Columbus teen shot by police

I apologize. Lots of people spout off false rhetoric, it comes from politicians, it comes from athletes, it comes from doctors, lawyers, engineers, LEOs, vets, pilots, and lord knows who else on VN, but we only see "shut up and whatever" for athletes. Call them out for the legitimate reasons they need to be called out, don't use their job as a crutch.
To be fair. “Shut up and dribble” has a bit more cachet than “Shut up and engineer”.

Anyway, I hear my prostate telling me... to shut up and dribble.
You should keep this up forever. Every opinion ever posted on this website, tell that person to stick to their day job. You can go to sleep every night knowing that you defended LeBron James’ right to speak his opinion.
LeBron isn't the problem. It's the idiots in media, and our culture, that give him a platform that makes them believe he has anything unique or interesting to add. If Joe the plumber had the platform they would use it too.
Stop it. Just stop it.

If deadly force is threatened, to the officer or someone else, the officer is supposed to and is trained to use deadly force. Not trick shot and knock the knife out of her hand, not lasso her with rope, not taser her and pray, not shoot her in the leg.

That's all crap. Stupid crap, at that.
Another intelligent post? Are you sick?
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The only other option was to let an unarmed black girl be stabbed with a knife and potentially killed. Democrats apparently would have preferred that which is interesting. Because either way a black person would be dead and the white police officer be blamed.

If that had happened, we wouldn't have heard about it in the first place.
1st Amendment. It’s a free county. He can say whatever stupid things he wants. Likewise we can call him an idiot and say he should shut up. It like we are on the playground again.

James is literally on the playground - or has he retired. I don't keep up with professional sports. Actually it extremely weird to pay absurd amounts of money to watch people play games. Now those guys who messed around in the Colosseum - that was maybe a bit different - they had real skin in the game.
So you support my position when I say that the most racist people I know are black to be true?
I think that’s a tough call to make. I don’t know that I could give that an honest answer to that without writing a massive post that would get responses like “did not read”. I certainly understand why people may feel that way. I’m not saying I don’t possibly feel that way, I just don’t think everything is apples to apples.
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People with tens of millions of followers ought to take great care when crafting public statements. If they don't, it isn't unfair for a contingency of his followers to tell him to stfu and stick to dribbling (or rather, mostly traveling).

That's the real problem - people with celebrity status and not a brain to stand on passing out advice ... like traitorous uncle joe. It's a shame about that, and that the founding fathers didn't see it coming. Maybe they would have crafted the 1st Amendment a little differently; after all a celeb could start riots, lead coups, incite sedition while the rest of us are largely immaterial in our words ... well, except for Russian hackers.
Dammit... I have to agree with you and now I feel bad that I called you Cosplay Grandpa the other day because I was raised in the Jordan era. (Not about the cosplay part, just the grandpa part).

You were just premature ... give it a couple of years.
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LeBron isn't the problem. It's the idiots in media, and our culture, that give him a platform that makes them believe he has anything unique or interesting to add. If Joe the plumber had the platform they would use it too.
His Twitter account has little to do w the media. Peoples response that he should shut up and dribble is because he opens his mouth and proves that’s all he’s good for
I don't know if he is a racist or a black supremacist, but he definitely likes to traffic in racial pot-stirring, using dubious and questionable (at best) claims in order to do so. There's absolutely no doubt about that. A big part of the reason he does it is because he has a sympathetic audience among NBA media, fans, and other players. And he came out looking really bad on the whole China comments thing.

I think he determined a few years ago (probably at the consultation of people in his camp) that he didn't want to be like Jordan and have a "Republicans buy sneakers too" philosophy.
I think I’m struggling with the term Black Supremacist because if you call someone a white supremacist it is automatically implied that that person is racist because they believe in their race being dominant and others being subservient or lesser than. I would assume that black Supremacist would be in that same sort of thought process. Either way I do not care for LeBron’s political or racial ideologies. I do think he’s completely FOS, and even though that guy has the potential to be the first athlete billionaire I still feel his lack of intelligence or education is a massive insecurity he carries with him. I agree with you in that I think his desire to be some sort of SJW to set him apart from Jordan and make him more endearing to the black community.

Edit: full disclosure: I’ve been a LeBron fan for a long time and have always had great respect for his basketball and athletic ability.I’ve even owned 2 pairs of his shoes, but his constant pot stirring in ways that I don’t agree with do interfere with my ability to just watch him casually and not cheer against him.
I dont see a lot of "stick to your day job" on VN, which is just another forum for unsolicited opinions. I'd consider it mentally weak to say, 'I don't like your opinion, so you shouldn't voice it and go back to your job and shut up."
There you go. That’s your opinion. Some agree. Some don’t.
His Twitter account has little to do w the media. Peoples response that he should shut up and dribble is because he opens his mouth and proves that’s all he’s good for
His Twitter account wouldn't matter if it was treated the same as Joe the plumber. He doesn't highjack attention. He's given it.
BLM statement saying police shouldn't be allowed to break up knife fights. People in the AA community......... Are you awake? Are you paying attention? They want your kids killing each other in the streets over petty differences.

This is the future they want for you and your kids. She and those like her need to exterminate themselves and leave sane and reasonable people here on earth. What is wrong with these people?

We need to do all we can to assist them self correct the problem.
I don’t really think the media made him a basketball star or that they compel him to make posts like this.
Of course not. If the media, and our society, did not give him any attention besides his basketball abilities no one would care. It's an us issue. If we treated LeBron and Bono etc this wouldn't be an issue. He has an opinion. So do you. So does Joe the plumber. It's not his fault his is magnified. That's on us as a society .
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It depends on placement. The taser affects the muscles due to the electricity arcing between the probes. You can easily fight through a taser if the probes placement are closer together. Same reason people flail all over when drive stunned, more pain than incapacitation.

Good choice then. That girl had a lot of fat protecting her muscles.

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