Chase Burns Appreciation Thread

Read an article that said he had told Coach V he had "plateaued" at Tennessee. Can someone explain what that means?

CB's final choice will help to explain it. I appreciate what he did as a Vol, but if he goes to a school outside the SEC maybe he sees the easier road as a better way to the MLB... in that case, the Rockies might try to find a way to draft him given their expertise in evaluating & getting pitchers.
(Of course, the ball flies outta that park, so not good for any pitcher who wants the easier road)
Really hate to see him hit the portal, but such is life with college sports now.

Seems like a great kid and he certainly proved heā€™s on helluva pitcher, especially when Vols needed it most this year.
It's really a bad look on his part simply because the move to the bullpen was so clearly the right one. It was a big factor in turning the season around, and it ultimately turned his season around as well. If he's leaving for some reason unknown and unrelated to his role change, then it's a shame that he appears to be making a somewhat childish decision. I do believe he'll probably regret it.
Thanks and best of luck Chase.
I'll not lose any sleep knowing a player who would be gone after one more season is moving on.
I believe the choice to put him in the pen made him a better player. Thanks CTV and CFA who made a good decision and should be here many years.
Let's go get his replacement along with a few other positions that need upgrades.
Look forward to 2024.
If heā€™s a bona fide top 10 pick, I donā€™t see how the benefit of a lucrative deal elsewhere would outweigh the stability and maintaining the schedule into next yearā€™s draft brings him.

If youā€™re a top 10 pick, right now, as a Vol, why risk that with a transfer?

To each their own, they donā€™t need someone in the locker room who doesnā€™t want to be there; I wish him no Ill will, but I also donā€™t wish him success.
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Or if they both get enough money, maybe they keep it as a Knoxville pad since one's girlfriend will still be here and the other's parents are here. Might just be him and Bryce. At some point he needs to get his roommates to pay his rent since everybody who has been his roommate since his sophomore year has been drafted. And I'm guessing the one left will get drafted also. Along with the one that was his other roommate last year.
Or if they both get enough money, maybe they keep it as a Knoxville pad since one's girlfriend will still be here and the other's parents are here. Might just be him and Bryce. At some point he needs to get his roommates to pay his rent since everybody who has been his roommate since his sophomore year has been drafted. And I'm guessing the one left will get drafted also. Along with the one that was his other roommate last year.
Needs to start charging extra because itā€™s obvious that Kirby is a good luck charm, if they have all been drafted. He can create a new NIL of his own.
Or if they both get enough money, maybe they keep it as a Knoxville pad since one's girlfriend will still be here and the other's parents are here. Might just be him and Bryce. At some point he needs to get his roommates to pay his rent since everybody who has been his roommate since his sophomore year has been drafted. And I'm guessing the one left will get drafted also. Along with the one that was his other roommate last year.
Kirby is an awesome young man. He will be super successful in whatever he chooses as his profession.
I'll just re-post here what I said this morning in the "Portal Activity" thread.

I really like so many guys on our team, but Chase Burns coming out of the pen at the end of the year was my favorite player. Those are performances I will always remember. Above all, Burns' seventh inning in Supers this year throwing straight fire and his now famous exhilaration coming off the field, after stranding two (inherited at the corners). It gave me goosebumps when I considered that he likely was reacting, not only to the moment, which was splendid enough, but also his having seized his chance to overcome the ghosts of a certain seventh inning last year. I don't claim to know what he was thinking, and at that moment I doubt he was thinking at all, just letting his feelings out. I'm going to miss him.

I have confidence in our coaches going forward. It wouldn't be surprising to me if CTV manages somehow to turn this into a positive. I hope Chase goes out of conference. I don't want to root for him to get absolutely hammered by our bats, but I certainly will and with gusto. And knowing the Birmingham office, if he is in conference, they will be sure to schedule us there. But for now, I just wanted to say he was my favorite among favorites. And this kinda ruins my favorite baseball gif.
I agree on most but
This. Most college sport athletes who receive scholarships do not leave with debt. And get a free education. Along with many extra benefits (food, health care, nutritionists, tutors and so on)
Virtually all baseball players do leave with significant debt. They arenā€˜t on full scholarships like football and basketball. 27 players split 11.7 scholarships.
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Burns is incredible and he will be missed. Sad that we live in an era when players feel that sticking with a program might not be in their best interest.

I think players take too much for granted when they transfer, assuming everything will work out how they intend at the new place. There's no guarantee of that, just like there is no guarantee of a starting position at the current place. There's a lot of randomness with baseball. Wish someone could show these guys some data so they could make more informed choices.
Thanks and best of luck Chase.
I'll not lose any sleep knowing a player who would be gone after one more season is moving on.
I believe the choice to put him in the pen made him a better player. Thanks CTV and CFA who made a good decision and should be here many years.
Let's go get his replacement along with a few other positions that need upgrades.
Look forward to 2024.
When a coach kowtows to any player, you can kiss respect goodbye. I'm of the opinion that it's what started Fulmer's downfall. When Kelly Washington danced to his own tune and Fulmer allowed it, I think that began his decline. It most certainly didn't foster a cohesive locker room. Tony V did exactly the right thing by moving Burns to the pen and placing the team above the individual. Burns is a helluva talent, but there will be others. Good luck to the kid, but I think we'll be better off without him. If he didn't want to be here, it's addition by subtraction. Glad it's done and we can move on with building our roster for next season. With our pitching departures, one would think UT would be pretty darned attractive to both pitching recruits as well as guys in the portal looking to play against the best of college baseball in the SEC.
Thanks you Chase for the two years. Best of luck wherever you end up.

Please remember to keep throwing the heater and the slider. The curve is bad on your elbow so minimize that as long as no one hits your two pitches. That single move will lengthen your pro career by 4-5 years which might be worth $100-200m. Just send me a 1% check in 15 years.

No need for the change-up until you hit Triple AAA, For now, just focus on location with the two pitches. A pro pitching coach won't have any trouble giving you the change grips to choose from.

If they put me in charge of little league, babe ruth, high school ball, I would blame curve balls until age 18. Especially with all the stupid travel ball.
I appreciate his efforts here. Vols probably wouldnā€™t have won a game in Omaha without him. He was instrumental in our run to Omaha as well. Big time performance against USM in the supers along with some really good regular season performances along the way as a reliever / closer. The Vanderbilt game which seemed to spark our turnaround immediately comes to mind. He was fun to watch pitch once he found his groove.

With that being said, my feelings as a Vols fan towards CB are ultimately very indifferent. Appreciate his high moments here but really couldnā€™t care less if he succeeds or fails going forward.

So stupid that things ever even reached this point. All he and his camp had to do was swallow their pride, let him ball out for one more season in Knoxville, and he leaves as a guaranteed first round pick and probably a Vol legend. As it is, he leaves Tennessee with a few of epic performances and a lot of burnt bridges. I think down the road if he is able to mature and get the negative influences out of his ear, he will look back and wish he had stuck it out for one last season. So regrettable.

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