Colorado Springs nightclub shooting

The sexual orientation of the victims doesn't matter, it's the why he decided to kill people in the first place is the question needing to be answered.

Likely because he was mentally unwell and we do a terrible job in this Country of treating those who are mentally unwell.
The sexual orientation of the victims doesn't matter, it's the why he decided to kill people in the first place is the question needing to be answered.
If people were murdered because they are gay, is that not important?
It would be important but not the most important aspect. The most important question is why did he want to kill anyone.
If he specifically pointed out gay people to murder, I think that is the important question.
So do my "good guy with a gun" homies think the people in that club would have been better or worse off if they were all packing heat?
Not really a secondary if they specifically targeted a gay bar.

Would it be a a hate crime if a gay shot up any other bar? Intent doesn’t mean s*** after the fact especially when this could’ve been prevented if there wasn’t a failure of not acting on existing laws.
Would it be a a hate crime if a gay shot up any other bar? Intent doesn’t mean s*** after the fact especially when this could’ve been prevented if there wasn’t a failure of not acting on existing laws.

They were acting on existing laws in CO.
In SC you can at a place like Applebee’s or something like that you just can’t sit at the bar or consume alcohol.

In TN unless it's posted no firearms allowed you can carry in a bar, just can't consume.
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They were acting on existing laws in CO.

From what I’ve read the person had multiple issues that should’ve at least triggered the state’s red flag laws. Maybe the better question is why his felony charges were squashed. Regardless the system failed….again. Of course more laws that only affect law abiding citizens would’ve prevented this.

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