can’t see the Uniparty that is right out in the open. GOP and Dems are the same.

The edges of each have radicals but the majority of both are the same. It doesn’t matter anymore because the folks up there detest the citizens of this country.

All of them need to be fired.
But they aren't fired and aren't likely to be. There's a WHOLE LOT I'd like to change about the Federal system but short of an outright revolution, we will need to use the system to move things forward.

If you support an actual revolution, fine. I don't.
If you support electing decent (not perfect) representatives, your best bet is the GOP? Agreed?

So I'd appreciate it if the GOP would kindly stop making themselves look useless when given the chance to govern. I don't want to sit through more years of some Nancy 2.0.
The GOP has NEVER voted, to the best of my knowledge, for a Democrat for Speaker. That's not how this works. If you have the majority, you do the work, choose the Speaker, and elect them.

The Dems didn't do anything the GOP wouldn't have done. This has never happened in 240+ years that a Speaker has been removed because the party in power doesn't cut its own throat.

Anyone in America can see this is a small part of the GOP that the leadership can't control. It's not the Dems job to control the GOP......thank God.
I never said suggested in any way that the Dems should have voted for anyone for Speaker. Fact is, there hasn't been an election for Speaker since last Tuesday's vote to remove Kevin McCarty as Speaker. The Dems unanimously thought it would be a good idea to remove him. I believe they were short sighted and placed a higher priority on helping the GOP embarrass itself than they placed on the good of the country. It's hard to argue that the GOP is doing itself any favors in this matter and they will probably suffer the electoral consequences. But, still, what did the Dems think would happen once the Speakership was vacated?
I never said suggested in any way that the Dems should have voted for anyone for Speaker. Fact is, there hasn't been an election for Speaker since last Tuesday's vote to remove Kevin McCarty as Speaker. The Dems unanimously thought it would be a good idea to remove him. I believe they were short sighted and placed a higher priority on helping the GOP embarrass itself than they placed on the good of the country. It's hard to argue that the GOP is doing itself any favors in this matter and they will probably suffer the electoral consequences. But, still, what did the Dems think would happen once the Speakership was vacated?
Why do we give a dang about what the Dems think?


Blaming anyone else ourselves is ridiculous. The GOP COULD elect a Speaker this afternoon and give the finger straight to the Dems if they don't like who we pick.

Because we can't, blaming the Dems is senseless.
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I hate the size of Federal government, the overreach into our lives is nothing like the Constitution planned. There is A LOT wrong with DC.

Right now, the world could be on the brink of a World War. One of the few things we REALLY need Congress, particularly the House, for is to fund the military, provide resources to manufacture and obtain arms to fight if needed, and keep ourselves safe with defenses. This takes money. The House controls the money. Every day we go without the House being functional is a risk to our military and to ourselves should something go very wrong.

Also, the Speaker is in line after the VP, should something happen to the POTUS. If the POTUS and VP are killed, who is POTUS today? Patty Murray, a Dem Senator from WA. It could be a GOP Speaker but it's not.

Take care of this. ASAP. It's not just politics, it could be extremely crucial for our defense in the next couple of days when Israel starts to level Gaza.
Why do you think it'll cost the GOP seats?
Why do you think it'll cost the GOP seats?
If your party looks like it can't manage to govern when it has power, why should we elect you?

Chaos isn't attractive. Call it lockstep, getting in line, whatever but every job involving multiple people, an assembly line, a football team, etc involves doing things for the group and not getting your way sometimes.

If the left tackle is told to block a certain guy, but he thinks he should block someone else and does, things don't go well. It's a missed assignment.

If a guy doing assembly of something decides, I don't like the idea of putting these bolts here..... I'm just going to not do it. The assembly line will fail.

Working as a group is what adults do. If your party doesn't look like adults, you aren't going to have an easy time when the other side points out you can't act as a unit and they can.
I think it's a little early to decide....worry in Nov if there isn't a speaker
And if a war starts? In case you haven't noticed, we might have people declaring war on America in a few days. You do know Congress provides a check against just letting Joe do whatever, right?

Congress isn't able to work at all without a Speaker of the House. If we need a bill to appropriate money for troops and war, sorry..... we can't do that.

How would that look to the American public?
And if a war starts? In case you haven't noticed, we might have people declaring war on America in a few days. You do know Congress provides a check against just letting Joe do whatever, right?

Congress isn't able to work at all without a Speaker of the House. If we need a bill to appropriate money for troops and war, sorry..... we can't do that.

How would that look to the American public?
No worse then now... when a terrorist group threatens America and our government is silent
No worse then now... when a terrorist group threatens America and our government is silent
If that's how you feel, fine, but don't be surprised when the "Red Wave" fails again to happen.

My feeling is: this is the system we have. It's been perverted terribly but it's 245+ years old and better than any other. We can burn it down and try to build a document and system that's better or we can try to fix this one. The Dems are not going to be helpful so the more decent GOP candidates we can field and get elected, the better. This chaos isn't helping that effort.

I'm not an "America sucks. Let's burn the government to the ground" Republican. I don't have a better government system, at the core, than ours. There's a LOT, a whole lot, wrong about government overreach but I'm not at the "burn it down" or "shut it down" point because I've got a family to think about. This system, screwed up as it is, provides the best chance for them to be safe and perhaps even prosper a little.

That's my job as a man. Secure my family.
And if a war starts? In case you haven't noticed, we might have people declaring war on America in a few days. You do know Congress provides a check against just letting Joe do whatever, right?

Congress isn't able to work at all without a Speaker of the House. If we need a bill to appropriate money for troops and war, sorry..... we can't do that.

How would that look to the American public?

If a war started tomorrow Joe’s handlers have 90 days to do whatever they want absent of congressional oversight.
If a war started tomorrow Joe’s handlers have 90 days to do whatever they want absent of congressional oversight.
Yes, but the appearance of leadership from Congress and the GOP would help future elections. Chaos is not a good look.

Especially if a war starts, having the House 100% ready and the GOP jumping into action is simply good for elections. Again, I don't like the idea of Nancy 2.0 making decisions with Chucky and Joe.

Yes, it's about power. If the GOP doesn't have it, the Dems do have it. They don't make good decisions for my family or yours.
But they aren't fired and aren't likely to be. There's a WHOLE LOT I'd like to change about the Federal system but short of an outright revolution, we will need to use the system to move things forward.

If you support an actual revolution, fine. I don't.
If you support electing decent (not perfect) representatives, your best bet is the GOP? Agreed?

So I'd appreciate it if the GOP would kindly stop making themselves look useless when given the chance to govern. I don't want to sit through more years of some Nancy 2.0.
I stopped looking at things through GOP/Dem lens years ago. Once you give that up things like SOTH are irrelevant. Only 1 party in DC.
I stopped looking at things through GOP/Dem lens years ago. Once you give that up things like SOTH are irrelevant. Only 1 party in DC.
If you don't believe in the system, that's your choice. I'll submit that makes you closer to a Dem than a Republican, which is also your choice.

If you're not part of working toward a solution for our government, you're either a revolutionary who wants to replace it with something else or someone who disagrees with our system at the core.

If you're just a disgusted spectator, I suppose that's a choice too, but this country is too great to give up on.
If that's how you feel, fine, but don't be surprised when the "Red Wave" fails again to happen.

My feeling is: this is the system we have. It's been perverted terribly but it's 245+ years old and better than any other. We can burn it down and try to build a document and system that's better or we can try to fix this one. The Dems are not going to be helpful so the more decent GOP candidates we can field and get elected, the better. This chaos isn't helping that effort.

I'm not an "America sucks. Let's burn the government to the ground" Republican. I don't have a better government system, at the core, than ours. There's a LOT, a whole lot, wrong about government overreach but I'm not at the "burn it down" or "shut it down" point because I've got a family to think about. This system, screwed up as it is, provides the best chance for them to be safe and perhaps even prosper a little.

That's my job as a man. Secure my family.
I'm not a complete burn it to the ground person, but we needs to strip as much away as we can....whether the house shuts down isn't going to affect your family more then Trillions in ominous bills passed by weak politicians...remember the whole point of this was broken promises by McCarthy.....problem is now they are trying to replace him with someone like McCarthy to keep the coffers flowing that will effect your family...moreso then what being proposed by the GOP extremists...
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