It's classic Deion, and he's got us all right where he wants us. Half secretly hate him; half secretly admire him; and the other half take a wait and see approach. Math ain't my strong suit, but I just know I'm on to something here.
World-class athlete; world-class personality; successful HBCU FB coach. Anyone remember the last time that resume got someone a P5 HC gig?
Yeah, me neither. And yet here he is, and here we are...right where he wants us. Advantage Sanders.
I think UC made a mistake here. They went for the flashy guy driving the Corvette, when they would be better served in the long term with the guy in a cowboy hat driving the F250. Deion also made a mistake. He should have went for, or waited on, a gig at a G5 school in the south(east), where his personality and skills would be best suited. He could have, and should have IMO, stayed at Jackson State until the right job opened up for him. And it almost certainly would have in the next 2 seasons. Imagine Deion at Memphis, or Troy, or USF, or UCF, or NC State, or Va Tech, or La Tech. Lord help us all if he ended up in Texas with that talent base. Deion is a very smart man. But he overplayed his hand, and he won't be in Colorado in four years. Hold me to that prediction.
Prime Time will flame out in Mountain Time. He should have waited on the job that matched both his personality, and his skill set. Nick should have told him that when they were filming commercials together.
Go Vols.