Debate thread

An interesting movie, to be sure. Lots of furious jumping.
I refer to the Ashley Biden showering claim when I say snout lying. As for Whitney, never heard of her until today. My rapid scan suggests she was one sick, pitifully warped person. I feel sorry for her, I guess.
Many people are saying that Trump showed compassion for Biden, and when I look back he really did. He could have laid it on Biden but he didn't joke about Biden’s mental state. He did mention he didn't understand what he said once but that was about it. It could've been worse.

Biden was struggling but Trump did not address Biden as a caricature. He seemed to focus on concerns about the policy and where we are as a country. Clearly he believes these are dangerous times and Biden is not up for the job. A part of him is probably perplexed how Biden still has millions of people who will vote for a guy that should be in a nursing home or at home enjoying the rest of his life.
You think much more of Trump than myself. Trump could have been re-elected in 2020 if he had of had the discipline to shut up during the debates to allow Biden to sink himself then as Biden was already displaying age related decline. The race wouldn’t have even been close if he could have stayed off twitter and minimized his childish public comments while serving as potus.

Trump could have taken a commanding lead in this race if he would have done enough debate prep to provide the facts / numbers supporting his positions instead of all the “greatest, best” comments. He did appear to learn from his mistake 4 years back and allowed Biden’s condition to be on display by simply shutting his big mouth. Ironically, the Biden camp created the format of the mics being shut off when it wasn’t your turn to talk which I guess fuels the conspiracy theory of the DNC intentionally trying to force him out.

We’re all screwed as both these guys are terrible options. Anyone still trying to act otherwise is either ignorant or intentionally has their head in the sand.

Joe needs to go. No question about that. Sad to see any person decline this way, whether it's Parkinson's Disease, Dementia, Multiple sclerosis, etc.
The gig is up, man, just go. Save yourself and the country further embarrassment.

I've finally figured you out WTN. You're that school kid who mocks fellow students with cerebral palsy, trips blind kids in hallway, pushes wheelchair bound kids downstairs then blames someone else, mock deaf kids when they use sign language. I knew I smelled something about your posts, but didn't know what. Finally I figured it out. In that regard, you're the very clone of your idol, Trump. Now, that I know, I can continue to not respond to your posts. I don't want to get infected with your contagious Trump cruelty.
We’re all screwed as both these guys are terrible options. Anyone still trying to act otherwise is either ignorant or intentionally has their head in the sand.

They are never going to give you a good options. Whether you like Trump or not.... its really Trump vs (whoever they can control). For the record, I don't vote because of this, and because I think this country is already a goner. Trump broke the scam... he is only there because you really didn't have an option.
Joe needs to go. No question about that. Sad to see any person decline this way, whether it's Parkinson's Disease, Dementia, Multiple sclerosis, etc.
The gig is up, man, just go. Save yourself and the country further embarrassment.

I've finally figured you out WTN. You're that school kid who mocks fellow students with cerebral palsy, trips blind kids in hallway, pushes wheelchair bound kids downstairs then blames someone else, mock deaf kids when they use sign language. I knew I smelled something about your posts, but didn't know what. Finally I figured it out. In that regard, you're the very clone of your idol, Trump. Now, that I know, I can continue to not respond to your posts. I don't want to get infected with your contagious Trump cruelty.

Joe needs to go. No question about that. Sad to see any person decline this way, whether it's Parkinson's Disease, Dementia, Multiple sclerosis, etc.
The gig is up, man, just go. Save yourself and the country further embarrassment.

I've finally figured you out WTN. You're that school kid who mocks fellow students with cerebral palsy, trips blind kids in hallway, pushes wheelchair bound kids downstairs then blames someone else, mock deaf kids when they use sign language. I knew I smelled something about your posts, but didn't know what. Finally I figured it out. In that regard, you're the very clone of your idol, Trump. Now, that I know, I can continue to not respond to your posts. I don't want to get infected with your contagious Trump cruelty.

That's hearsay. But knowing how humans can be either angelic or demonic, I won't dismiss it as improbable. However, you will dismiss the FACT that Trump has the hots for his daughter, Ivana. Of course Trump denies this. I believe the reports due to what I've seen/heard him say in public, and how he touches her.
And then there is this when the girl was 11yrs old. So, I'd say your Biden-Daughter claim is you playing the pot and kettle game.
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1. In September 2004 Trump agreed to a derogatory term used by radio host Howard Stern to describe the former First Daughter, "My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka," he said. Stern agreed, interjecting: "By the way, your daughter ... Can I say this? A piece of a**," he said. Donald responded with "Yeah." As per Politico, in 2006 the Republican leader went a step further with the host when Stern asked Trump, “Did your daughter get breast implants?” The real estate mogul replied, “No, she didn’t. I mean, I would know if she did. The answer is no. Why, did she look a little more stacked?” “She looks more voluptuous than ever,” Stern said. “No, she didn’t get them,” Trump said. “She’s actually always been very voluptuous.” As per CBS News, Ivanka first liked and then unliked a tweet linking to an article about the comments. A source close to her later clarified, “A simple mistake was made by a staff member.”

2. Speaking on the well-known talk program The View in 2006, Trump admitted that he wanted to "date" his daughter for real. “I don’t think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” "Stop it! Oh, it's so weird!" a co-host exclaimed, while another could be heard saying: "You know what, you are sick!" Donald laughed, while Ivanka appeared uncomfortable with his gesture. They continued questioning his bizarre statement but he avoided answering it. "Who are you, Woody Allen?" co-host Joy Behar chastised him. "He was making fun of himself for his tendency to date younger women," a representative later told Today. "It's a sense of humor that people don't see [from him] all the time." In a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, Trump remarked again about dating Ivanka, “If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father …”

3. As per The Seattle Times, Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security claimed in his new book Blowback A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump that the former president allegedly loved to fantasize about his daughter while serving from the White House. “Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have with her, remarks that prompted Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” Taylor wrote. Former White House chief of staff John Kelly “retold that story to me in visible disgust,” Taylor added in his book.
Source: MSN
All dumb and creepy AF....none of that is Ivanka saying DJT acted inappropriate towards her...Ashley says in her diary (not hearsay...smh) in her own words she showered with Joe inappropriately as a child. I knew you were thick and aloof but your challenging Biden for flat out insane.
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So once again has anyone heard a peep out of KJP since the debate? Have the idiots in the WH finally realized that there is no way in hell she should be allowed near a microphone if you really are trying to get a coherent and logical message out?
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Many people are saying that Trump showed compassion for Biden, and when I look back he really did. He could have laid it on Biden but he didn't joke about Biden’s mental state. He did mention he didn't understand what he said once but that was about it. It could've been worse.

Biden was struggling but Trump did not address Biden as a caricature. He seemed to focus on concerns about the policy and where we are as a country. Clearly he believes these are dangerous times and Biden is not up for the job. A part of him is probably perplexed how Biden still has millions of people who will vote for a guy that should be in a nursing home or at home enjoying the rest of his life.
Trump doesn't give a crap about any of that. His campaign people clearly got it through his head that he needs to stick with policy where he will kill Biden.

America is willing to believe Biden is a bad president and that Trump was/can be better.
America is not willing to believe Trump is a better person that Biden. so personal attacks are not going to win Trump an election against Biden.

especially if Biden is looking like an invalid out there. hating on cripples will tank Trump, especially if the Dems pull Biden.
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They are never going to give you a good options. Whether you like Trump or not.... its really Trump vs (whoever they can control). For the record, I don't vote because of this, and because I think this country is already a goner. Trump broke the scam... he is only there because you really didn't have an option.
Trump is no different than those they control. its why you didn't see ANYTHING meaningful change. he has been dressed up as the alternative option, but really he is more of the same.

Even Obamacare, all he got removed was the individual mandate. could have had it all shut down but he refused to do the proper paperwork. that clearly shows he wasn't interested in changing things.
draining the swamp? nope.
fixing the deficit or debt? nope. made it worse even before 2020
making the mexicans pay for the wall? nope. only rebuilt some areas that were already built and it was done so sloppily that Biden was able to stop it.
any preventive work on the economy to avoid out of control inflation? nope. could have just added a percent or two of interest rate increase from the fed, eased into it. but no, had to keep interest rates at 0% to fool people into thinking we had a healthy economy. in reality it was just that it was impossible to lose money because it was being given away for free.

"There has never been a debate this early before. Traditionally the debates are held after the Republican and Democratic conventions, which are in July and August," a former Hillary Clinton aide told the Daily Mail. "Most years the first debate is early September ahead of the November election.Biden's inner circle demanded this early debate. There is a growing belief this was a 'soft coup' because they know he isn't fit to govern and have known for some time. They wanted to test him against Trump early, while there was still time to replace him if he failed to rise to the occasion. Which, of course, he did spectacularly."


"There has never been a debate this early before. Traditionally the debates are held after the Republican and Democratic conventions, which are in July and August," a former Hillary Clinton aide told the Daily Mail. "Most years the first debate is early September ahead of the November election.Biden's inner circle demanded this early debate. There is a growing belief this was a 'soft coup' because they know he isn't fit to govern and have known for some time. They wanted to test him against Trump early, while there was still time to replace him if he failed to rise to the occasion. Which, of course, he did spectacularly."


What I said, another "soft coup".

**** I didn't even watch the stupid debate, turned on the broadcast as soon as it was done to see what their next scam was. (right on cue)
If you don’t vote, then why would you bother?

Yeah. I mean, I don't even watch the talking heads with the sing along stuff they do but I knew in this instance they would probably have a plan. (right on cue) They all sang the same tune. Than the lowest common denominators show up like lawgator, turboidiot, etc. to parrot the tune.

Mostly entertainment at this point, America is toast, imo.
Yeah. I mean, I don't even watch the talking heads with the sing along stuff they do but I knew in this instance they would probably have a plan. (right on cue) They all sang the same tune. Than the lowest common denominators show up like lawgator, turboidiot, etc. to parrot the tune.

Mostly entertainment at this point, America is toast, imo.
Where’d you buy your homestead?

VN Store
