Debate thread

Pretty much all of them. Hillary still doesn't think she lost. Al Gore doesn't think he lost. None of them do. So what?

Nobody can honestly say who is running this country and that is what you are upset about? 😅

No one other than trump has failed to accept the results of an election. Hillary conceded after she lost.
But no experience with anything else. Has she even held a job?

People would vote for her because she'd be the first female President (people like LG want that on their resume), they would think Barry would really be running things so who cares and she's not Trump. MO wins in a landslide.
And that he's a Democrat.
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I don't know if I'd ever leave or not. Honestly, I'd like to just travel around for a while at the very least. I'm just really longing for a time where we might one day have a couple of candidates who take our country seriously. To actually see two people acting like adults and debating policy, instead of having a pissing contest about who's ego is bigger or who deserves credit for what. I wasn't around back then, but I imagine Presidential debates at one point were more intelligent than this.
you should hang out with old kaw-liga... space aliens take his poor old wooden head on space trips
Hm. Reagan was more or less with it, but no doubt he was on the down at that point. Saw Reagan in 1989 at a graduation ceremony at LSU, he wasn't like Joe but no doubt he wasn't 1975 Reagan.

The Bushs basically took over by mid-80s which started all the foreign crap.

Joe has been easily like this for 5-6 years and even though he was sharper with speaking in the 90s, completely off his rocker. I mean, any of you guys watched him in 2007-2016.?
My point is that Joe is not that much further gone than people already assumed.
But Reagan was much further gone by the end of his second term than people assumed.
My point is that Joe is not that much further gone than people already assumed.
But Reagan was much further gone by the end of his second term than people assumed.
You must be blissfully unaware of the Daily Posts affirming his cognitive acuity and sharp mental faculties
My point is that Joe is not that much further gone than people already assumed.
But Reagan was much further gone by the end of his second term than people assumed.

Joe is the same person people voted for in 2020 more or less. Nothing has really changed that I can see, (generally speaking). He had dementia then. The only thing that has really changed is poll data.

The question should be, who is running the actual country in any meaningful way? It ain't him, never was him.
You can't tell me who is running the country and trump is the problem?

Why do you care who is elected? I mean, that is basically where this is at. (for the record, I don't vote but I'm missing the logic on this one)
Because Luther is in end stage TDS
You can’t just say if we replace Biden with someone else they will beat Trump automatically when the DNC has been running on “protecting Democracy” shtick all year…like wtf 😂 You would literally have to turn a complete 180 degrees for voters to go a long with that ploy. It’s just monumentally dumb atp
The Democrat voter won't care. They will still vote for whomever is the candidate

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