Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

I'm not a complete burn it to the ground person, but we needs to strip as much away as we can....whether the house shuts down isn't going to affect your family more then Trillions in ominous bills passed by weak politicians...remember the whole point of this was broken promises by McCarthy.....problem is now they are trying to replace him with someone like McCarthy to keep the coffers flowing that will effect your family...moreso then what being proposed by the GOP extremists...
I get it and agree with much of that but "bad" GOP election wins are better than Dem wins.

The chaos is not good for future control of the House or Senate or winning the WH. If we want to strip government back to something Constitutional, we need to win elections. To win elections we need to look like adults who can work together.

It's pretty simple to me. Don't get the majority in the House (a good start to cutting down government) then be unable to choose a Speaker and use the House effectively. It's a terrible look to voters.
If you don't believe in the system, that's your choice. I'll submit that makes you closer to a Dem than a Republican, which is also your choice.

If you're not part of working toward a solution for our government, you're either a revolutionary who wants to replace it with something else or someone who disagrees with our system at the core.

If you're just a disgusted spectator, I suppose that's a choice too, but this country is too great to give up on.
You could not be more wrong. I’m a blend of Constitutional Conservative and Libertarian. I believe both parties suck. Very few are actually decent. The only elected person I actually care about is my Sheriff.

You keep trying to put people in a D or R box. I hate to break it to you but that’s a facade.

It’s broken to the point of needing to take the house all the way down to the frame.
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I get it and agree with much of that but "bad" GOP election wins are better than Dem wins.

The chaos is not good for future control of the House or Senate or winning the WH. If we want to strip government back to something Constitutional, we need to win elections. To win elections we need to look like adults who can work together.

It's pretty simple to me. Don't get the majority in the House (a good start to cutting down government) then be unable to choose a Speaker and use the House effectively. It's a terrible look to voters.
Problem is Bad GOP are no better then Dems.....Your never gonna get anything done with politicians like McCarthy as a GOP leader...unless it's an increase in funding and more restrictions on our right
You could not be more wrong. I’m a blend of Constitutional Conservative and Libertarian. I believe both parties suck. Very few are actually decent. The only elected person I actually care about is my Sheriff.

You keep trying to put people in a D or R box. I hate to break it to you but that’s a facade.

It’s broken to the point of needing to take the house all the way down to the frame.
And, pray tell, how do you do that without winning elections?

And how do you win elections without looking like you belong to a party that can govern?

If you think you can win elections in DC without being a member of one party or the other, I'll point the current and historical history of Congress and the WH.

You're very welcome to be upset and not believe the system is working but fixing any political system can only be done two ways:
Working within the system to gain control and modify it.
I suspect that the current conversation here mirrors the conversation in the House GOP right this minute.
Problem is Bad GOP are no better then Dems.....Your never gonna get anything done with politicians like McCarthy as a GOP leader...unless it's an increase in funding and more restrictions on our right
So if you don't like McCarthy and you lack the power to elect someone Speaker you do like, you simply make the GOP look like we're unable to govern ourselves, much less the country?

Please tell me how that's helpful for your family.
So if you don't like McCarthy and you lack the power to elect someone Speaker you do like, you simply make the GOP look like we're unable to govern ourselves, much less the country?

Please tell me how that's helpful for your family.
Believing the trash in DC care about our families is laughable. I know what’s helpful for my family and can guarantee you that those idiots do not.
Believing the trash in DC care about our families is laughable. I know what’s helpful for my family and can guarantee you that those idiots do not.
Again, you're welcome to believe that but what happens to fix it?

Frankly, you don't sound like you believe in America nor do you sound like you think it's worth fixing.

If you just don't believe anymore in the experiment of our Forefathers, that's fine. If you have a better plan, please tell me.

And tell me how you think it's ACTUALLY achievable. Otherwise, I'm putting you in the "doesn't believe in the American system" category with the Dems.
So if you don't like McCarthy and you lack the power to elect someone Speaker you do like, you simply make the GOP look like we're unable to govern ourselves, much less the country?

Please tell me how that's helpful for your family.
Or maybe you exposed those that are not working in the interests of the US. They can select anyone at any time..why doesn't have to be immediately..should big choice take time...McCarthy had time.before he was ousted...this is basically panicking for no reason..
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Again, you're welcome to believe that but what happens to fix it?

Frankly, you don't sound like you believe in America nor do you sound like you think it's worth fixing.

If you just don't believe anymore in the experiment of our Forefathers, that's fine. If you have a better plan, please tell me.

And tell me how you think it's ACTUALLY achievable. Otherwise, I'm putting you in the "doesn't believe in the American system" category with the Dems.
This is funny. You think you can place people you don’t know in a box based on a typed conversation on an anonymous message board.

I will now do the same knowing it’s ludicrous to do so.

You sound like a young 20 something that has not lived enough to know all of the problems in this country. You still get excited about whoever the Grand Old Party trots out there each cycle. And if anyone doesn’t agree with you laughably label them a Dem. That’s so washed out and tired.

Now you want to know what I believe in. I believe in my community. My local mayors. My commissioners. My Sheriff. My DA. I can walk up to them and have a conversation. The further you get from my community the less I trust. If more people worked in this manner then we can keep our state strong and maybe just maybe it will spread and improve our country.

Our country is strong but our government is weak. Focusing on DC when they are going to install whoever they want is a mistake. I don’t waste the time or the energy thinking about those fools up there.

You mentioned we have 2 options to make change. Revolution is one of the options. That is what I hope happens. But before you judge me let me tell you what type of Revolution we need. We need a faith revolution, a morality revolution, a family revolution, a Constitutional and Ten Commandment revolution, a purity revolution….

And I can guarantee you none of this will start in DC. Not in the GOP. Definitely not in the Dem party.

Sorry if TLDR. I understand.
Or maybe you exposed those that are not working in the interests of the US. They can select anyone at any time..why doesn't have to be immediately..should big choice take time...McCarthy had time.before he was ousted...this is basically panicking for no reason..
I'm not panicked. I'm trying to look at how this looks in a very divided America. I know what I'm going to do, how I'll vote, etc.

The suburbs, the "middle ground," the undecided, non-committed people who handed WH to Joe and didn't deliver the Senate and left us with a small House majority....... those are the people the GOP needs to reach to gain real control and make real changes.

I hope we can agree on that. The more power the Dems have and get, the more power the Federal govt will get. Will the GOP in DC decrease it as much as I like? No .... but they're less likely to continue the trend we've seen as quickly.

It is what it is on reform from Big Govt, but again, I believe in the system of representative government we have and changes come from within. If you don't, fine.
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I'm not panicked. I'm trying to look at how this looks in a very divided America. I know what I'm going to do, how I'll vote, etc.

The suburbs, the "middle ground," the undecided, non-committed people who handed WH to Joe and didn't deliver the Senate and left us with a small House majority....... those are the people the GOP needs to reach to gain real control and make real changes.

I hope we can agree on that. The more power the Dems have and get, the more power the Federal govt will get. Will the GOP in DC decrease it as much as I like? No .... but they're less likely to continue the trend we've seen as quickly.

It is what it is on reform from Big Govt, but again, I believe in the system of representative government we have and changes come from within. If you don't, fine.
do you believe that the way our current government is operating is in the same belief as the FFs?
This is funny. You think you can place people you don’t know in a box based on a typed conversation on an anonymous message board.

I will now do the same knowing it’s ludicrous to do so.

You sound like a young 20 something that has not lived enough to know all of the problems in this country. You still get excited about whoever the Grand Old Party trots out there each cycle. And if anyone doesn’t agree with you laughably label them a Dem. That’s so washed out and tired.

Now you want to know what I believe in. I believe in my community. My local mayors. My commissioners. My Sheriff. My DA. I can walk up to them and have a conversation. The further you get from my community the less I trust. If more people worked in this manner then we can keep our state strong and maybe just maybe it will spread and improve our country.

Our country is strong but our government is weak. Focusing on DC when they are going to install whoever they want is a mistake. I don’t waste the time or the energy thinking about those fools up there.

You mentioned we have 2 options to make change. Revolution is one of the options. That is what I hope happens. But before you judge me let me tell you what type of Revolution we need. We need a faith revolution, a morality revolution, a family revolution, a Constitutional and Ten Commandment revolution, a purity revolution….

And I can guarantee you none of this will start in DC. Not in the GOP. Definitely not in the Dem party.

Sorry if TLDR. I understand.
Walk up to your local politicians and ask the Sheriff where he got the money for upgrades. Dimes to Donuts, a Federal Grant. Ask that Mayor where he got the money to build a park or something, Dimes to Donuts, a Federal Grant. As any local, county, state official where a metric ton of their money comes from....... Federal Grants.

Until your community starts funding itself, you might want to raise your local taxes enormously AND vote someone in nationally who will stop allocating money for your local projects.

It's not NEARLY as simplistic as "I know my local people and they're on my side." They scratch for every Federal Grant they can get.

And I walk with a cane and had a class with Condredge Holloway (that he seldom attended) and that should tell you my age.
Walk up to your local politicians and ask the Sheriff where he got the money for upgrades. Dimes to Donuts, a Federal Grant. Ask that Mayor where he got the money to build a park or something, Dimes to Donuts, a Federal Grant. As any local, county, state official where a metric ton of their money comes from....... Federal Grants.

Until your community starts funding itself, you might want to raise your local taxes enormously AND vote someone in nationally who will stop allocating money for your local projects.

It's not NEARLY as simplistic as "I know my local people and they're on my side." They scratch for every Federal Grant they can get.

And I walk with a cane and had a class with Condredge Holloway (that he seldom attended) and that should tell you my age.
I guess I was trying to give you the benefit of youth for your naivety. Unfortunately you have been around a long time and still believe what you believe.

You are so concerned about what is going on in DC that you fail to see what’s right in front of you.
I guess I was trying to give you the benefit of youth for your naivety. Unfortunately you have been around a long time and still believe what you believe.

You are so concerned about what is going on in DC that you fail to see what’s right in front of you.
And you offer NOTHING about how you'd change things except via a religious awakening.

I'll tell you this. No matter how religious Americans become, it's VOTES that change government. It's a lousy look for the GOP and it makes it tough on ANY candidate connected to the GOP when the party doesn't look like it can govern itself.

Tell me how this "Revolution" is going to help America without winning elections. Thanks.
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At the core, as a representative government, yes.

And the only way to fix the overreach is via election.

Please tell me your solution. Thanks.
then you should be accepting of the current government as the are elected and representing the people...

Elections are exactly the way change it because the election of a speaker isn't happening fast enough it shows weakness???
then you should be accepting of the current government as the are elected and representing the people...

Elections are exactly the way change it because the election of a speaker isn't happening fast enough it shows weakness???
Yes. Having control of the House but being unable to agree on someone to lead the House points directly to a leadership failure. The GOP appears to be unable to compromise within itself and unify behind a leader.

If every time a Speaker compromises they're called a traitor and removed from leadership by less than 10 of a group of 200+, the GOP looks dysfunctional, disorganized, and unable to govern.

Bottom line: nobody gets what they want 100% of the time in life. Stop trying to govern that way.
Yes. Having control of the House but being unable to agree on someone to lead the House points directly to a leadership failure. The GOP appears to be unable to compromise within itself and unify behind a leader.

If every time a Speaker compromises they're called a traitor and removed from leadership by less than 10 of a group of 200+, the GOP looks dysfunctional, disorganized, and unable to govern.

Bottom line: nobody gets what they want 100% of the time in life. Stop trying to govern that way.
exactly and when 1 side only operates that way then you shut It down...period..that's what let the process play out and see the results..all this pearl clutching because there is not an immediate replacement should tell toy that maybe the GOP isn't the GOP that represents the people.
exactly and when 1 side only operates that way then you shut It down...period..that's what let the process play out and see the results..all this pearl clutching because there is not an immediate replacement should tell toy that maybe the GOP isn't the GOP that represents the people.
I'm not pearl clutching. If you have friends that are undecided, that jump between the GOP and Dems, many voted for Bill but wouldn't vote for Hillary among people I know, ask them what they think of this or what they thought of the crap that took 15 elections to get McCarthy in the first place.

I'll bet they will say, "What is wrong with the Republicans that they can't find a leader?"

It's your answer that "This is good, though. It is good for government to work like this. This kind of thing happens all the time in government."

It doesn't. It's a lousy look. I urge you. If you know undecided people who might or might not vote GOP, ask them what this chaos does to their opinion of the party.
And you offer NOTHING about how you'd change things except via a religious awakening.

I'll tell you this. No matter how religious Americans become, it's VOTES that change government. It's a lousy look for the GOP and it makes it tough on ANY candidate connected to the GOP when the party doesn't look like it can govern itself.

Tell me how this "Revolution" is going to help America without winning elections. Thanks.
You still are doing the GOP vs Dem thing. You don’t know know the who the players are. Much less the game.
You still are doing the GOP vs Dem thing. You don’t know know the who the players are. Much less the game.
You're still not offering a real solution. I'm talking about winning elections because that's how America works and changes.

As long as most people ID the GOP vs the Dems and as long as most GOP candidates fit what keeps my family safer, I'm essentially in the GOP camp. I'm not a "card carrying straight ticket guy" but it really works that way most of the time.

Seriously, the sheer money required to win at the national level requires candidates to identify as one or the other.

I'm a practical man. Reality is what it is and candidates will pick one or the other or fade in the dust 99% of the time.

And I notice you UTTERLY IGNORED the truth that your local Sheriff, whom you appreciate, likely LOVES Federal Grant money to make you safer. But sure, the Federal government doesn't matter to you.
You're still not offering a real solution. I'm talking about winning elections because that's how America works and changes.

As long as most people ID the GOP vs the Dems and as long as most GOP candidates fit what keeps my family safer, I'm essentially in the GOP camp. I'm not a "card carrying straight ticket guy" but it really works that way most of the time.

Seriously, the sheer money required to win at the national level requires candidates to identify as one or the other.

I'm a practical man. Reality is what it is and candidates will pick one or the other or fade in the dust 99% of the time.

And I notice you UTTERLY IGNORED the truth that your local Sheriff, whom you appreciate, likely LOVES Federal Grant money to make you safer. But sure, the Federal government doesn't matter to you.
I didn’t ignore. But I’m not going to go line by line and discuss everything you bring up. You don’t get that benefit.

Where do those federal dollars come from? Local communities? And have they come no matter who is in charge? And don’t act like it’s the Federal government being benevolent. It’s our tax dollars in the first place.
I didn’t ignore. But I’m not going to go line by line and discuss everything you bring up. You don’t get that benefit.

Where do those federal dollars come from? Local communities? And have they come no matter who is in charge? And don’t act like it’s the Federal government being benevolent. It’s our tax dollars in the first place.
Agreed. But the point is that Federal money is allocated by Federal representatives. WAY WAY WAY WAY too much money goes to DC then comes back when it should be collected and used at a more local level. We probably agree there.

How does that change? We need to elect Federal representatives to do that. Chances are those like minded candidates aren't going to be Dems.

All I've said from the start is: Stop doing stupid crap in DC to make it harder for us to elect good candidates. That's it. That's all I ask.

We're not really that far apart but you seem to just want to say "Poof....... this guy was a great Mayor in my town but now he's trash because we elected him to DC." It's an ongoing process but it's made harder if the folks in DC act like children.

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