Columbus teen shot by police

Can someone please explain this mentality? Was the congresswoman willing to accept the killing of another child? Which would have been the likely outcome had the officer not intervened.

Some people live in a different reality. When they say stupid chiz the people around them nod their head and eventually you get someone like Tlaib.
Can someone please explain this mentality? Was the congresswoman willing to accept the killing of another child? Which would have been the likely outcome had the officer not intervened.

- What can "I" get from this.
- Given her statement it would be hard to argue otherwise.

Had the officer not intervened that very well could have been the outcome. Sadly, had that been the outcome, this hack (along with many others) would not have even heard about it, much less cared.

You ve gotten to a bad place when you cant separate individual situations based on the facts. Willfully or just being too lazy to figure it out. Ignorance can be fixed, I dont believe thats what we are dealing with anymore.
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Can someone please explain this mentality? Was the congresswoman willing to accept the killing of another child? Which would have been the likely outcome had the officer not intervened.

I can certainly justify it for Rashida. Said “child” was drawing back a knife to stab the other girl. Cop did exactly what he had to do and “child” is now taking a dirt nap. Does that about sum it up? I get seriously tired of people defending this 💩. What do they expect when many in that community spit out kids like a gum machine and then don’t take responsibility to raise them properly? Then they ask “Why did you shoot my baby? She was a great kid.” No she was not. She was trying to kill the other girl. Please don’t insult my intelligence Rashida. You’re talking nonsense.
Can someone please explain this mentality? Was the congresswoman willing to accept the killing of another child? Which would have been the likely outcome had the officer not intervened.

I'm just wondering if she says the same thing when her Palestinian buddies strap a suicide vest on a child...

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