Debate thread

Luther will vote for Biden but will not support him. Don't you remember?
I've got another analogy that may help some of you understand.

The number one football recruit in the nation has narrowed his choices to bama and Arizona and decides to make his choice based on an online vote.
I would take the time to vote for Arizona - not because I like or support Arizona, but simply because I hate bama that much.
Can't give enough likes to this.
Yes, and if the 25th IS invoked, the legitimate question becomes “why wasn’t the 25th invoked earlier?” I mean, it’s not like he was coherent and capable on Wednesday before the debate and suddenly became incapable by Friday morning.
If they had correct motives for using the 25th; it should have been done moths ago. The signs were clear to those working with him.
As it is, Talking about it only NOW shows the Democrats as being obviously using it for political expediency once the debate made it crystal clear that Biden couldn’t win. It is clearly being discussed as a solution to a POLITICAL problem; not concern with the safety or well being of the country.
THAT is what turns my stomach 🤢
I've got another analogy that may help some of you understand.

The number one football recruit in the nation has narrowed his choices to bama and Arizona and decides to make his choice based on an online vote.
I would take the time to vote for Arizona - not because I like or support Arizona, but simply because I hate bama that much.
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As unfit for office as Biden is, I view trump as even more unfit.

Trump is being criminally prosecuted where the State Federal believes he is mentally fit to stand trial. Your guy, you want to removed from office and elect him anyway, which you have already determined is unfit mentality and the DOJ after interviewing him has determined that he is mentality incapable of assisting in his defense.

What information do you have that would show that Biden is more capable than Trump? I mean, you actually think Biden is running something?

This sound quite insane.

So, in your view Trump should not be criminally prosecuted? And the Biden administration is targeting a political opponent that is mentality unfit to stand trial?

Just my two cents, but not much of this is adding up right?
I've got another analogy that may help some of you understand.

The number one football recruit in the nation has narrowed his choices to bama and Arizona and decides to make his choice based on an online vote.
I would take the time to vote for Arizona - not because I like or support Arizona, but simply because I hate bama that much.
Of course you conveniently leave out that by doing so would decimate the SEC in general, and therefore our beloved Vols. So your insane hatred of Bama (and yes I am going with the analogy) would ensure OUR failure.
Trump is being criminally prosecute where the State Federal believes he is mentally fit to stand trial. Your guy, you want to removed from office and elect him anyway, which you have already determined is unfit mentality and the DOJ after interviewing him has mentality incapable of assisting in his defense.

This sound quite insane.

So, in your view Trump should not be criminally prosecuted?
I would gladly remove all prosecutions on a plea of insanity - if it also removed him from the race.
I would gladly remove all prosecutions on a plea of insanity - if it also removed him from the race.
That makes no sense. The prosecution of an offense has nothing to do with whether he runs or not.

You have to understand that your comments sound not bizarre but frankly quite insane.

Being mentality unfit isn't a cover for you just not liking him. Is he an egomaniac, sure? So what?
Low Life, POS, egomaniac, vengeful, who only cares about himself (Trump) is a better option over a vegetable.

Hey, I would rather Satan be President over Trump. Logically, that is what these people are talking about. They have mentality convinced themselves of this, or watched so much TV that they have been brainwashed into thinking just that.

It went from Trump is worse than Satan, and now they told them Biden should be put in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest. Neither one is true. Trump is an egomaniac which they all are, Biden is a dementia patient.
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Because that means President Harris. Her most coherent moments don't meet the measure for intelligence.
I’ve been asking for 3+ years now where in the world the Kamala from the Rad Kav hearings disappeared to.

She was cool. She was calm and collected. She was piercing.

That Kamala reappeared the other night when she sparred with Jake Tapper on CNN.

They need that Kamala.

For as much as they need/must keep Biden scripted and controlled - they need Kamala unscripted and angry. She’s so much better in that capacity.
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I’ve been asking for 3+ years now where in the world the Kamala from the Rad Kav hearings disappeared to.

She was cool. She was calm and collected. She was piercing.

That Kamala reappeared the other night when she sparred with Jake Tapper on CNN.

They need that Kamala.

For as much as they need/must keep Biden scripted and controlled - they need Kamala unscripted and angry. She’s so much better in that capacity.

I think she's just been downing expensive cocktails and phoning it in. Think about it from her perspective. She knows how bad Biden is, she knows his chances to win are slim to none, and she knows the actual string pullers in DC know it too. And yet they still rolled out dead ass Biden instead of pivoting to her. She's probably pissed and honestly rightfully so.

Not that I or anyone wants her, she would be a disaster, but she's better than a corpse. Her own party basically said, no, you really aren't.
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Why would it be too late now? Biden still has over 6 months, irrespective of the election outcome.

> the dems could support the rebs in their impeachment efforts but at that point they have been complicit in holding the Bidens under law... .both parties
> the cabinet or congress could start the 25th process if he is not mentality fit for this duties, again questions of being complicit would probably come into play i.e. coup

There is nothing stopping them from moving forward. Matter of fact, the longer they wait it sounds like they are using these processes to remove him via coup.

Trump had Jared running middle east policy and Ivanka arguing with Melania over who was the "first lady" of the WH. Not a word from his supporters. Now Hunter supposedly shows up at a couple meetings and MAGA is throwing a hissy fit. Typical.
Maybe Biden is taking a few pages out of Trumps playbook.
Maybe in the next couple of weeks he'll start declaring if he loses in November it must be due to a rigged election, and then have Kamala refuse to certify in January.
Can't he do this now that the Supreme Court has turned the office of the presidency into a monarch??

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