Another different line up tonight while they still are one man short of the 25 with no decision on what they are going to do. Add in going from a guy that used the same line up all of the time to a guy that never uses the same one twice.
The Nats fans were actually chanting for Hoover to pitch last night and he almost did the job for them when he did.
Votto - 39 games
.257/.410/.447 - 35 Hits, 6 HRs, 19 runs, 12 RBIs, 33 BBs, 31 SOs
Frazier - 42 games
.268/.337/.490 - 42 hits, 8 HRs, 23 Runs, 23 RBIs, 13 BBs, 31 SOs
One makes $20+ M; the other makes $600 K - and we obviously know which gets the big bucks. His face is on the posters and his foundation is advertised during the games on TV. One tries to hit the ball according to the situation. The other tries to get on base. Whether he blames it all on his knee or whatever - it does not change the facts as they are. Which one is the best value? Which one plays better defense at his position? Which one is better on the base paths? Which one is willing to play whatever position they ask him to play (like tonight)?
Frazier is trending up. Votto is trending down. So what does that tell you about where the club is headed when the $20 M guy hamstrings the ability to build an improved roster? Then add in the Homer, Bruce and BP contracts. There is trouble brewing in the Queen City.