Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

It doesn't, but that's hardly the point.

Israel bombing Gaza doesn't affect my day-to-day life either, but I still have an opinion.

Left unchecked - not having a speaker will affect us all, soon.

Your deflections and inability to admit there's a problem is becoming legendary.

Keep whistling past the graveyard.
Your pearl clutching over GOP chaos is just for show as not having a speaker doesnt effect you.mmsure you can have an opinion but no one gives a shyt about your opinion. Just as no one does mine. The narrative is just that an opinion of people whom have an obvious bias.
I've thought some more about this and what I think I miss is having someone to be the thorn in Biden's shoe for the GOP.

One of the things we all despised about Nancy was her continual bitching at Trump and statements about his comments and push back and just having a pulpit to voice the Dems agenda. God that woman is annoying but she was constantly there saying stupid crap.

It's the voice, a leader, someone not as prone to self aggrandizing as Trump, who can go at the Dems continually and with substance and line out a conservative stance as a leader. McCarthy wasn't my first pick, Jordan would've been great, but SOMEONE with a national profile should be speaking for the GOP to give Biden hell regularly.

At least I'd relax more about the message if we were getting it out a little better to America. That's what I'd like a Speaker to do too.
I totally get this element of it...bit my view is that temporarily spending is slowed, we are not blowing out more omnibus bills and we have a chance to make a real impact if we get the right speaker. I think the bigger problem is to many "GOP" seems to want to keep the status quo as opposed to bettering the country
I totally get this element of it...bit my view is that temporarily spending is slowed, we are not blowing out more omnibus bills and we have a chance to make a real impact if we get the right speaker. I think the bigger problem is to many "GOP" seems to want to keep the status quo as opposed to bettering the country
I'll agree that most in the GOP don't mind the pork at all. Most of my issue is with the future but thinking last night and talking with my son, Biden is such a weak POTUS, I wish we had someone pounding him daily.

But yeah, we're not spending anything so maybe it balances out for the kid's future.

I do appreciate your take, though. Sometimes I'm too willing to bend because I just want SOMETHING to change and nothing does.
I'll agree that most in the GOP don't mind the pork at all. Most of my issue is with the future but thinking last night and talking with my son, Biden is such a weak POTUS, I wish we had someone pounding him daily.

But yeah, we're not spending anything so maybe it balances out for the kid's future.

I do appreciate your take, though. Sometimes I'm too willing to bend because I just want SOMETHING to change and nothing does.
I was like that for the longest was when my son was faced with the transgender issue and couldn't understand why his best friend since kindergarten thought he was a girl...the poor kids has since gotten help but it really made my son struggle....that was my final straw...the way i figure it the o ly thing I can effect now if elections and making sure my son can defend himself and those who can't... and impress the importance of the freedoms we have
Your pearl clutching over GOP chaos is just for show as not having a speaker doesnt effect you.mmsure you can have an opinion but no one gives a shyt about your opinion. Just as no one does mine. The narrative is just that an opinion of people whom have an obvious bias.

Pearl Clutching?

I'm laughing at that dumpster fire and you for not taking it seriously, or pretending not to.
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Emmer sounds like the guy.
Last night he tried graveling up to Trump. Then today, after he won the conference vote, Trump pulls the rug out from under him.

You'd think after a few months of seeing Trump, Republicans would learn. But here we are seven years later and most of them still try kissing up to him.

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Last night he tried graveling up to Trump. Then today, after he won the conference vote, Trump pulls the rug out from under him.

You'd think after a few months of seeing Trump, Republicans would learn. But here we are seven years later and most of them still try kissing up to him.

What a train wreck.

MAGA idiots are driving this bus off the cliff.

Don't they realize that valuable time on impeaching Hunter Biden is being wasted?
JMO, but no speaker is better than a speaker that will allow another continuing spending resolution to get to the floor next month. Beyond a balanced budget, there is no law that I need congress to pass.

It's impossible to impeach Hunter Biden without a speaker.
The problem is three fold:

First, the far right MAGA wing ousted McCarthy because he did not shut the government down like they wanted.

Second, no far right MAGA clone can be speaker now because the moderates who have had enough of MAGA won't allow it. This is especially so because they vastly outnumber the far right MAGA members.

Third, no centrist can win because, yet again, the MAGA wing would just block it again.

Emmer sounds like the guy.

Nope! Another RINO Republicuck bites the dust

The problem is three fold:

First, the far right MAGA wing ousted McCarthy because he did not shut the government down like they wanted.

Second, no far right MAGA clone can be speaker now because the moderates who have had enough of MAGA won't allow it. This is especially so because they vastly outnumber the far right MAGA members.

Third, no centrist can win because, yet again, the MAGA wing would just block it again.

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They're going to fumble having the House the majority just to spite themselves.

Poetic justice.

That's what you get with lunatics like Bobert, Gaetz and MTG nut hugging Dumb Donny.
The problem is three fold:

First, the far right MAGA wing ousted McCarthy because he did not shut the government down like they wanted.

Second, no far right MAGA clone can be speaker now because the moderates who have had enough of MAGA won't allow it. This is especially so because they vastly outnumber the far right MAGA members.

Third, no centrist can win because, yet again, the MAGA wing would just block it again.

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The Ds have had a radical lunatic leftist for SoH for the last 20 years
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The Ds have had a radical lunatic leftist for SoH for the last 20 years

And yet the House functioned just fine, ultimately treading a centrist path in conjunction with the usually GOP-controlled Senate.

The GOP's burn-it-all-down approach is not the answer. And enough GOPers refuse to go along with it that you aren't going to get your way.
The problem is three fold:

First, the far right MAGA wing ousted McCarthy because he did not shut the government down like they wanted.

Second, no far right MAGA clone can be speaker now because the moderates who have had enough of MAGA won't allow it. This is especially so because they vastly outnumber the far right MAGA members.

Third, no centrist can win because, yet again, the MAGA wing would just block it again.

View attachment 590146
You typed MAGA 5 times. 🤡
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