Debate thread

Joe's fine: the country is well run, we support our allies---not our enemy; he's not a convicted felon, he and the Dems have passed MUCH more significant legislation than the Republicans. And his mind is fine. The gangster's NIght of Lies will backfire on him.

Well, the problem is... the powers that be don't believe that.
You forget that I've been reading idiotic MAGA nonsense on this board for a long time---far too long, for sure. The Biden administration is FAR more competent and professional. I haven't heard Biden stand up and tell Americans that injecting bleach and light into their bodies might help kill the Covid virus or stand up and betray U.S. intelligence services while bending over for a war criminal.
There is nothing MAGA about considering Biden mentally incompetent, especially in lieu of what he showed last night. Are you aware (I always hate having to start addressing you with that) of the list of people that are talking about the need to have Biden removed? This is MSNBC. MSNBC!

Look, I've pointed this out to you before. I can absolutely accept you despise Trump. I can accept you'd rather have basically anyone OTHER than Trump as POTUS. None of this changes the fact that Joe Biden is incontrovertibly mentally incompetent. For you to claim otherwise would only lead us to believe you are also. If you want to be useful start applying yourself to having someone who IS mentally competent to oppose Trump.
There is nothing MAGA about considering Biden mentally incompetent, especially in lieu of what he showed last night. Are you aware (I always hate having to start addressing you with that) of the list of people that are talking about the need to have Biden removed? This is MSNBC. MSNBC!

Look, I've pointed this out to you before. I can absolutely accept you despise Trump. I can accept you'd rather have basically anyone OTHER than Trump as POTUS. None of this changes the fact that Joe Biden is incontrovertibly mentally incompetent. For you to claim otherwise would only lead us to believe you are also. If you want to be useful start applying yourself to having someone who IS mentally competent to oppose Trump.

You're wrong, ace. Biden is not "mentally incompetent." Being old and slow and far different from mentally incompetent. MAGA is mentally incompetent and disgraceful. Do I wish that Biden had settled for one term? Sure, I've said it. But if you pulled 100 hardened criminals out of max-security prison, I'd vote for any of them before I'd vote for that vile, lying lowlife named trump---and many millions feel the same way.
He said it to Kelly and Kelly has confirmed it more than once. So you can believe a four-start general (I think Kelly is four star) or you can belielve
a pathological liar.

No, Kelly has not confirmed it. Quite the opposite actually. Go ahead and find a link with Kelly confirming he heard Trump say that, I’ll wait.
You're wrong, ace. Biden is not "mentally incompetent." Being old and slow and far different from mentally incompetent. MAGA is mentally incompetent and disgraceful. Do I wish that Biden had settled for one term? Sure, I've said it. But if you pulled 100 hardened criminals out of max-security prison, I'd vote for any of them before I'd vote for that vile, lying lowlife named trump---and many millions feel the same way.
They're both a disgrace, but again, your guy can't even talk.
His usefulness to those running the show is over and he’s no longer needed. He was sacrificed last night and will be cast aside like a dirty dish towel.
Right but it was celebrated by his wife. It takes a special kind of evil to do that to your spouse of almost 50yrs
You're wrong, ace. Biden is not "mentally incompetent." Being old and slow and far different from mentally incompetent. MAGA is mentally incompetent and disgraceful. Do I wish that Biden had settled for one term? Sure, I've said it. But if you pulled 100 hardened criminals out of max-security prison, I'd vote for any of them before I'd vote for that vile, lying lowlife named trump---and many millions feel the same way.

Well, it seems like you have issues with the Democrats at this point. You are screaming at the clouds.
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Joe's fine: the country is well run, we support our allies---not our enemy; he's not a convicted felon, he and the Dems have passed MUCH more significant legislation than the Republicans. And his mind is fine. The gangster's NIght of Lies will backfire on him.
Gas, housing, groceries are all less affordable for small families, inflation has skyrocketed but yes the country is “well run”.

Lies. The whole Biden presidency is built on a lie. You don’t even know who’s running the country; you only know Biden isn’t capable of running it. Call Trump a liar if you like but the entire Biden presidency is built on deception.
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yeah I am shocked to see how much the liberal side of the media is hating on Biden's performance. usually they just ignore it, but they all have articles talking about how bad Biden did. and thats usually the bigger story than their article ripping Trump in the debate, if they are separate.
You shouldn't be shocked. Though I don't consider myself a liberal (I'm a centrist), they aren't the collective loggerheads you and MAGAs paint them. They have plenty of dimwitted reverse MAGAs in their ranks. Just as there are anti-MAGA Repubs. Both sides have people who think with their minds, as opposed to being led about by a party rope attached to a nose ring. People of whatever persuasion, as a whole, can't be lumped into a singular category, though some are stupid enough to brand themselves as such. Even they aren't analogous to being a row of Heinz Tomato Paste, as opposed to being a row of Hunt"s Tomato Paste. Take ole Abe Lincoln, for example. He was a Whig Party member. Even that party had factions that were pro and anti-slavery, pro and anti annexation of Texas. Liberals also have factions, so no surprise some bluntly tell the truth about Biden's performance, or suitability to be President. Lincoln became a Republican, who himself was a hodgepodge of both liberalism, communism, and nationalism.

Communism - Abraham Lincoln was a member of the Whig Party and later a Republican. He believed that the government’s job was to do what a community of people could not do for themselves.
Conservative & Liberal - Lincoln’s commitment to liberal precepts were not a commitment to liberalism in the abstract, but liberal freedoms bounded by a conservative national and republican order shorn of chattel slavery.

The problem with you so-called conservatives, especially the MAGA-infected, is you want to dump people (liberals and anyone who thinks differently than you) into a single pot. Humans being what they are makes the effort both futile and a lie. People are just too darn complex to fit into a rigid ideology, that's true even for religious groups of all kinds. Just look at the factions within such groups. Same with liberals, there are factions. So you shouldn't be shocked some tell the truth, desired or not, about Biden's unsuitability. But you know what? When you're hellbent on stereotyping people, it's what you do when you insist on being both ignorant and arrogant. It's what you do. I suppose it's mandatory when you're a follower of Trump-Jesus, Lord of Lies.
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