Columbus teen shot by police

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What planet have I been sent to?
I guess Bree is advocating that folks let them thin the herd on their own. Not sure what environment she is used to but I tended to avoid “situations” where knife fights broke out. Never been to one personally. Beam me up Scotty. There is no intelligent life on this planet. Where do these morons come from?
Where did you grow up? We always stabbed each other after a hard game of backyard football. We would go home with bloodstains and our moms would be pissed.
Plenty of blood and broken bones witnessed in my formative years, but the only knife wound I saw first "hand" was a self-inflicted whittling accident with a non-locking Swiss army blade.
Heres the thing about that. It doesn't matter. A cop kneeled on his neck for ten minutes. No training says you do that. He was kneeling on him well after he perished. Screw that cop.

Maybe the cavalry should have gotten there faster to prod George into a wagon and haul him off?
Maybe the cavalry should have gotten there faster to prod George into a wagon and haul him off?
Maybe he shouldn't have been on someone's neck for ten minutes. Maybe I expect more out of government then you do. You probably hate the idea of gun laws. Me too. Yet you have no real problem with this. **** the government and their ********.
Maybe he shouldn't have been on someone's neck for ten minutes. Maybe I expect more out of government then you do. You probably hate the idea of gun laws. Me too. Yet you have no real problem with this. **** the government and their ********.

I thought the video looked pretty bad, but by not being either of the two involved it's hard to say what went on in their minds, so that's where I always start. Floyd resisted and continued to be uncooperative. To me the obvious solution would have been to cuff both hands and feet and sit back and wait for reinforcements, but I'm an engineer so I see things differently. So Chauvin made a choice to pin him down supposedly until help arrived to haul Floyd off. Maybe cops should be issued heart rate monitors to go with body cams - you know to protect the life of an of out of control POS while waiting for the rest of the police force to get it's collective azz in gear. My other thought Floyd was a liar, and I'm old enough to know about "playing possum". Maybe Chauvin was negligent, and maybe he was betrayed by a worthless system set to respond mañana. If Chauvin learned anything from this, it should be let St George run away and ruin someone else's day.
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LeBron isn't the problem. It's the idiots in media, and our culture, that give him a platform that makes them believe he has anything unique or interesting to add. If Joe the plumber had the platform they would use it too.
The idea that because someone is a celebrity their words should some how carry more weight is just laughable. Yet the media continues to perpetuate such myths so they can get their clicks. Being famous doesn't make you uniquely qualified to make social commentary. In fact, the reverse is more true, IMO.
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I dont see a lot of "stick to your day job" on VN, which is just another forum for unsolicited opinions. I'd consider it mentally weak to say, 'I don't like your opinion, so you shouldn't voice it and go back to your job and shut up."
The difference is that this crosses over to lebrons job..... if I shared these constant conversations at my job...... what do you think the reaction would be?
So you support my position when I say that the most racist people I know are black to be true?
I disagree. The difference between being white and racist and black and racist is how much do you have to hide it? By society's current standards, being white and racist is bad, so white racists tend to hide their racism more. Being black and racist is okay, and "understandable" because history, blah, blah, blah. So black racists can be far more overt in their racism. Society justifies their hatred. So it's not a matter who is "more" racist, just one race is allowed to show their racial hatred more overtly.

And none of this should be acceptable behavior, but it happens. Just look around and you'll see it.
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I disagree. The difference between being white and racist and black and racist is how much do you have to hide it? By society's current standards, being white and racist is bad, so white racists tend to hide their racism more. Being black and racist is okay, and "understandable" because history, blah, blah, blah. So black racists can be far more overt in their racism. Society justifies their hatred. So it's not a matter who is "more" racist, just one race is allowed to show their racial hatred more overtly.

And none of this should be acceptable behavior, but it happens. Just look around and you'll see it.
I think the majority of people genuinely suck, especially when it comes to how they treat other people,regardless of color.
I think the majority of people genuinely suck, especially when it comes to how they treat other people,regardless of color.

Disagree. The ones that suck are receiving all the attention. Most can get along with others and have respect for one another, regardless of skin color. The rest want to live their lives in peace, continue working to provide for their families, while being left alone and not bothered by the ones that suck and .gov.
He' an idiot, but I've always thought this is interesting. Do regular people have to stick to "regional manager of logistics" or whatever their job is? Who doesn't have to "stick to" their job?

Regular people can get fired when they blast out idiotic stuff like LeBron did.
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Disagree. The ones that suck are receiving all the attention. Most can get along with others and have respect for one another, regardless of skin color. The rest want to live their lives in peace, continue working to provide for their families, while being left alone and not bothered by the ones that suck and .gov.
I used to believe that, but the more I deal with people the less faith I have in them.
Are you his follower? People make stupid statements all the time. They have a right to do so. You have a right to do so. I'm curious why his job is so relevant.
Perhaps not his job, but people speaking out on things they have no experience or education about topics like this shouldn't be taken seriously....he can say whatever his opinion is freely, but it doesn't mean he is to be listened to...It would be like listening to some redneck in the stand at Neyland Stadium who never played sports and mopped floors for a living telling his views on what defense Tennessee should run and why the coaches are "wrong"
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More white people are killed by police that black people are, LeBron must be ok with that.
This is whats always bugged me about crap like this. Why do athletes and politicians get to say stuff like that or bring politics on the court, but if i pulled anything close to what they do I would be fired in a heartbeat.
Heres the other thing I dont get, if Bryant was the one that actually called police, why try and stab the girl when the police arrive? Cops arent just going to show up and know who was the initial aggressor or even care in the moment they are trying to calm things down. I dont understand the logic that because she called the police "supposedly" shes allowed to run around swinging a knife like a crazy person.
Well...... because people are stupid.

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