Hart must realize how proud this basketball program was a few years ago. It reached heights unimaginable. We were on our way to being a top 20 program. Does he realize that? Does he care? Believe me man, If I had my chance, Id walk into Dave Harts office and tell him what I really think of him, and yes, thatd Id make a better AD than him. Do you think hes all that and more? If it was up to me, Id fire him and Martin in the same sentence.
True, the current Pearl following knows no bounds amongst fans, alumni, and boosters.
I was part of a performance in the 2011 Outlive fundraiser. Black tie event with boosters and alumni. This was in April or May, so shortly after he was fired, but before the school year was over. In the middle of the show, he took a few minutes to say some things about the Outlive program (very nice speech, btw), and there were several donors from the audience saying things like "Come back, Bruce!" and "We need you here!"
I was pretty surprised at this at first, but it just goes to show you how sensitive of an issue this is.
Cuonzo Martin needs to be fired at the end of THIS season if we do not or barely make the NIT. Its not working folks! This team is nothing more than a bunch of underachieving, weak-minded, bumbling soft tulips! Your star player is more worried about how his headband looks than the number of points he scores! Watch Stokes after a hard-fought lay in...he will go right after that handband and fix it so it looks even lol What a tulip!!
Marin shows no emotion on the sidelines and always comes up with "We need to start doing this more..and we need to start doing that more"....WELL THEN DO IT THEN!!!!! Hes lost this team, Im sorry. I see no improvements whatsoever. This team is EXCRUCIATING to watch anymore. We deserve better UT nation!
This team and program cant afford another season under this clown. Its time Hart man up, pay the man what hes owed and cut your losses. Time to take Hamiltons trash out and never bring the bin back in the garage.
Hart must realize how proud this basketball program was a few years ago. It reached heights unimaginable. We were on our way to being a top 20 program. Does he realize that? Does he care? Believe me man, If I had my chance, Id walk into Dave Harts office and tell him what I really think of him, and yes, thatd Id make a better AD than him. Do you think hes all that and more? If it was up to me, Id fire him and Martin in the same sentence.
Hart must realize how proud this basketball program was a few years ago. It reached heights unimaginable. We were on our way to being a top 20 program. Does he realize that? Does he care? Believe me man, If I had my chance, Id walk into Dave Harts office and tell him what I really think of him, and yes, thatd Id make a better AD than him. Do you think hes all that and more? If it was up to me, Id fire him and Martin in the same sentence.
Yeah and then the nation will see how you fired Martin before he even got 2 years to establish his presence in the program. And then other coaches will see that. And then you know what they'll say? They'll say "****, if this idiot AD isn't even going to give me any time to build the program, why the hell would I want to go there?" And then every good coach would turn down your offer. And then you'd end up with someone far worse than Martin. And then you'd be fired (hopefully). And then you'd go home and continue to *****.
Start one on here. I want to see the results. I'm on mobile, so I can't.
CCM may not go that route of getting a academic border line kid in.
Pearl did get West in school. Gave him a scholly, but then West was pegged by the NCAA afterwards saying that he was academically ineligible to play. The NCAA removed West from the roster Oct. of that year. I'm sure Pearl knew where West was academically before the NCAA removed him from the team.