Debate thread

Luther is already on record that he should be 25th’d.

@luthervol - still feel the same way?

All the bots are now malfunctioning, they haven't received the next command from the mother ship.

"Against protocol ....cannnn'tttt.... thinkkkk on my own"


They probably have a few weeks to convince Sundowner Joe and the Hooker to get onboard or else full reversal.
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fixing the debt. getting mexico to pay for the wall. no terrorist attacks when he was president. removing obamacare. getting NATO to pay their fair share. draining the swamp. locking up Hillary. all just off the top of my head.
I think he was specifically talking about the debate, but the list of lies is pretty long there too.
I think he was specifically talking about the debate, but the list of lies is pretty long there too.
1. every legal scholar wanted Roe v Wade overturned.
2. no terror attacks during his presidency
3. iran wasn't funding terrorism under his watch
4. He provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe has
5. Biden will quadrupple everyone's taxees
6. that Americans don't see any price increases from his tariffs on China or others. while he also pointed to Biden's tariffs as contributing to increased costs, not sure how that works.
7. He claims responsibility for the Veterans Choice program signed by Obama in 2014.
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1. every legal scholar wanted Roe v Wade overturned.
2. no terror attacks during his presidency
3. iran wasn't funding terrorism under his watch
4. He provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe has
5. Biden will quadrupple everyone's taxees
6. that Americans don't see any price increases from his tariffs on China or others. while he also pointed to Biden's tariffs as contributing to increased costs, not sure how that works.
7. He claims responsibility for the Veterans Choice program signed by Obama in 2014.
The man lies by default. If he was only yawning, or eating, the fact his mouth opens, lies will exit his maw. I wish it wasn't so, but it is.
1. every legal scholar wanted Roe v Wade overturned.
2. no terror attacks during his presidency
3. iran wasn't funding terrorism under his watch
4. He provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe has
5. Biden will quadrupple everyone's taxees
6. that Americans don't see any price increases from his tariffs on China or others. while he also pointed to Biden's tariffs as contributing to increased costs, not sure how that works.
7. He claims responsibility for the Veterans Choice program signed by Obama in 2014.
Here's the thing, these aren't lies if Trump really believes it's true and I think he does. In order to get around that, I think a better term to use is untruths or false facts. No question Trump doesn't have a grasp of the facts but he never has
Here's the thing, these aren't lies if Trump really believes it's true and I think he does. In order to get around that, I think a better term to use is untruths or false facts. No question Trump doesn't have a grasp of the facts but he never has

You could say the same thing about Biden as well.
1. every legal scholar wanted Roe v Wade overturned.
2. no terror attacks during his presidency
3. iran wasn't funding terrorism under his watch
4. He provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe has
5. Biden will quadrupple everyone's taxees
6. that Americans don't see any price increases from his tariffs on China or others. while he also pointed to Biden's tariffs as contributing to increased costs, not sure how that works.
7. He claims responsibility for the Veterans Choice program signed by Obama in 2014.
He went on about Democrats wanting post delivery abortions too.
Here's the thing, these aren't lies if Trump really believes it's true and I think he does. In order to get around that, I think a better term to use is untruths or false facts. No question Trump doesn't have a grasp of the facts but he never has
Facts are reality so if Trump doesn't have a grasp there is he insane?
if this is the case why shouldn't he be removed now? it's not too late
I admit, I don't get that reasoning either. It may be late in the political game but no one can predict what events are right around the corner. the question is do you want a mentally incompetent president dealing with those potentials?
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You liked my question but I'm not sure if you agree or something else.

If Biden wins to simply step aside, why not just run Kamala straight up?

Basically, he is saying lets commit fraud and perform a coup. If he is not fit under the 25th, they should move immediately on that - you don't use it as ploy.
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