Columbus teen shot by police

Imagine if the police waited until a perp actually killed someone before using lethal force? It almost seems that's the direction we're headed in. People somehow seem less interested that another life was saved by taking down a violent offender.
I think this would have been the perfect opportunity to test out one of those unarmed community negotiator/conflict resolution specialists that the dems want to employ in place of the police.
Perhaps not his job, but people speaking out on things they have no experience or education about topics like this shouldn't be taken seriously....he can say whatever his opinion is freely, but it doesn't mean he is to be listened to...It would be like listening to some redneck in the stand at Neyland Stadium who never played sports and mopped floors for a living telling his views on what defense Tennessee should run and why the coaches are "wrong"

I guess we should all be required to set out our education and experience before posting.
Regular people can get fired when they blast out idiotic stuff like LeBron did.

I might drop somebody from my business in a heartbeat if they kept publicly mouthing off about politics. The Lakers have apparently decided the blowback isn't worth enough to fire him. I'm not as interested in why he doesn't face repercussions, as why "stick to your day job" only comes up with athletes.
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I doubt many of us are as "educated" or "experienced" about the things we talk about on VN as we pretend to be.

I see many people that are very intelligent on here, as well as educated.

Lebron is literally an idiot. To take the position that he isnt, is dishonest. He has physical abilities that put him at like 0.0001% in the world, which has allowed to be very wealthy. He, along with many of his followers, mistakenly believe that he is some great thinker. They, and he, are wrong.
I see many people that are very intelligent on here, as well as educated.

Lebron is literally an idiot. To take the position that he isnt, is dishonest. He has physical abilities that put him at like 0.0001% in the world, which has allowed to be very wealthy. He, along with many of his followers, mistakenly believe that he is some great thinker. They, and he, are wrong.

And I also see people on here that are idiots here. I dont tell them to quit posting and go back to work (unless I'm doing so sarcastically here).
Notice the cop is watching the girl with the knife while Mr Cool is kicking the other girl on the ground right beside him. Kind of like a QB in a collapsing pocket. Pinky is the defender with his arms around the receiver, and he throws a strike across the middle. I wonder if he has any eligibility.
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Funny thing is Lebron took his first tweet down and then replaced it with another stupid take.

We evidently misused his original words to create more racism.

I think the follow up was much worse. I knew when he posted the first one he didn’t watch any of the video. Pretty clear. Then after getting roasted about being a dishonest *******, instead of having the humbleness to admit a mistake, he blamed others, didn’t apologize, and still didn’t have the courage to make a unifying stance. He’s a coward and a sellout. Always has been.
Was he at practice or at a game at the time he tweeted whatever he tweeted?
Not this time but social media accounts like that represent the sport..... I could be fired for making similar comments on social media in the same..... it does bleed over into sports talk shows and everything that use to make it enjoyable....Just my opinion though.... I do find lebron to be an idiot but I mainly just ignore him.
I might drop somebody from my business in a heartbeat if they kept publicly mouthing off about politics. The Lakers have apparently decided the blowback isn't worth enough to fire him. I'm not as interested in why he doesn't face repercussions, as why "stick to your day job" only comes up with athletes.
For me when it comes to LeBron it has to do with him being inconsistent with his SJW takes. It’s like he picks and chooses what needs done to fix the world as longing as it doesn’t hurt his bottom line. LeBron is a global figure, the best basketball player in the world and if he wants to help the African American community that’s great and he has done some great things for people. However, he seems to think that he can call smart, informed people out when he is the one who is uninformed on matters concerning China, etc..If he wants to concentrate on domestic issues concerning African Americans, knock yourself out, but don’t be a sometime SJW when it’s convenient and obviously choose to ignore human atrocities after you insert yourself into a situation where your lack of knowledge and education is evident. He doesn’t have to shut up and dribble, but at least be consistent.
I might drop somebody from my business in a heartbeat if they kept publicly mouthing off about politics. The Lakers have apparently decided the blowback isn't worth enough to fire him. I'm not as interested in why he doesn't face repercussions, as why "stick to your day job" only comes up with athletes.

I don't think this is actually true. I believe a lot of people simply find "fame" to be a irritating platform for self-indulgent commentary. Outspoken singers certainly have had "shut up and sing" leveled at them. (There's literally a documentary on the Dixie Chicks with the title "Shut Up and Sing") Actors get it too. Hell, did you see Ricky Gervais roasting of Hollywood at the Golden Globes?

I believe there's a lot of "shut up and dribble/pass/run/act/sing/look pretty/etc" out there because of people who are literally playing a game, singing a song, walking around getting their pictures taken for winning the genetic-look-good lottery or pretending to be someone else on camera making insane amounts of money, living a ridiculously detached lifestyle and gaining a huge platform from which to spout off.
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I might drop somebody from my business in a heartbeat if they kept publicly mouthing off about politics. The Lakers have apparently decided the blowback isn't worth enough to fire him. I'm not as interested in why he doesn't face repercussions, as why "stick to your day job" only comes up with athletes.
I think it is probably because the ONLY reason he has a bully pulpit is because he is a highly compensated athlete. Any thinking person can recognize he is nothing but a racist idiot, and politics/ public policy critique is not his forte'. In other words, no one should care what he has to say about anything, but simply because of who he is, they do. It's the celebrity worship culture of this country exemplified. It's really sad when you think about it. He's nothing more than an entertainer. He produces nothing other than entertainment, so why does his opinion matter any more than yours or mine? I would wager that @Tastylicks has more common sense than LeFlopper, and that's saying something
LeBron James is a great guy. Family man, loyal to his wife, great father, has done more for charitable causes than everyone here combined.

ya'll want to #cancel him cause you dont like his opinion. growwwww up
Who has suggested that he be canceled?

just a sampling...

"This is whats always bugged me about crap like this. Why do athletes and politicians get to say stuff like that or bring politics on the court, but if i pulled anything close to what they do I would be fired in a heartbeat."

"I might drop somebody from my business in a heartbeat if they kept publicly mouthing off about politics."

"Not this time but social media accounts like that represent the sport..... I could be fired for making similar comments on social media in the same."
just a sampling...

"This is whats always bugged me about crap like this. Why do athletes and politicians get to say stuff like that or bring politics on the court, but if i pulled anything close to what they do I would be fired in a heartbeat."

"I might drop somebody from my business in a heartbeat if they kept publicly mouthing off about politics."

"Not this time but social media accounts like that represent the sport..... I could be fired for making similar comments on social media in the same."

The quote from me was not trying to cancel LeBron. I dont care what he says in public. He doesn't work for me.
I might drop somebody from my business in a heartbeat if they kept publicly mouthing off about politics. The Lakers have apparently decided the blowback isn't worth enough to fire him. I'm not as interested in why he doesn't face repercussions, as why "stick to your day job" only comes up with athletes.

I support the Lakers making decisions based on what they think is best for their business so my post was not a shot at them.

The "stick to your day job" comes up with athletes and entertainers simply because they are a helloflot more high profile than the average Joe. In most cases they are also a hellofalot more out of touch with reality than the average Joe.
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I see many people that are very intelligent on here, as well as educated.

Lebron is literally an idiot. To take the position that he isnt, is dishonest. He has physical abilities that put him at like 0.0001% in the world, which has allowed to be very wealthy. He, along with many of his followers, mistakenly believe that he is some great thinker. They, and he, are wrong.

LeBron isn't an idiot, he's pretty damn savvy at self promotion and playing to his audience.
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LeBron James is a great guy. Family man, loyal to his wife, great father, has done more for charitable causes than everyone here combined.

ya'll want to #cancel him cause you dont like his opinion. growwwww up
Lebron made a stupid comment, that happens. Perhaps he should reflect on the words he wrote and apply them to himself. He should hold himself "accountable" and apologize for his wreckless tweet and urge his following for calm in this case.

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