Debate thread

But those Dark Ages weren't global. When Europe was last dark, Asia was doing well.

Actually at 500/600 AD, they were. The Qin Dynasty (an Empire comparable to Rome based in China) also collapsed and Civilization was in decline globally. The Mauryan Empire was defeated much earlier and India split into rival/factional states. Persia entered a decline in the late Sassanid period followed by the Arab conquests. There were plagues and famines across the region and just an overall Civilizational Decline. Even Byzantium (Rome's direct successor and effectively a continuation of Rome) was falling behind the tech level of Rome.

By 600 A.D., out of all the powers of antiquity across the globe, only Rome (via Byzantine/Eastern Empire) still existed and it was a fraction of its former glory. All the other Civilizations were gone. Only the Arabs and Franks came out of the time period stronger. (You could also argue the Norse were in their Golden Age).

Even the Dark Age of 1200 B.C. was related. Egypt survived but was never on the level of pre-1200 BC (similar to Rome). Assyria was the only nation to come out of it stronger. Like the 400-600 AD dark age, there were some civilizations that did better and prospered but overall the old power structure was gone.
I know Van Jones isn't the most liked fella on this board, but he summed it up pretty well last night when he said it wasn't just panic about Biden's performance, it was painful and sad for him to watch someone he admires have that kind of night.
Van Jones has moments of clarity every once in a while.
pretty much shows who (dr. jill, aka Lady Macbeth) is running the show

What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden. Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with the President today. Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs. Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement (Whitmer and Newsom are). Interestingly my neighbor in East Hampton is hosting the Bidens tomorrow. It will be an important tell if the fundraiser is cancelled.
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I think you forgot what we're talking about. You keep on making this point, but the point is about whether it's "deserved"

As far as Millennials as group, I would say yes, imo.... which is why we are still talking about this. But it doesn't matter what I think and really the question is immaterial.... because Life.

Sitting around bitching is a strategy, not a strategy that is going help much, imo. (continue on though)

Sitting around complaining about the hand, instead of playing the hand as best as possible may lead to the Millennials being wiped out. When there is nobody here to protect the Millennials from themselves, then the fun begins.
That's not a very compelling point. I cannot remember the last time either party truly entertained a challenge to a sitting POTUS from within their own ranks. Both parties show solidarity with their incumbent, even with misgivings, out of fear that appearing to be factionalized will lead the other party to victory. Happened with Trump, last time, too.
Reagan sabotaged Ford then Ted Kennedy did the same to Carter,
This has to put to bed serious talk of a stand in. I mean body double sure. Putin level proxy no way.
Part of me has sympathy for him, but I still think he has some degree of agency over his own behavior. The degree to which he's being encouraged to continue is shameful, but I also think if he wanted to he'd step down. I don't think he's so far gone where he's able to be manipulated or tricked into continuing, like telling a toddler they'll be OK if they jump 20 feet off the playground.

He isn't 100% with us, but he's also an incredibly arrogant man who wants to hang on to power. He said not too long ago that if he wasn't running against Trump, he probably wouldn't have run.
I think his wife pushed and pushes him to run for and stay in the White House, A lot of Joe's policy seems to come from her.
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That's not a very compelling point. I cannot remember the last time either party truly entertained a challenge to a sitting POTUS from within their own ranks. Both parties show solidarity with their incumbent, even with misgivings, out of fear that appearing to be factionalized will lead the other party to victory. Happened with Trump, last time, too.
Pat Buchanan in 1992 mounted a primary run that was serious enough to land a speaker slot at the convention.
Joe Scarborough and his personal arrogance is on display this morning. Meka crying and Joe now calling into question Joe. All Joe had to do was his job years ago and he’s not looking weak today while trying to spin it so hard.
Scarborough isn’t still trolling with “this is the best version of Joe Biden we’ve ever seen”?

As Trump said last night, this debate was set up to justify Joe as president.
Additionally as was mentioned it's a waste of time.
Joe we all witnessed your mental capacity now
Get out on the campaign trail Joe and show America your stamina. Carry your own golf clubs etc. 🙄

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