Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?……..lift weights? What’s your workout plan?

Good luck. Chicago is supposed to be pretty fast and flat as well. Will report back
The late great Kelvin Kiptum teaches us that amazing things are possible at that race.

Best of luck to you. Qualifying for a major is a bucket list item for me.
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Bike ride: 21.45 miles, 929’ elevation gain, 1:32 riding time. Spent a lot of time in my lower gears practicing a higher cadence. The objective is to reset my muscle memory at the higher cadence. It can be maddeningly slow at times.
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Did an hour in the pool.
It a short pool but 2 flat walls made a nice swim lane.
I am not in swimming shape. It’s just a different animal
After jumping off the stern of the boat into the cold Tyrhennian sea, I realized that I’m in swim to save my life shape. That’s about it. Used to swim fairly well. While in college, I took turns towing a sunfish sailboat 1/2 mile to shore when the wind died.
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I learned a long time ago that fat people who are active outlive skinny people who are sedentary. Here is another way of motivating yourself...research suggests 1 minute of exercise adds 5 minutes to your if you add 41 minutes of exercise a day over 40 years, you add 5.5 years to your life (and of course the quality is better all along the way).

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