Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

He's a con man. Praying on the weak minded.
Anyone that continuously mentions him after he’s been out of office for 3 years is weak minded. You hate him so much but give testicle chin a pass. All the current guy did is open the southern border for illegals, arm isis, pay Iran, shower with his daughter, funnel money to Ukraine, destroy the economy, continuously looks like an idiot giving a speech.

If you want to appear like you have any sense at all you should point out we have a fool in office currently. Until then you look like Trump stole your soul.
It's all a gotcha for low informed voters..."oh look the GOP is in chaos cuz they are not all in lockstep"


Totally normal, just not in "lock step." Nothing to see here.

Watching you try to dismiss this is almost as funny as the GOP's wasting a house majority.

Totally normal, just not in "lock step." Nothing to see here.

Watching you try to dismiss this is almost as funny as the GOP's wasting a house majority.
Your just GOP that has crazies..

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I'm not sure when the Congress must act on aid to Ukraine and Israel. That will be another significant date.
Ah see that will effect every American because we will see it in the price again right now it has no effect in anything other then slowing thr crazy spending and aid they were giving away wily nily
Your just GOP that has crazies..

Nobody said that it was "just the GOP" - lots of crazies on the left as well. Your continued deflection and redirection are noted, however.

You trying to pretend that GOP infighting resulting in death threats to congressional family members is just an example of them not being in "lockstep" is laughable.

Stop digging and accept that the clown show in the GOP house is self-inflicted by the MAGA idiots, you lose whatever credibility you have left every time you reply.
Nobody said that it was "just the GOP" - lots of crazies on the left as well. Your continued deflection and redirection are noted, however.

You trying to pretend that GOP infighting resulting in death threats to congressional family members is just an example of them not being in "lockstep" is laughable.

Stop digging and accept that the clown show in the GOP house is self-inflicted by the MAGA idiots, you lose whatever credibility you have left every time you reply.
I'll ask you the same question since your balls deep on the has not having a speaker effected your day to day life??
How has not having a speaker effected your day to day life?
I've thought some more about this and what I think I miss is having someone to be the thorn in Biden's shoe for the GOP.

One of the things we all despised about Nancy was her continual bitching at Trump and statements about his comments and push back and just having a pulpit to voice the Dems agenda. God that woman is annoying but she was constantly there saying stupid crap.

It's the voice, a leader, someone not as prone to self aggrandizing as Trump, who can go at the Dems continually and with substance and line out a conservative stance as a leader. McCarthy wasn't my first pick, Jordan would've been great, but SOMEONE with a national profile should be speaking for the GOP to give Biden hell regularly.

At least I'd relax more about the message if we were getting it out a little better to America. That's what I'd like a Speaker to do too.
I'll ask you the same question since your balls deep on the has not having a speaker effected your day to day life??
It doesn't, but that's hardly the point.

Israel bombing Gaza doesn't affect my day-to-day life either, but I still have an opinion.

Left unchecked - not having a speaker will affect us all, soon.

Your deflections and inability to admit there's a problem is becoming legendary.

Keep whistling past the graveyard.

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