Debate thread

I mean, he did lose the last election with that formula. Like the last election, people voted against him, not for his Biden. There's a distinction there.

While he appears to (now) be steamrolling to a win, why not at least attempt to endear yourself to the wider American electorate by just being ...decent?

To be fair the left has been tearing him down since he ran in 2016. They continuously mocked him leading up to the 2016 election. Then after the won, they spent 4 years cooking investigation after investigation that lead nowhere, and the more we found out about each investigation, the more we are aware the Trump was right to call them witch hunts. How many millions of dollars did we waste on the fake Russian Hoax? Then after he leaves office they spend the next 4 years continually coming after him in an effort to discredit him from running again.

The Democrats are literally using the same technique parents do when they don't want their daughter to date a certain boy. The more the Dems come after him, the more they keep pushing Americans to him. It doesn't work for parents and it's quite clearly not working for Democrats.
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The absolute misleading by the media and DNC has essentially tarnished any form of a campaign they might have had. They either try to get him to step down and lose the “fighting for democracy” shtick they have been preaching or continue on with a guy who is obviously unfit for the job…

I don't see how anyone can walk all this back. Either Jill cooperates or they probably will have to take even more decisive action.

You lost me at Bro, what are you some weird Californian, grew up in the sixties, or a teenager that watches way too much TV.
When someone appears to have the intelligence of a teen I address them as such to build rapport. But good job addressing the actual point!
You make a statement with a lot of ? marks without names. Then follow it up with more question marks in comment. So vague yet both candidates and parties can be substituted with either Biden or Trumps names or Democrats' and Republicans' Party names. Kind of a word play game. It's ok I just figured you intended to do it that way.
My intentions are pretty clear with my statement, we have one party essentially turning heel on “democracy” by wanting a hand picked replacement from the looks of it and the other who used a primary (democracy) to determine a candidate…I don’t need to reference names for anybody to understand the meaning here. It’s pretty cut and dry
Biden’s presidency has been a disgrace to the country way more so than Trump’s. Yes, Trumps term was chock full of chaos but Biden’s has been nothing but one embarrassing disaster after another.
Trump had competent people for the most part, but wouldn't let them alone long enough to do their jobs and/or stick with you say chaos.

Biden's cabinet is may be the most incompetent group of people ever assembled to manage an organization.
But an Alzheimer's addled Biden isn't an embarrassment.


Actually you are right. Biden isn't an embarrassment. He's a straight up danger.

Its a question of which is worse.

Seems to me that the overall consensus here is that they both suck and that we all wish we had better choices. That being the case, it comes down to a question of which is worse. In my view, Trump is so bad that I have a hard time envisioning preferring him over anyone.

I understand that others have the reverse sentiment and think Biden is that bad.

The one thing we all seem to agree on is that no one is voting FOR a particular candidate this cycle and likely haven't since Obama ran and at least some of the voters that picked him actually liked him and wanted him to be President.
Its a question of which is worse.

Seems to me that the overall consensus here is that they both suck and that we all wish we had better choices. That being the case, it comes down to a question of which is worse. In my view, Trump is so bad that I have a hard time envisioning preferring him over anyone.

I understand that others have the reverse sentiment and think Biden is that bad.

The one thing we all seem to agree on is that no one is voting FOR a particular candidate this cycle and likely haven't since Obama ran and at least some of the voters that picked him actually liked him and wanted him to be President.

No, you don't know who is worse because you don't even know who is running the country.
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your contribution only starts at the nomination process? you still have representation even if you don't vote for them. they can only represent what they are hearing. and that either comes from the groundswell of their constituents or their backers.

The process can be changed. how much effort has been spent on making the changes you want? I am in the same boat as you, not voting, and we absolutely share some of the blame. by choosing not to decide, we still have made a choice. Its been 5 years or so since I last emailed any of my congress members, state or federal. 2 or 3 since I went to a local Q/A, probably the same 5 since I actually engaged at one of those Q/A.

heck you could always run yourself, or nominate someone else. Zeppelin got involved with the campaign for Pete. local, state, federal, plenty of options to get involved.
I was talking in limited terms for presidency.

It is assumptive to think I did not engage with my local TN reps, or my federal reps. I simply never found that effort to be productive.

I am unelectable. No one wants to vote for someone who supports protecting individual freedoms while attacking government largess.

Since 8188 is temporarily out, help me understand what I can do better to bring about better presidential candidates?
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Its a question of which is worse.

Seems to me that the overall consensus here is that they both suck and that we all wish we had better choices. That being the case, it comes down to a question of which is worse. In my view, Trump is so bad that I have a hard time envisioning preferring him over anyone.

I understand that others have the reverse sentiment and think Biden is that bad.

The one thing we all seem to agree on is that no one is voting FOR a particular candidate this cycle and likely haven't since Obama ran and at least some of the voters that picked him actually liked him and wanted him to be President.
Trump's qualifications in 2015. Inherit close to half a billion dollars and convince the masses that despite his decades of underperforming returns he was a business tycoon....

Seems to make more sense than the Bidens, Clintons and Obamas, that had no money.... ran no businesses... yet are now rich. You're their business. The Bushes just ran bunches of drugs and guns.
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When someone appears to have the intelligence of a teen I address them as such to build rapport.
I just asked a simple question, you can't even put a party or candidate label on your subjects, and have to use pronouns to remain vague. Then responds, with "Bro". I mean seriously and now you shift your response to me by stating that "Bro" was a properly used. give me a break from your analysis. You didn't even bother to call a spade a spade because you used pronouns instead of proper names. Get some B***s Alice.
Seems to make more sense than the Bidens, Clintons and Obamas, that had no money.... ran no businesses... yet are now rich. You're their business.

Both sides have made millions from book deals and speaking engagements....

Nice try at deflection though. Trump made more $$$$ after leaving office than he ever did before...
Both sides have made millions from book deals and speaking engagements....

Nice try at deflection though. Trump made more $$$$ after leaving office than he ever did before...

I don't know what you mean by both sides, I'm not on anyone's side. The Bushes were running illegal drugs and guns with U.S. government assets.

None of these people are being elected off of their resume. Biden never did anything in his life, I mean his druggy kid had to setup all his kickbacks. What has any of these people really done?
We will be somewhat fine, our enemies have major issues as well. I would be surprised if both China and Russia come out of this decade as a stable state.

Perhaps we are heading for a Dark Age where all countries collapse.

You can roughly say that most Civilizations came in around 4,000-3,600 B.C. then the first major Dark Age was in 1,200 B.C. followed by one in 400 A.D. Looks like Dark Ages happen every 1,600-1,800 years or so. We are starting to get there. The signs are all out there.
But those Dark Ages weren't global. When Europe was last dark, Asia did well.
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I just asked a simple question, you can't even put a party or candidate label on your subjects, and have to use pronouns to remain vague. Then responds, with "Bro". I mean seriously and now you shift your response to me by stating that "Bro" was a properly used. give me a break from your analysis. You didn't even bother to call a spade a spade because you used pronouns instead of proper names. Get some B***s Alice.
Cool bro 😎. At least you walk the walk. Reads just like Biden gibberish.
Its not loyalty to party. I have voted for more Republicans over the years than you have Dems, I'll wager. And this is not about loyalty to party in 2024 -- its recognizing what a disgrace Trump is to the country and how chaotic and incompetent he and his presidency will be.

Think back to his last term. Neither he nor his administration could walk a straight line. They did not know what they are doing. And this time he promises to have embedded within the administration even less qualified or experienced people (if that's even possible) than last time.

Consider his first term - a major part of the chaos was the ridiculous Russiagate thing that was cooked up by his political opponents and carryout against him.

Domestically the economy was strong, the income gap shrank with largest gains to lower and middle class. New record employment numbers for minorities. Growth in personal wealth and savings across the board.

Internationally we entered no new conflicts. Gains in diplomacy between the Arab states and Israel. Largely eliminated ISIS.

There were certainly mistakes, poor leadership, buffoonery etc but either the POTUS doesn't matter or his first term was not as chaotic and incompetent as you claim.

The reality is that after Biden people would welcome the state of affairs in the country and world from the Trump era over that of the Biden era. So if Trump was so horrible what does that say about Biden?

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