Debate thread

While on the way home, listening to the progressive talk radio was entertaining.

1. The moderators were to blame for allowing Trump so much time to respond.
2. The format needs to be changed immediately. Biden should have been allowed to interrupt DT multiple times.
3. Everything Trump said was a lie. Biden's cold had him under the weather and difficult to understand questions.
Both are nothing but frauds & morons. Jill needs to change Joe's diaper I'm sure.

Gross that this behavior is acceptable for a President and the First Lady. Patronizing her husband like a school kid and then doing what the left does best, repeat what they're told to believe. Because if you say it enough times, it must be true. Such good little servants. Give them a gold sticker.
Part of me has sympathy for him, but I still think he has some degree of agency over his own behavior. The degree to which he's being encouraged to continue is shameful, but I also think if he wanted to he'd step down. I don't think he's so far gone where he's able to be manipulated or tricked into continuing, like telling a toddler they'll be OK if they jump 20 feet off the playground.

He isn't 100% with us, but he's also an incredibly arrogant man who wants to hang on to power. He said not too long ago that if he wasn't running against Trump, he probably wouldn't have run.

He is a man who has wanted to be POTUS since the 1980's, along with his dingbat. Do you seriously think these people are going to consider how dangerous this is for the country?

He has to take a 1980 style Jimmy Carter beating.
To be fair the left has been tearing him down since he ran in 2016. They continuously mocked him leading up to the 2016 election. Then after the won, they spent 4 years cooking investigation after investigation that lead nowhere, and the more we found out about each investigation, the more we are aware the Trump was right to call them witch hunts. How many millions of dollars did we waste on the fake Russian Hoax? Then after he leaves office they spend the next 4 years continually coming after him in an effort to discredit him from running again.

The Democrats are literally using the same technique parents do when they don't want their daughter to date a certain boy. The more the Dems come after him, the more they keep pushing Americans to him. It doesn't work for parents and it's quite clearly not working for Democrats.

Trump was a douchebag before the left "started tearing him down", nothing has changed.

To be fair.
how can this be? Luther told us there was no reason to watch - that no minds would be changed and anyone who didn't already have their mind made up NEEDED to be told what to do.
So your position is that they were undecided prior to watching the debate and Biden supporters after watching the debate.

The fight isn't over until Biden causes the death of our troops by making a hasty retreat with no defensive perimeter on the battlefield and abandons US citizens, our allies, and about $78 billion of weapons and other miltary assets.
You left out blowing up an aid worker and his family.
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