Columbus teen shot by police

True and sports fans have every right to be annoyed by him goving his opinions.

You and any sports fan or randim non-fan who wants to comment have every right to be annoyed by his opinion. He can face whatever consequences come from voicing his opinion, but it doesn't mean he isn't entitled to voice that opinion. I wouldn't want somebody in my business being so vocal,, but he doesn't work for me. In his line of work, his employer doesn't care and most of his fans don't care, so it'll probably work out fine for him.
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Nobody. I didn't claim anybody had stopped him, however I don't agree he should "shut up and dribble." Let him talk and refute his opinions, don't say his opinions shouldn't carry weight because if his job.
His opinions carry absolutely no weight just like mine don’t..... the only issue I have is that his opinion becomes integrated with his job which makes it less fun for fans like myself.
His opinions carry absolutely no weight just like mine don’t..... the only issue I have is that his opinion becomes integrated with his job which makes it less fun for fans like myself.

You're right, but apparently the Lakers are ok with that.
Anybody else here consider that the root of our discontent is liberals attempting to turn a conservative nation liberal rather than just going somewhere else and starting their own paradise?
Uh... no one else would take them?
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So you mean those knife fights between teens aren’t really the norm? I have a hard time believing some people on social media are actually trying to get that point across as reality. It’s not a norm, it’s a felony.

Listen to how the Left describes minority communities: too stupid to vote on time, pennyless, need snacks and water to vote, can't possible figure out how to get an ID, slaughtered by cops, routinely fighting with knives, need special privileges with getting in school or being hired, etc. I can't think of a better definition of white paternalism
Does this change anything for the “should have shot the gun in the air” or shoot them in the leg crowd?

It looks like a guy entered from the left and gives the knife to the girl who ends up shot. Same guy follows the first attempted victim and try’s to kick her in the head as she falls. In other videos the same guy stands around screaming “why did you shoot her”.
He Probably should be arrested for manslaughter if he in fact provided the weapon
Listen to how the Left describes minority communities: too stupid to vote on time, pennyless, need snacks and water to vote, can't possible figure out how to get an ID, slaughtered by cops, routinely fighting with knives, need special privileges with getting in school or being hired, etc. I can't think of a better definition of white paternalism

I used to think it was demeaning for statists to describe some communities like that. It still is but it happens with such regularity it has lost its shock value to me.
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Does this change anything for the “should have shot the gun in the air” or shoot them in the leg crowd?

What I REALLY love about the whole “fire a warning shot in the air” (hang on, I’m laughing too hard to type...gimme a minute here...) that they don’t understand the concept of “gravity” at all. Bullets do come back down and they’ve been known to hit and kill people on the way back down. But hey, let er rip if that’s what they want.
It looks like a guy entered from the left and gives the knife to the girl who ends up shot. Same guy follows the first attempted victim and try’s to kick her in the head as she falls. In other videos the same guy stands around screaming “why did you shoot her”.
He Probably should be arrested for manslaughter if he in fact provided the weapon
I don't know about a manslaughter for the other assailant, but brother, I see stuff like this and wonder at the disconnect between behavior and expectations. "Why did you shoot her" is nonsensical. I can't even fathom how he arrives at that question.
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What I REALLY love about the whole “fire a warning shot in the air” (hang on, I’m laughing too hard to type...gimme a minute here...) that they don’t understand the concept of “gravity” at all. Bullets do come back down and they’ve been known to hit and kill people on the way back down. But hey, let er rip if that’s what they want.
Deadfall is a myth made up by the NRA to scare people into not firing a warning shot...🙄

Forgot the blue
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His opinions carry absolutely no weight just like mine don’t..... the only issue I have is that his opinion becomes integrated with his job which makes it less fun for fans like myself.
Not true. His opinions DO carry weight. That's the problem imho. He is (allegedly) a high school graduate; an entertainer. His whole life has been one of privilege. He leans to the highest bidder. His fans worship him, which lends validity to his opinions. If you choose to be/remain a fan of the NBA, then you have to overlook or accept his opinions. I choose not to (besides I find the NBA boring as hell), therefore I won't spend a nickel on them. He doesn't care (and more importantly Nike doesn't care) because I'm an old white guy and I don't buy any of his **** anyway. He wants your kids, and he has them.


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