Yes after reading 64’s comments I wanted to go burn down my town. ( extreme sarcasm )
What unity do you seek pg? Forced unity doesn’t work. Holding something above someone’s head and saying if you don’t support us here is the consequences. That’s not unity, it’s exacting conformity under duress.
64 is correct in his synopsis of everyone is covering their butts right now and it’s apparent. For a chief to deny training that is used and documented in academy is covering his ass and the departments. The prosecution is covering their asses by bringing in coached witnesses that should never be on a stand and quadrupling down on expert testimony cause they just couldn’t get what they wanted with the initial autopsy and ME. You aren’t necessarily getting the truth in a trial you are getting what is allowed in and plenty of theater.
GF Buddy that was in the car with him, not testifying and already acknowledged he will plead the fifth. Covering his own butt and/or not willing to testify about GF actions that day. It is his right.
When the rubber hits the road in these big trials everyone covers their buts because we live in a litigious society. Not sure how many years you have been on this earth, but that’s reality of all situations like this.