Columbus teen shot by police

I used to think it was demeaning for statists to describe some communities like that. It still is but it happens with such regularity it has lost its shock value to me.

It's only demeaning if you haven't been granted non racist immunity from the Left. If you are deemed racist by their righteous overseers then you could never criticize their words.
It's only demeaning if you haven't been granted non racist immunity from the Left. If you are deemed racist by their righteous overseers then you could never criticize their words.
Meh. Fortunately, being labeled a racist by those who see racism in everything has also lost its shock value to me.
Not true. His opinions DO carry weight. That's the problem imho. He is (allegedly) a high school graduate; an entertainer. His whole life has been one of privilege. He leans to the highest bidder. His fans worship him, which lends validity to his opinions. If you choose to be/remain a fan of the NBA, then you have to overlook or accept his opinions. I choose not to (besides I find the NBA boring as hell), therefore I won't spend a nickel on them. He doesn't care (and more importantly Nike doesn't care) because I'm an old white guy and I don't buy any of his **** anyway. He wants your kids, and he has them.

No he doesn’t..... my kids hate lebron..... we are Joel Embiid fans...... I try not to let people being morons dictate what I watch but it has stolen a lot of my passion for sports.
Not true. His opinions DO carry weight. That's the problem imho. He is (allegedly) a high school graduate; an entertainer. His whole life has been one of privilege. He leans to the highest bidder. His fans worship him, which lends validity to his opinions. If you choose to be/remain a fan of the NBA, then you have to overlook or accept his opinions. I choose not to (besides I find the NBA boring as hell), therefore I won't spend a nickel on them. He doesn't care (and more importantly Nike doesn't care) because I'm an old white guy and I don't buy any of his **** anyway. He wants your kids, and he has them.


Jeez Karen. Do you want to speak to the "manager" of basketball or the manager of Twitter?
Jeez Karen. Do you want to speak to the "manager" of basketball or the manager of Twitter?
I think the take home message is teach your children to carefully weight opinions from those that are in the spotlight.
Twitter is still and has always been hot garbage.

Garbage in, garbage out.
The coffee is still great. But it was bought out by Burger King a few years ago and the "restaurants" lost some of its charm
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It looks like a guy entered from the left and gives the knife to the girl who ends up shot. Same guy follows the first attempted victim and try’s to kick her in the head as she falls. In other videos the same guy stands around screaming “why did you shoot her”.
He Probably should be arrested for manslaughter if he in fact provided the weapon

He won't be charged.
I know many many worship it. I’d like to try it.
It was ok. Did a few weeks in Toronto a decade ago and it was such a strange phenomenon. Every single TH you drive by (and there was one about every mile it seemed) was packed with a line out the door. Between that and the Swiss chalet I never really understood Canadians
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My biggest concern in all this from a societal perspective are the long term implications liberals are welcoming by their mental gymnastics at normalizing behavior like knife fights, thug culture and violence in general.

Sure police need to do better, but the real issue here is a larger societal problem of which the police are a part of. We are becoming a more uncivilized society, that has to change first or nothing else will.
It looks like a guy entered from the left and gives the knife to the girl who ends up shot. Same guy follows the first attempted victim and try’s to kick her in the head as she falls. In other videos the same guy stands around screaming “why did you shoot her”.
He Probably should be arrested for manslaughter if he in fact provided the weapon
Yep.... plus she can be heard saying “I’m gonna stab the F out of you!”
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Does this change anything for the “should have shot the gun in the air” or shoot them in the leg crowd?

This officer only had one move and no time at all to think about it. This is stuff to be used for training, in my opinion. The result sucks and I can only imagine what he has to be thinking, but he only had one option and executed it without anyone else getting injured.
It was ok. Did a few weeks in Toronto a decade ago and it was such a strange phenomenon. Every single TH you drive by (and there was one about every mile it seemed) was packed with a line out the door. Between that and the Swiss chalet I never really understood Canadians
In true step with the Starbucks phenomena here. I don’t understand it either.
Can someone please explain this mentality? Was the congresswoman willing to accept the killing of another child? Which would have been the likely outcome had the officer not intervened.
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