Debate thread

Regan had mental issues too. we let FDR in a wheel chair run this country for 3 terms.
What am I missing? Wasn’t your statement that there hasn’t been a debate over a president’s physical capabilities to run our country in 100 years? Also, being in a wheelchair doesn’t compromise one’s mental health.
If I am Trump, there will not be another debate. If I am Biden, I would be looking for a replacement.
If I am Trump, I would be more worried about the July 11 sentencing trial. If I am Biden, I would be looking at Retirement Homes.
If I am Trump, I would not waste a dime on degrading Biden and save my money for the next nominee the Democrats put up. If I was Biden, I would ensure that the money was set forth for the upcoming Nominee.
If I am Trump, I would seek psychiatric help and if I was Biden I would enjoy the rest of my life avoid depression and get away from the swamp.
Two hard headed men that are too old, unfit for the office and don't know when to quit.
Their pride has gotten in the way of their capabilities to run this country. So bad, that one has to lie about it and one can't complete a thought about how to do it.

Why would you look for a replacement if you were Biden?
anybody think last nite's disaterous performance was to get folks to forget about bidinflation, wars, disastrously bad military withdrawls, the leftist war on USA energy, etc.?
Most lower and middle class people can't afford to invest and save in Biden's economy because of the inflated prices of gas, food and rent/housing. But keep spinning. You need to find something in your mind to justify supporting Biden after last nights performance.

It's Trump's economy too. The only thing that would be different is price of gas because of keystone. Other than that, Trump kicked us off on this inflationary course.
I'll say this: whatever medical provider is asserting that Biden is fit for office is a National security risk. The man clearly does not have his faculties about him, and there's no way he could be trusted in an emergency situation.

Sad? Very. But every American should be terrified after watching him last night.
I for one am reassured that the nuclear football controlling the world’s most powerful arsenal rests in the capable hands of that vegetable.
Can you explain why I deserve it?...besides "life sucks" which is not an explanation at all. That explains why I have to deal with it. Not why I deserve it.
You don’t deserve it personally, but post Vietnam our younger generations have withdrawn further and further from participating in the political system. Screaming from the streets or on social media isn’t participating. Get involved with one of the parties on a grass roots level and help the process of nominating quality candidates to choose from if you don’t want to see more of this your entire lifetime.
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You're wrong, ace. Biden is not "mentally incompetent." Being old and slow and far different from mentally incompetent. MAGA is mentally incompetent and disgraceful. Do I wish that Biden had settled for one term? Sure, I've said it. But if you pulled 100 hardened criminals out of max-security prison, I'd vote for any of them before I'd vote for that vile, lying lowlife named trump---and many millions feel the same way.
You would vote for a murderer before Trump
dang are something else

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