Debate thread

We are saying the same thing. The Dems should have entertained an alternative in primaries this cycle. They still have time do offer up an alternative and they should. The simple fact is that if they don't, Trump will win and the party elite will have only themselves to blame.
Again, you’re missing my point.

The Democrats strategically are making democracy a major issue in this race. If they go ahead and replace Biden without a vote of their people, they lose the high ground on this. They’d no longer have standing to say that they’re the party that stands for democracy. Please address this
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I think Trump would have had a winning response to the conviction thing by waving it off and borrowing Dershowitz's line: "A New York jury would convict a ham sandwich." Would have been very effective I think.
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It's Trump's economy too. The only thing that would be different is price of gas because of keystone. Other than that, Trump kicked us off on this inflationary course.

I'd agree, that a significant chunk of the inflation in 2021 was Trump's. It takes time for costs to get through labor and supply chains. CPI is a multi-month lagging indicator for this reason.

After that, doubling down on spending, labor inflation, and energy rhetoric falls solely on Biden...
You shouldn't be shocked. Though I don't consider myself a liberal (I'm a centrist), they aren't the collective loggerheads you and MAGAs paint them. They have plenty of dimwitted reverse MAGAs in their ranks. Just as there are anti-MAGA Repubs. Both sides have people who think with their minds, as opposed to being led about by a party rope attached to a nose ring. People of whatever persuasion, as a whole, can't be lumped into a singular category, though some are stupid enough to brand themselves as such. Even they aren't analogous to being a row of Heinz Tomato Paste, as opposed to being a row of Hunt"s Tomato Paste. Take ole Abe Lincoln, for example. He was a Whig Party member. Even that party had factions that were pro and anti-slavery, pro and anti annexation of Texas. Liberals also have factions, so no surprise some bluntly tell the truth about Biden's performance, or suitability to be President. Lincoln became a Republican, who himself was a hodgepodge of both liberalism, communism, and nationalism.

Communism - Abraham Lincoln was a member of the Whig Party and later a Republican. He believed that the government’s job was to do what a community of people could not do for themselves.
Conservative & Liberal - Lincoln’s commitment to liberal precepts were not a commitment to liberalism in the abstract, but liberal freedoms bounded by a conservative national and republican order shorn of chattel slavery.

The problem with you so-called conservatives, especially the MAGA-infected, is you want to dump people (liberals and anyone who thinks differently than you) into a single pot. Humans being what they are makes the effort both futile and a lie. People are just too darn complex to fit into a rigid ideology, that's true even for religious groups of all kinds. Just look at the factions within such groups. Same with liberals, there are factions. So you shouldn't be shocked some tell the truth, desired or not, about Biden's unsuitability. But you know what? When you're hellbent on stereotyping people, it's what you do when you insist on being both ignorant and arrogant. It's what you do. I suppose it's mandatory when you're a follower of Trump-Jesus, Lord of Lies.
LOL spends 3 long paragraphs saying you can't lump people together, and the whole time lumps people together.

especially funny putting me in a MAGA bucket because I have been a proud never-Trumper from day one.

and yes I should absolutely be shocked. please show me some of these examples of the media breaking ranks with their collective party. They have always danced around how bad Biden is with deflection and red herrings, and you are too simple to pick up on the distinction.
Normally I would feel sorry for someone with his condition. But not him. He's shown time and time again that he doesn't give a whit about anything other than political gain or anyone other than himself and his family.
Are you talking about Trump or Biden because they both have conditions? You should feel sorry for both of them and blame the persons that voted them the 2nd time. Both are unfit and the self serving bit is just the tip of the iceberg.
Part of me has sympathy for him, but I still think he has some degree of agency over his own behavior. The degree to which he's being encouraged to continue is shameful, but I also think if he wanted to he'd step down. I don't think he's so far gone where he's able to be manipulated or tricked into continuing, like telling a toddler they'll be OK if they jump 20 feet off the playground.

He isn't 100% with us, but he's also an incredibly arrogant man who wants to hang on to power. He said not too long ago that if he wasn't running against Trump, he probably wouldn't have run.
And Dr. J as well. What a scrub to shamelessly parade him around the way she does.
LOL spends 3 long paragraphs saying you can't lump people together, and the whole time lumps people together.

especially funny putting me in a MAGA bucket because I have been a proud never-Trumper from day one.

and yes I should absolutely be shocked. please show me some of these examples of the media breaking ranks with their collective party. They have always danced around how bad Biden is with deflection and red herrings, and you are too simple to pick up on the distinction.

I was going to say, you are far from MAGA :).
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I disagree 100% with your statement. The millennial’s biggest problem has been from growing up in the most affluent period in the history of our country.

At some point everyone is responsible for themselves, unfortunately they will learn probably when its way too late.

This clip just signifies how moronic some of the state media television personalities are. I call them television personalities because they are not news media or journalists. They wanted so badly to come up with a reason Biden is terrible.

Did you hear the one fool "maybe he prepared to not go over the two minutes?" I give Chris Wallace credit, he shut it notion and conspiracy theory down.

You can see these fools still voting for an incompetent Invalid. They are just really upset that the voting public saw it. Extreme brainwashed leftists don't care that Biden should be in a facility allowed to play with the pigeons because they know bureaucrats are really running this country. Biden has no idea what's going on.

The scariest thing is leaders of the enemies saw it.
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Part of me has sympathy for him, but I still think he has some degree of agency over his own behavior. The degree to which he's being encouraged to continue is shameful, but I also think if he wanted to he'd step down. I don't think he's so far gone where he's able to be manipulated or tricked into continuing, like telling a toddler they'll be OK if they jump 20 feet off the playground.

He isn't 100% with us, but he's also an incredibly arrogant man who wants to hang on to power. He said not too long ago that if he wasn't running against Trump, he probably wouldn't have run.

Ego of the leader of any organization makes it difficult for them to admit they need to let go of the reigns. Can you imagine how hard it is when you are the President of the United States to admit to yourself and others that someone else is better suited to the job?

This may well be a matter for his family as much as anyone else.
Again, you’re missing my point.

The Democrats strategically are making democracy a major issue in this race. If they go ahead and replace Biden without a vote of their people, they lose the high ground on this. They’d no longer have standing to say that they’re the party that stands for democracy. Please address this
Wish people would stop calling us a democracy. That’s not what this country is. The Democrats are dying to turn us into a democracy.

Are you talking about Trump or Biden because they both have conditions? You should feel sorry for both of them and blame the persons that voted them the 2nd time. Both are unfit and the self serving bit is just the tip of the iceberg.
One party claims democracy as their calling card while the other actually uses democracy to obtain a candidate although he is unlikeable to some…let’s just call a spade a spade here.

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