Columbus teen shot by police

I'm hooked on Black Rifle coffee and my Keurig. Wife bought me a BRCC membership, so I get auto-ship monthly. When it runs out, I drink whatever's cheap at Winn-Dixie. I do look forward to those monthly boxes full of Java Joy.

Cheaper than ammo, so...
You know we might try that option. I’ve heard good things about their coffee.

besides.... I buy lilreb gifts and then be like “ oooh we can share”
You know we might try that option. I’ve heard good things about their coffee.

besides.... I buy lilreb gifts and then be like “ oooh we can share”

It's good coffee. The Nine Line store in Savannah has a BRCC coffee shop inside, and I always grab a cuppa Joe; another box or two; or another mug; or some swag anytime I'm up that way. Veteran-owned, and they hire a lot of vets.

I met the founder of BRCC a few years back. He's a class act, and now he's a rich class act.

It's good coffee. The Nine Line store in Savannah has a BRCC coffee shop inside, and I always grab a cuppa Joe; another box or two; or another mug; or some swag anytime I'm up that way. Veteran-owned, and they hire a lot of vets.

I met the founder of BRCC a few years back. He's a class act, and now he's a rich class act.


Ever read his book? Pretty hilarious.
In fairness, I have yet to see anything, that made me think they were bad foster parents. They took in Stabbie McStabbie to try to help her.
Sounds like she did fine by the other two girls. They made a point to come back and see her on her birthday and get on the ass of the slacker kid. As Meatloaf taught us two outta three ain’t bad. 🤷‍♂️
You realize the more you feed, the more they'll post.

If more people would put it on ignore, the faster it'll go away.
But mocking the stupidity of it in a few open fashion is such a guilty pleasure. We’re never allowed to have nice things 😥
I do love coffee. I worked for Sysco foods and won a whole bunch of bonus money knowing coffee and picking up accounts as a prime vendor. That being said there is no world I could live in that would justify paying $7 for a cup of coffee.

I've pretty much settled in on Community brand coffee - the dark roast. I like coffee strong in flavor - not over caffeinated. My favorite was coffee on a Brazilian airline (Varig) ... had to keep asking for refills because they serve it in those ridiculously tiny cups. There's a particular coffee flavor I love and run across every few thousand cups of coffee - the last time was at an IHOP in Chattanooga; I have no idea what makes it just right and I have no way to describe it. My impression is that somewhere there's a chef who makes coffee he likes with the secret ingredient if he's having a cup and others get lucky enough to drink it on occasion. He obviously moves around - and probably died or retired at least ten years ago.
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I've pretty much settled in on Community brand coffee - the dark roast. I like coffee strong in flavor - not over caffeinated. My favorite was coffee on a Brazilian airline (Varig) ... had to keep asking for refills because they serve it in those ridiculously tiny cups. There's a particular coffee flavor I love and run across every few thousand cups of coffee - the last time was at an IHOP in Chattanooga; I have no idea what makes it just right and I have no way to describe it. My impression is that somewhere there's a chef who makes coffee he likes with the secret ingredient if he's having a cup and others get lucky enough to drink it on occasion. He obviously moves around - and probably died or retired at least ten years ago.
Community is our coffee, too.
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When Publix has it BOGO, I buy several and try the different blends. Since I'm usually one cup a day at breakfast, I use a French press. My favorite is what Community calls Signature Blend Dark Roast.
We load up on the Bogos too
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I've pretty much settled in on Community brand coffee - the dark roast. I like coffee strong in flavor - not over caffeinated. My favorite was coffee on a Brazilian airline (Varig) ... had to keep asking for refills because they serve it in those ridiculously tiny cups. There's a particular coffee flavor I love and run across every few thousand cups of coffee - the last time was at an IHOP in Chattanooga; I have no idea what makes it just right and I have no way to describe it. My impression is that somewhere there's a chef who makes coffee he likes with the secret ingredient if he's having a cup and others get lucky enough to drink it on occasion. He obviously moves around - and probably died or retired at least ten years ago.

Try Bustela. My go-to when I want a dark, strong, but not too acidic cup.
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I bet this is happening all over the country

LEO's in bigger, liberal cities are going to start "dialing it back" on how they patrol, and respond to calls.

Fact is, it's already happening. As a result, property crimes and crimes against persons are going to spike in the very same neighborhoods that rail against "police brutality". That trend has already started.

You get what you vote for, and you get what you protest for. Those chickens are coming home to roost.

For those of us who live in rural areas, it's not an issue. But if it becomes one, boy can survive.

Try Bustela. My go-to when I want a dark, strong, but not too acidic cup.

My wife got that for the Keurig; I wasn't real fond of it. I tried Revv Afterburner and liked that better, but the price doubled when I started to order the next big box of pods. You really have to have a strong coffee to get a lot of flavor from a Keurig ... if you like a larger cup. I just ditched the Keurig and went back to my French press; I haven't tried Bustelo coffee in it, but I will one day. Since I don't use cream, if the coffee is bitter, it shows up real fast.
Me and Tom like Maxwell House.

Tom Petty's Biographer on the Story He Didn't Tell

I couldn’t think of a whole lot else to do but take a sip of that coffee and say, “It’s good. This really is good coffee.” To which Petty said, “You got that right.”

I'm no connoisseur, but Maxwell House is my go to. I bought some "Chock Full O' Nuts" recently because I thought the name was amusing and it wasn't bad.

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